Title: Japanese American Internment
1Japanese American Internment
In 1941
There were approximately 125,000 people of
Japanese decent living in the U.S. (mostly on the
West Coast)
Issei- immigrants that were born in Japan
Nisei- born in the United States full citizens
Nisei accounted for 2/3 of Japanese Americans
2Loyalty Questioned
After the Pearl Harbor attack, some Americans
began to call for the removal of Americans of
Japanese decent
Prejudices had existed for a long time- Pearl
Harbor attack and thought of sedition now
provided a justification
Feared spying or sabotage
Attacked in newspapers, stereotyped.
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4Executive Order 9066
February 19, 1942 President Roosevelt passed
this order that suspended the civil rights of
Japanese Americans and allowed for their
relocation and internment (imprisonment)
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7Camp map
8War Relocation Authority
Managed the 10 internment camps
Including Poston, AZ and Gila River, AZ
- Japanese Americans received one week notice to
abandon everything before being transported to a
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11Even though.
Japanese Americans are serving in the U.S.
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13Life at the camps
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15Racial Animosity vs. National Security
Groups protested the internment, saying it was a
violation of Japanese Americans civil rights
Constitutionality of internment was upheld
based on national security
Korematsu v. U.S. (1944)
1988- U.S. Congress voted on reparations and
formal apologies
Last camp finally closed in March 1946