Title: Career theory - Organisational Perspectives
1Career theory - Organisational Perspectives
- The Individual the Organisation
- Scheins theory of Organisational Career
- The Psychological Contract Model of the Career
Management system - psychological contracting
- identity process theory
- Women, careers and the work/family interface
- Minority group careers
- Future directions
3Schein (1971)Theory of the Organisational Career
- The organisational career is about how
individuals move through an organisation. - Individuals (micro-level) Organisation
(macro-level) - Career denotes a decision making process
regarding who to move, when, how and at what
speed. - The Self is conceptualised as socially
constructed - an actor whose behaviour/roles are
influenced by the socio-cultural demands of the
organisation. - Analysis of organisational careers uses concepts
of - structural variables (the stable elements of the
organisation) - process variables (org. indvl via
socialisation indvl org. via innovation)
4Scheins Structural Variables
- Individuals move along 3 dimensions, movement
controlled by boundaries - Hierarchical boundaries (vertical levels)
- Inclusion boundaries (centrality)
- Functional boundaries (dept, functional gp)
- Types of movement
- Vertical (across hierarchical boundaries)
- Radical (across inclusion boundaries)
- Circumferential (across functional boundaries)
5Scheins Process Variables
- Career Movement is a repetitive process, each
incorporating 3 broad stages - Learning/Socialisation (N.B. Organisational
subcultures) - Performance
- Obsolescence or Learning New Skills
- Career sequence of boundary passages
- Sources of career problems relate to boundary
movements - i.e.
- career movement is in one direction (i.e.
lateral) - inability to gain acceptance, thus centrality to
new group - sub-culture norms are incompatible with the
6Scheins Career Process hypotheses
- Organisational socialisation will occur primarily
in connection with the passage through
hierarchical and inclusion boundaries, efforts at
education and training will occur primarily with
passage through functional boundaries - Innovation (the individual's influence on the
org.) will occur in the middle of a given stage
of the career, at a maximum distance from past or
future boundary passage - The process of socialisation (the orgs influence
on the individual) will be more prevalent in
early stages of the org career innovation more
prevalent in later stages - although it is
possible both will be present in all stages - Socialisation will involve the unstable social
selves, innovation will involve the stable social
selves - Changes in stable social selves from
socialisation will occur under coercive
7Evaluation of Scheins model
- Useful heuristic for understanding the
reciprocity of influence between the individual
and the organisation - Raises the notion that pursuit of a career
requires self-reflection. - Perception of boundaries used as a basis for
research into glass ceiling, psychological
contracting etc. - Other, related organisational career theories
- Kanter (1989) Entrepreneurial Careers (new
values/org. capacity) - Gunz (1989) Routes through an organisation
- Assumes only one type of organisation (static,
hierarchical) - Socialisation is a one-way process
- Role Innovation Vs Organisational Innovation
- Is descriptive, not predictive, with regard to
8Psychological Contract Model of Career Management
(Herriot, 1992 Herriot Pemberton, 1996)
- Psychological Contract the beliefs and
expectations individuals hold about the nature of
the exchange relationship between themselves
and the organisation - Psychological Contracting the invisible glue
that binds individuals to the organisation over
time (Herriot, 1992) - Characteristics of a Psychological Contract
- They are generally implicit
- They undergo continual re-negotiation over time
- Organisational Career is the sequence of
renegotiations of the psychological contract
which the individual and organisation conduct
during the period of that individuals
employment - Psychological Contract is the key interfacing
concept between the individual and the
9Herriot (1992) Herriot Pemberton (1996)
- Changes in organisations (less hierarchical,
fewer jobs for life) has impacted upon the
contractual balance (i.e. benefits to individual
Vs. organisation) of the psychological contract
gtgtgt psychological deals - How can an organisation continually adapt to its
environment, yet maintain its central continuity? - Herriot (1992) suggests orgs should operate
within two overarching frameworks - Diversity of Values
- different career anchors, temporal changes in
values (life-stage, career stage) - Psychological Contracting
- Individuals and Organisations take each others
needs and viewpoints into consideration
10Herriot (1992) Herriot Pemberton (1996)
- How an organisation can manage employees
psychological contracts - career audits - expectations beliefs
- provide info. systems about internal vacancies
their requirements - career counselling (career anchors)
- work shadowing
- mentoring schemes (aid socialisation)
- development opportunities (nurturing expertise,
not just professional expertise) - systems geared to individual needs (part-time,
job share, career breaks, child-care, paternity
leave, secondments)
11Herriot (1992) Herriot Pemberton (1996)
- Conditions required for satisfactory
psychological contracting - full knowledge of terms conditions of
employment - accurate representation of the current
situation by both parties - neither party should be coerced or put under
duress - neither party should be expected to commit an
immoral act as a consequence of the contract - Successful psychological contracting gtgtgt impacts
on human resource strategy (active participation
and collaboration of ALL employees in support of
the strategic business plan)
12Women Careers
- Assumptions about Women Work in traditional
career literature - women are fundamentally different from men in
their interface with the workplace (Gallos,
1989) they do not pursue a career - Work and organisational life seen to be more
central to the male identity than females
(females priorities being non-economic i.e.
domestic) - Women interface with the workplace in a
transactional terms (short-term, supplementary
relationships to central domestic role) mens
interface is relational - There are differences between sexes in careers,
because men and women are intrinsically different
in their basic needs and interests (Bakan, 1966
Chodorow, 1978) - Women affiliative Vs Men upward
progression, status, power
13- rapid changes in educational policy - more women
are highly educated gtgtgt more women in
skilled/professional roles (Nicholson West,
1988) - blurring of boundaries between home and work
(teleworking) - blurring of traditional male and female
roles. - Smaller families, more labour saving household
devices gtgtgt reduced need for home-maker
14Research on Womens Careers
- Very little done!
- Women as honorary men Millward Brewerton
(in press) psychological contracts of full-time
female Vs male workers (5 orgs). Found females
were largely relational. - Women are more heterogeneous in employment
patterns and biographical profiles than men
(Hakim, 1996) - The extent to which work is the primary source of
identity for women may depend on the extent to
which they can reconcile needs with the masculine
nature of organisational responsibilities (David
Hearn, 1996) - Different kinds of jobs afford different
identities.... Tajfel (1978) Social Identity
Theory Individuals identify with groups and
organisations partly to enhance self-esteem gtgtgtgt
high profile women in male dominated professions
often develop attitudes, needs and values on a
par with male counterparts (Terborg, 1977).
15WorkFamily Interface
- WorkFamily interface critical to understanding
career (thus developmental perspectives on
career development also relevant) - Emphasis in early literature on (a) description
and (b) problem-focused (identifying adjustment
and interface difficulties) - Dual Career Families (Hall Hall, 1979)
- Where both partners in a relationship are in
pursuit of career development. Issue children! - Sequential Career - man continues, woman either
(a) stops pursing career, looks after children
(b) career break (c) pursues career after
children - Simultaneous Career - man and woman continue
careers and have children gtgtgt stress from
allocation of home tasks.
16Hall Hall (1980) Home Task Allocation Patterns
- Each party is highly involved in different
spheres (e.g. woman at home, man at work) - Each party is highly involved in their own career
without concern for perfection in the home domain
(e.g. employ nannies, cleaners) - Each party is highly involved in their own
career, and wants the other person to do more at
home - Each party is highly involved in both home and
work - Benefits of Dual Careers (Rosin, 1990)
- Greater financial security
- Children have role models of both sexes
- Men - alternative source of success and
satisfaction outside of work - Share experiences with partner similar
career/life stages - NB. Redefine career success
17Minority Group Careers
- Thomas Alderfer, 1989 very little research,
as minority groups excluded from
managerial/professional careers (focus of
traditional careers literature) - Organisations are not meritocracies (Tharenou,
1997) - Wells Jennings (1983) processes by which
minority employees are prevented from attaining
higher org levels - white entitlement - mgmt insistence of right to
control resource allocation, perpetuating
privilege. - scandalous paradox - minority employee who
achieves is seen as scandalous achievements are
illegitimate - legitimist impulse - status anxiety and fear of
mgmt that their rightful position is being
undermined. - Small amount of research conducted focuses almost
exclusively on Black Americans.
18The Future...
- Both objective and subjective faces of career
are essential to its analysis subjective
increasingly more relevant - Objective notions of career still predominate
perceptions of career success, but alternatives
are being contemplated - Increasingly flexible, fluid org structures allow
more opportunity for employees to make their
own career. But, increased autonomy and personal
responsibility for careers are coupled with less
security - Need for further interdisciplinary research into
the concept of career career development (i.e.
sociology, economics..) - Need for further research on women, minority
groups, non-managerial/non-professional careers.
19Additional References
- Davidson, M.J. (1997). The Black and Ethnic
Minority Woman Manager Cracking the concrete
ceiling. Paul Chapman Publishing, London.
658.409089 - Haslett, B., Geis, F.L., Carter, M.R. (1996). The
Organizational Woman Power and paradox. Ablex
Publishing Corporation, New Jersey. 658.406082 - Mayo, A. (1991) Managing Careers Strategies for
organizations. IPM, London 658.312