Title: Kid Writing Program Evaluation PSDC Conference 2006
1Kid Writing Program Evaluation PSDC Conference
- Mifflin County School District
- In collaboration with the
- Tuscarora Intermediate Unit 11
2Project Inception
- Requested by Mifflin County District Office
Administration - Specifically, Mr. Runk and Dr. Czerniakowski
expressed interest in the development of an IU
Program Evaluation Model during the summer
administrative retreat, 2004.
3Program Background
- In late August, Dr. Czerniakowski met with
Dr.Tracy Hinish from the TIU office to develop
the timeline for implementation. At that time,
Highland Park Elementary, because of its size and
diversity, was identified as the school for the
study. It was determined that Kid Writing
should be the topic of discussion.
4Planning Meeting
- On October 20, 2004, an initial planning meeting
of the core team members was held at Highland
Park Elementary. - Goals for the project were determined.
- Questions for exploration were listed.
5Core Team Members
- Dr. John Czerniakowski
- Dr. Joe Maginnis
- Dr. Linda Mohler
- Robert Shinskie
- Deb Coble
- Amber Elsesser
- Sharon Grassmyer
- Dottie Peiffer
- Rita Weber
- Beth White
- Tracy Hinish
6Additional Members during 05-06
- Kristin Fisher, first grade teacher who replaced
Sharon Grassmyer - Dr. Ken Albaugh, consultant for TIU 11
7Questions for Exploration
- How has Kid Writing affected older students?
8Questions for Exploration
- What grade
- specific guidelines/
- benchmarks could serve as expectations?
9Questions for Exploration
- How should writing prompts for PSSA preparation
be incorporated with Kid Writing?
10Questions for Exploration
- What role do literacy coaches play in Kid
11Questions for Exploration
- How should we report progress for Kid Writing?
12Questions for Exploration
- What reading benefits do students gain as a
result of Kid Writing?
13Questions for Exploration
- How are other districts using Kid Writing?
14Questions for Exploration
- What are reasonable daily time expectations for
Kid Writing?
15Questions for Exploration
- How has students writing skills and reading
abilities improved as a result of Kid Writing?
16Data Collected
- Longitudinal PSSA data
- Imagination Station
17Data Collected
- Teacher perceptions as per team interview on
March 22, 2005 - Student artifacts/portfolios
18Title I Reading/Literacy Coaches
- In December 2005, Title I Reading/Literacy
Coaches were invited to participate. - Cynthia Smith
- Jennifer Knode
19Perceptions Data Summary
- Reading impact
- Many kindergarten children are reading by the end
of K and most identify words. - Enjoy writing and reading
- K Guided Reading Level D
- More connectedness between reading, writing,
speaking, listening
20Reading Impact
- Easier transfers of authors purpose to writing
(using all caps for loud speaking) - Confidence with writing
- Clear applications to notes, letters, cards,
notes to each other - Smoother grade level transition from kindergarten
to second grade
21Perceptions Data Summary
- Challenges
- Helpers/parents volunteers are necessary for
kindergarten classes. It would be helpful in
other grades as well. - It is beneficial for the literacy coaches to be
involved. This helps a lot. - Children with speech difficulties have trouble
hearing initial sounds. - Children who have not had exposure to print or
writing implements have extreme difficulty.
22Perceptions Data Summary
- Curriculum Challenges
- All grade level curriculum is more rigorous as a
result of Kid Writing. - There are more opportunities for extended
activities at all grade levels due to higher
level of sophistication.
23Additional Challenges
- Children who move into the district and have had
no Kid Writing experience have difficulty. - Getting students to write to a more sophisticated
level of detail presents challenges. - First year of implementation presented
uncertainties for the teachers.
24Perceptions Data Summary
- Second Grade more rigor in spelling.
- Maintenance issues for first grade are already
25Perceptions Data Summary
- Grading Issues
- Portfolios
- Rubrics
- Developmental Checklists
26General Classroom Observations
- Helpers beneficial in all grade levels
- Literacy coaches beneficial in all grades
- Complete student engagement
- One to one teacher/student contact
- Peer tutors
- Routines established
- Learning centers/stations and other activities
are required for classroom management issues once
students finish assignments
27Classroom Observations
- Student enthusiasm
- Text rich environment
- Positive interactions
- Vocabulary development
- Peer models
- Use of resources for writing
- Problem solving What do you do when you get to
a word you dont know how to spell?
28Classroom Observations
- Handwriting integrated
- Co-teaching with Title I Reading/Literacy Coaches
- Get to every child, every day
- Portfolios allow to see growth
- Better parent communication
- Applications of decoding skills
- Individuality
29Portfolio Observations
- Teacher/adult editing
- Interest surveys completed with parents
- Word lists
- Student writing
- Evidence of the use of conventions as students
progressed through the grade levels - Expanded vocabulary
30Portfolio Observations
- Combination of fiction and non-fiction writings
- Evidence of mapping and Venn Diagrams
312005-06 School Year
- Developed guidelines and benchmarks for Kid
Writing at Kindergarten, first, and second grade - Benchmarks for beginning, middle, and end of
school year by grade level. Includes skills and
expectations for average achievement. - Guidelines include classroom management tips and
student writing samples for K, 1st, and 2nd
grades - Comparison of third grade PSSA data with control
group and experimental group
322005-06 School Year continued
- Networking of TIU member districts who are using
Kid Writing - Continued Professional Development
- District visits
- Writers workshop
33PSSA Reading Data Collection Tool
PSSA Performance - Reading
34PSSA Reading Data Collection Tool
35PSSA Reading Data Collection Tool
36PSSA MathData Collection Tool
PSSA Performance - Math
37PSSA MathData Collection Tool
38PSSA Math Data Collection Tool
40Contact Information
- Dr. John Czneriakowski, Assistant Superintendent,
Mifflin County SD - jjc31_at_mcsdk12.org
- Dr. Tracy Hinish, Assistant Executive Director,
Tuscarora Intermediate Unit 11 - thinish_at_tiu11.org
- Dr. Joe Maginnis, Principal,Highland Park
Elementary, Mifflin County SD - jpm45_at_mcsdk12.org