Title: ACTs College Readiness System
1- ACTs College Readiness System
- Helping students prepare for high
- school and transitions after high school
2 How Do EXPLORE, PLAN and ACT Measure College
- Curriculum-based achievement tests
- English, math, reading, science
- Optional Writing Test (ACT)
- Aligned to state standards
- Include a Career Interest Inventory
- Provide information to help students plan
for future education and work - Used for admission and course placement (ACT)
- Norm and criterion referenced
- College Readiness Standards and Benchmarks
- Same Score Scale
3- Grades 8/9
- Middle school baseline - 1-25 score scale
- English/Math/Reading/Science
- approx. 2.5 hrs test time
- non-test sections 45 minutes
- predicts PLAN score
- test window fall or spring
- includes all materials standard reports
4- Noncognitive Components
- Student Information Section
- Needs Assessment
- Plans and Background
- Career Interest Inventory
- Local Supplemental Items
Administrators Handbook Pages 11-12
5Curriculum Blueprint for EXPLORE
EXPLORE English Test (30
minutes) Contents/skills Number of
items Punctuation 6 Grammar and
Usage 8 Sentence Structure
11 Usage/Mechanics Subtotal
25 Strategy 5 Organization 5 Style 5 Rheto
rical Skills Subtotal 15 Total
EXPLORE Mathematics Test (30
minutes) Content Number of
items Pre-Algebra 10 Elementary Algebra
9 Geometry
7 Statistics/Probability
4 Total 30
EXPLORE Science Test (30 minutes) Content/Fo
rmats Number of items The content areas of the
test are Biology Earth/Space Sciences, Chemistry
and Physics. The content is distributed across 3
formats Data Representation 12 Research
Summaries 10 Conflicting Viewpoints
6 Total 28
EXPLORE Reading Test (30 minutes) Type of
reading selections Number of items Prose
Fiction 10 Humanities 10 Social
Sciences 10 Total 30
6- PLAN - Grade 10
- midpoint - score scale 1-32
- curriculum-based tests science, math, English
reading - career planning component
- needs assessment
- predicts ACT score
- PLAN EOS (for college recruitment)
- approx. 3 hrs total test time
- non-test sections 70 min.
- flexible, in-school testing
- test window anytime (fall best)
- includes all materials reports
- PLAN scores can also predict AP success
7Curriculum Blueprint for PLAN
PLAN English Test (30 minutes) Contents/sk
ills Number of items Punctuation 7 Grammar and
Usage 9 Sentence Structure
14 Usage/Mechanics Subtotal 30 Strategy 6 Organ
ization 7 Style 7 Rhetorical Skills
Subtotal 20 Total 50
PLAN Mathematics Test (40 minutes) Content
Number of items Pre-Algebra
14 Elementary Algebra 8 Pre-Alg/Algebra
Subtotal 22 Coordinate Geometry 7 Plane
Geometry 11 Geometry
Subtotal 18 Total 40
PLAN Science Test (25 minutes) Content/Forma
ts Number of items The content areas of the test
are Biology Earth/Space Sciences, Chemistry and
Physics. The content is distributed across 3
formats Data Representation 10 Research
Summaries 14 Conflicting Viewpoints 6 Total 30
PLAN Reading Test (20 minutes) Type of
reading selections Number of items Prose
Fiction 8 Humanities 9 Social
Sciences 8 Total 25
8College Readiness Benchmark Scores
The ACT Benchmark Score indicates a 50 chance
of obtaining a B or a 75 chance of obtaining a
C in corresponding credit-bearing college
9Interpreting EXPLORE
- Provide Its Your Future to each student
- What are my academic strengths and areas needing
improvement? - What are my plans and goals for high school and
beyond? - Am I on target for college?
- Have students highlight their College Readiness
Standards and what they are ready to learn next - Match plans for after high school with EXPLORE
high school coursework plans - Note College Readiness Benchmarks
- Compare career interest inventory results with
students Career Area Preferences - Keep possible careers in mind when planning
courses - Use Career Exploration with EXPLORE
- Student-led interpretive session
10Administrators Handbook Page 13Its Your
Future Page 2
11Administrators Handbook Page 15Its Your
Future Page 4
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13Administrators Handbook Page 19 Its Your
Future Page 6
Career Options
World-of-Work Map
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37 - Resources for Families
- Free publications
- Family Firsts
- Get Set for College
- Parent Newsletter
- Make HS Count
- Web and Podcast Student Blogs
- explorestudent.org