- Part 1
2Improved Intent Manager
- Terminology
- Entity, origin, constraint, reference, relation,
parameter, weak dimension, strong dimension,
conflict, etc. (Pro/E text pgs. 7 - 12) - Will learn on a need to know basis.
- Entity any element of the section geometry, such
as, line, arc, circle, etc. - Vertex (vertices) point, endpoint
- Origin starting point
- For example, in a new part file sketch this is
the intersection of the horizontal, frontal and
profile planes. One plane will be displayed
parallel to the screen (frontal), while the other
two will appear as edge views (horizontal and
profile). - X0, Y0, Z0 (0,0,0)
3Screen Layout in Part File Mode
Do Not Maximize need room for dialog boxes
Pull down menus
Sketching icons
Roll over
Model Tree Navigation Area
Sketching (Drawing) area
Dashboard Message Area
Selection Filter
One-line Help
4Sketch in Part File Mode
- Creating a sketch in a part file, File New
Part , allows the modeler to sketch a
2-dimensional cross section of the object and
then add a third dimension by extruding,
revolving, etc.
52-D Sketch Only
- A sketch may be created 2-dimensionally, File
New Sketch, which means a the modeler may NOT
add a third dimension. - To learn how to sketch, trim/extend, drag, add
and delete constraints and dimensions we will
start with the 2-dimensional sketch mode only. - Advantages
- We dont have to decide which plane to sketch on.
- We dont have to worry about where to start the
sketch (origin). - If we accidentally draw a line on top of a line,
leave a gap between two lines, etc., we can save
the sketch and come back to it later. If we tried
to extrude with these errors, we would not be
able to extrude the sketch until all errors were
corrected. - Disadvantage
- Only one sketch may be open at a time.
6Improved Intent Manager
- Inside Sketcher
- Select appropriate sketching icon.
- Move mouse to where entity will start/end and
click mouse left mouse button, repeat until
finished with drawing that type of entity - When finished sketching, select the Select icon.
(Shortcut select the middle mouse button) - Watch for hints and/or instructions
- Roll over (or message line)
- Prompt line
7Sketching Icons
- Line object, line 2 tangent, or center line
- Click, release, move (or drag), click, etc.
- Select icon or middle mouse button to end
- Rectangle
- Click (corner), drag/move, release, click
(diagonal corner) - Circle circle, concentric circle, circle 3pt,
circle 3 tangent, ellipse - Circle click (center of circle), drag/move,
click (point on circle) - Concentric circle (share same center point)
select existing circle, drag/move, release, click
(point on new circle)
8Sketching Icons contd.
- Arcs tangent 3 pts, concentric,
center/endpoints, 3 tangents, conic - 3pts. or tangent select starting and ending
endpoints, select point on line. If the arc is to
be tangent, what for tangent relation symbol (T). - Concentric arcs(share same center point) select
existing arc, drag/move, release, click (point on
new arc) - Center/endpoints arc click (center of arc),
drag/move, click (starting point of arc),
drag/move, click (ending point of arc). - Fillets and Rounds
- Select two entities
- Demo (For practice turn off dimensions and
9Sketching Icons contd.
Any other sketcher icon selected, i.e., circle
X at end of cursor
Select Icon selected
It is more important to understand how to use
each command than to sketch a real shape
- Start a new sketch file.
- File New Sketch type in the file name
Practice1) - Using your Sketcher Tools web print out, try
all sketching icons, especially line, rectangle,
and circle. - Watch constraints (condition defining the
geometry of the entity, such as, horizontal,
vertical, perpendicular, etc.) - When are they added?
- What do the symbols mean?
- To close a sketch and start over.
- Select the Continue icon.
- Start a new sketch, increase the number behind
the file name one number. I.e., Practice2
11Deleting Entities
- Select Select icon (Shortcut
Middle Mouse button) - Several ways to select entity(ies) or
constraint(s) - Click on entity or constraint
- Use the Shift key to select multiple entities
- Window entities (entity must be entirely inside
box) - Select Edit Select All
- Select one of two methods
- Press Delete key
- Right mouse button select Delete
- Repaint screen icon (Shortcut
CTRL-R) - Cleans up screen clutter
- Practice deleting entities
- If a sketch is open, close it
- Start a new sketch (File New Sketch type
in a file name) - Draw different entities
- Practice deleting them one at a time and multiple
12Right Mouse Click Options
- Two Sets of Commands
- Top portion editing, manipulations selection
- Bottom portion creation commands
- Not available in rubber band mode
13Right Mouse Click Options contd.
- Factors to Consider
- What command is currently invoked
- What kind of entity is selected
- What is currently pre-highlighted
Select mode, blank drawing area
Select mode, sketch started
Line mode, blank drawing area
Line mode, sketch started
14Right Mouse Click Options contd
Select icon only
Entity selected
Dimension selected
- If a sketch is open, close it.
- Start a new sketch file.
- File New Sketch type in the file name
Practice) - Sketch multiple lines, rectangles, circles, etc.
- Practice right mouse selections.
- Practice deleting single and multiple entities.
- Close the sketch.
16Entity Colors
- Wildfire
- Entities will be yellow
- When the cursor is near the entities will turn
light blue - When selected will be red
- Colors may be adjusted to your liking.
17Display Endpoints
18Selecting Entities
If the cursor is moved near an endpoint, or
vertex, of a line or the center of a circle the
endpoint or center will turn light blue. After it
is selected it will turn red.
If the cursor is moved near an entity, such as a
line or a circle, the entity will turn light
blue. After it is selected it will turn red.
19Drag Entities
- Dragging entities
- Select Select icon
- Select Edit Move
- Select, click and hold, entity or vertex, drag,
release - Use the CTRL key to select several entities at
once. - Practice on
- Lines
- Select somewhere along the line and drag
- Select somewhere an endpoint and drag
- Circles and arcs
- Select center point and drag
- Select on circle/arc and drag
- etc.
20Trim and Extend Entities
- Dynamically trim
- Deletes entity(ies).
- Trim/extend
- Trims/extends both lines, creating a sharp
corner. - Select keeper side of lines.
- Divide
- Breaks the entity where selected.
- Additional choices outside of Improved Intent
21Divide Breaks the entity where selected.
22Trim/Extend Trims/extends two lines
First Selection
Second Selection
Two Lines
23Dynamic Trim Deletes entity(ies)
First Selection
Two Intersecting Lines
24Dynamic Trim contd.
Drag endpoint past the line it will be trimmed to
Dynamic Trim the end of line to be deleted
25Dynamic Trim contd.
26Trim Circle Method 1 Dynamic Trim
27Trim Circle Method 1 Dynamic Trim
28Trim Circle Method 2 Divide Delete
Select appropriate entity and press the delete key
- Dragging entities
- Trim and Extend entities
- Break entities
- Extremely important
- Understanding how drag, trim, extend and break
works, along with performing them correctly, will
save you time and a lot of stress when we start
extruding our sketches.