Title: Muon Capture Rates for Double Beta Decay
1Muon Capture Rates for Double Beta
2n?2p 2? 2? (Dirac) 2n?2p 2? 0?
3Probability of the 2?0? - decay
4(No Transcript)
6Ordinary Muon Capture (OMC)
- Electron Capture
- e- (A,Z) ? (A, Z-1) ?e
- Q
me ? 0.5 MeV - Muon Capture
- ?- (A,Z) ? (A, Z-1) ??
- Q m?
? 100 MeV
95.8 -enriched Is available
9Nuclei candidates for measurement
- 2?-decaying nuclei 48Ca,
150Nd, 96Zr, 100Mo, 82Se, 116Cd, 106Cd, 130Te,
136Xe, 136Ce, 76Ge, - Enriched targets availability
- (not available today) 100Ru
- (probably) 82Kr, 130Xe
- (sure) 48Ti, 76Se, 106Cd, 116Sn, 150Sm
11Spectra measured with 48Ti target
12 Muon Life Time in 48Ti
370 keV
1297 keV
808 keV
767 keV
780 keV
Total ?-Capture Rates
48Ca 5992 ns
40Ca 3622 ns
48Ti 3601 ns
14Partial OMC rates in 48Ti target
- it is not the case for the 76Se, 106Cd,
116Sn and 150Sm targets
16Spectra measured with 76Se target
17Failures and mistakes
- Detection system was optimized only for light
targets. For the heavier we need - Lower energy region (smaller Ge-detectors)
- Better timing (suppress µX-rays)
- Better E-resolution (instead of regular RF)
- Hot summer.
- We did not take enough care about temperature and
voltage stability (separate feeding of
acquisition electronics)
18We would like
- 2004 remeasure 76Se, 106Cd, 116Sn with the
above improvements (1 week per target)
- 2005 82Kr (µE4 special gas target)
19MEDEX2003 Workshop
- Nuclear wave functions involved in ?? and OMC
are the same. - But operators not exactly.
- To clarify their role, theorists asked us to
measure PCR for any light easy-calculatable
nucleus. - 12C ? (? Significant disagreement)
20(No Transcript)
21 ? -spectrum in 12C(?,? n)11B
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23?-lines observed with 76Se target
24Beam-time required in 2004 (?E1)
- 1 week SetUp
- 1 week 76Se (for 2? of 76Ge)
- 1 week 106Cd (for 2K of 106Cd)
- 1 week 116Sn (for 2? of 116Cd)
- 2 weeks 12C (C4H10?)