The Cult of Scientology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Cult of Scientology


In the five decades since the founding of the first Church of Scientology in ... why he felt so upset and misunderstood about his family or people or situations... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Cult of Scientology

The Cult of Scientology
  • Est. 1954

  • In the five decades since the founding of the
    first Church of Scientology in 1954, Scientology
    has become the fastest-growing religion in the
  • Today, its scope extends across 156 countries,
    with 4,500 churches, missions and groups serving
    millions of parishioners in 53 languages.
  • From Los Angeles to Tokyo to London, our churches
    introduce more than 600,000 people each year to
    the breakthrough discoveries L. Ron Hubbard made
    on the spirit and life, not taking into account
    the hundreds of thousands helped through the
    social betterment activities and community

Can all these Celebrities be Wrong?
Slogan ads on TV (Nashville)
  • Were all looking for it...some of us have been
    looking our whole lives... Some think that they
    can buy it... Wear it... Some travel the world in
    search of it... most dont know what theyre
    looking for ... But we all feel it, that aching
    desire, that unexplainable emptiness that can
    only be filled with one thing... The Truth...
    Scientology know yourself, know life

Ephesians 51-14 NASB
  • 51 Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved
  • 2 and walk in love, just as Christ also loved
    you, and gave Himself up for us, an offering and
    a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.
  • 3 But do not let immorality or any impurity or
    greed even be named among you, as is proper among
  • 4 and there must be no filthiness and silly
    talk, or coarse jesting, which are not fitting,
    but rather giving of thanks.

  • 5 For this you know with certainty, that no
    immoral or impure person or covetous man, who is
    an idolater, has an inheritance in the kingdom of
    Christ and God.
  • 6 Let no one deceive you with empty words, for
    because of these things the wrath of God comes
    upon the sons of disobedience.

  • 7 Therefore do not be partakers with them
  • 8 for you were formerly darkness, but now you
    are light in the Lord walk as children of light
  • 9 (for the fruit of the light consists in all
    goodness and righteousness and truth),
  • 10 trying to learn what is pleasing to the Lord.
  • 11 And do not participate in the unfruitful
    deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them

  • 12 for it is disgraceful even to speak of the
    things which are done by them in secret.
  • 13 But all things become visible when they are
    exposed by the light, for everything that becomes
    visible is light.
  • 14 For this reason it says, "Awake, sleeper, And
    arise from the dead, And Christ will shine on
  • 15 Therefore be careful how you walk, not as
    unwise men, but as wise,

Christianity vs. Scientology
  • The Truth will set you free

Allegedly said at a Sci-fi Convention
  • Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a
    man really wanted to make a million dollars, the
    best way would be to start his own religion
  • L. Ron Hubbard

Dianetics A Modern Science of Mental Health
  • Published May 1950
  • Promoted by publishing 3 Large segments in the
    periodical Astounding Science Fiction May 1950,
    Oct. 1950, Jan 1951
  • After a few months sold 55,000 copies with 750
    groups started nationwide.
  • After one year claimed 150,000 readers and

(No Transcript)
What is Dianetics?(dia through nous - soul
  • Dianetics is a set of ideas and practices
    regarding the relationship between mind and body
    that were developed by science fiction author L.
    Ron Hubbard.
  • Hubbard believed most mental and physical
    problems are caused by traumatic memories (which
    he called "engrams") that are stored in the
    unconscious mindin his terminology, the
    "reactive mind."
  • The goal of Dianetics is to become rid (or
    "cleared") of this portion of one's mind. Once at
    this state of "Clear," according to Hubbard, an
    individual becomes able to function at his or her
    full potential.

  • In his subsequent book Dianetics The Modern
    Science of Mental Health (also 1950), Hubbard
    presented Dianetics as a revolutionary and
    scientifically developed alternative to
    conventional psychotherapy and psychiatry,
    claiming that it could increase intelligence,
    eliminate unwanted emotions and alleviate a wide
    range of illnesses he regarded as psychosomatic.

Main Points from their WEB site Introduction
  • Man is an immortal, spiritual being. His
    experience extends well beyond a single lifetime.
    His capabilities are unlimited, even if not
    presently realized and those capabilities can
    be realized. He is able to not only solve his own
    problems, accomplish his goals and gain lasting
    happiness, but also achieve new, higher states of
    awareness and ability.
  • In Scientology no one is asked to accept anything
    as belief or on faith. That which is true for you
    is what you have observed to be true. An
    individual discovers for himself that Scientology
    works by personally applying its principles and
    observing or experiencing results.

The Parts of Man
  • Man consists of three parts. The first of these
    is the spirit, called in Scientology the thetan
    (from the Greek letter theta, meaning "thought"
    or "spirit"), which is the individual himself.
  • The second of these parts is the mind. The thetan
    uses his mind as a communication and control
    system between himself and his environment.
  • The third of these parts is the body. The body is
    not the person.
  • The most important of the three parts of man is
    the thetan, which is the spirit, or you.

The Dynamics of Existence
  • The basic command followed by all life,
    "Survive!" is subdivided into eight dynamics
    (dynamic meaning urge, drive or impulse).
  • 8th Dynamic INFINITY, also commonly called God,
    the Supreme Being or Creator.

  • 7th Dynamic SPIRITUAL dynamic anything
    spiritual with or without identity, life source.
  • 6th Dynamic PHYSICAL UNIVERSE with its four
    components of matter, energy, space and time.
  • 5th Dynamic LIFE FORMS including all plant and
    animal life.
  • 4th Dynamic MANKIND as a species.
  • 3rd Dynamic GROUP SURVIVAL whether friends, a
    club, company, nation or race.

  • 2nd Dynamic FAMILY and children and all other
  • 1st Dynamic SELF the individual, including his
    body, mind and immediate possessions.
  • Through Scientology, a person realizes that his
    life and influence extend far beyond himself. By
    understanding each of these dynamics and their
    relationship, one to the other, he is able to do
    so, and thus increase survival on all of these

ARC Triangle
  • A principle of considerable importance in
    Scientology, and one that greatly assists
    interpersonal relationships, is that of affinity,
    reality and communication. The three form an
    interdependent triangle and add up to

Tone Scale
  • 40.0 Serenity of Beingness 30.0 Postulates 22.0
    Games 20.0 Action 8.0 Exhilaration 6.0
    Aesthetics 4.0 Enthusiasm 3.5 Cheerfulness 3.3
    Strong Interest 3.0 Conservatism 2.9 Mild
    Interest 2.8 Contented 2.6 Disinterested 2.5
    Boredom 2.4 Monotony 2.0 Antagonism 1.9
    Hostility 1.8 Pain 1.5 Anger 1.4 Hate 1.3

1.2 No Sympathy 1.15 Unexpressed Resentment 1.1
Covert Hostility 1.02 Anxiety 1.0 Fear 0.98
Despair 0.96 Terror 0.94 Numb 0.9 Sympathy
0.8 Propitiation 0.5 Grief 0.375 Making Amends
0.3 Undeserving 0.2 Self-Abasement 0.1 Victim
0.07 Hopeless 0.05 Apathy 0.03 Useless 0.01
Dying 0.0 Body Death
  • By using Scientology, one may best be moved up to
    the higher tones and thus increased competence,
    self-esteem, honesty, well-being, happiness and
    other desirable attributes.

  • The central practice of Dianetics is "auditing",
    in which a "pre-clear" (usually with the
    assistance of a counselor called an "auditor")
    attempts to confront the engrams in his reactive
    mind, thus treating the wide variety of
    conditions that they cause.

  • Auditing frequently employs a device called an
    E-meter, which measures the electrical resistance
    of the human body and which followers of Hubbard
    claim "measures the spiritual state or change of
    state of a person".

The States of Existence
  • Communication - He who can truly communicate to
    others is a higher being who builds new worlds.
  • Problems - The being who can recognize the actual
    source of problems and so see them vanish is too
    rare to be easily comprehended. When a being can
    do this make problems vanish with a glance he
    certainly is no longer "man."

The States of Existence
  • Relief - The secret was that one is connecting
    oneself to what he abhors. To be able to easily
    bring relief to oneself and others ...
  • Freedom - Man is chained to the upsets in his
    past. He has never understood why he felt so
    upset and misunderstood about his family or
    people or situations... Freedom from the upsets
    of the past with the ability to face the future

The States of Existence
  • Ability - When one moves out of fixed conditions,
    he can experience a huge resurgence in the
    ability to choose, partake in and enjoy new
  • Power - One can, in Scientology, acquire the
    ability to stably handle power.
  • Clear - Here is a being who has forever
    vanquished his own reactive mind, the source of
    mans misery. He has a very high degree of
    personal integrity and honesty, and is a living
    proof that man is basically good. His own basic
    beingness returns and his own personality

Ultimate Condition
  • Operating Thetan - "Operating" in this context
    means "able to act and handle things" and a
    "thetan" is the spiritual being that is the basic
    self. "Thetan" is coined from the Greek word
    "Theta" which means thought or life or the
    spirit. An Operating Thetan then is an individual
    who could operate totally independently of his
    body whether or not he had one or didn't have
    one. He's now himself and is not dependent on the
    universe around him.

Some Basic tenets from the book
  • Mankind is basically good
  • The basic instinct for all people is survival
  • Mans environmental conditions and painful
    experiences result in failure.
  • If man changes his circumstances and eliminates
    pain, then his condition improves
  • 2 important factors then are avoiding pain and
    gaining pleasure

Here is how they say it works
  • The analytical mind works perfectly
  • The reactive mind works on stimulus/response
  • Something bad happens and the reaction creates an
    image or engram that will then follow up your
  • So you must remove these thus becoming clear
    and then able to live by the analytic mind again.

  • A cleared Thetan is able to control the MEST
    (Matter, energy, Space and Time) or the physical
    universe as we know it.
  • They will first need to climb through the 15
    levels of OT or operating Thetan to learn to
    live apart from their body to do this
  • Jesus they say was just a little above a clear
    state not an Operating Thetan (God)

  • They Build Church buildings
  • Ministers often where a black clergy robe with a
    white collar and a 3 inch cross hanging from the
  • They use the title reverend

  • They use the cross as an important Symbol, only
    they add 4 sunburst points to it. It has nothing
    to do with Jesus or Christianity

Their scriptures
  • The bible is a byproduct of Hindu scriptures

Their theology
  • God or Gods may exist but the individual must
    decide for himself

Their view of Jesus
  • Christ is a legend that preexisted earth-life on
    other planets and was implanted into humans on
    earth. Jesus was just a shade above clear and
    was no greater than Buddha or Moses.

Their view of man
  • Man is basically good and in his evolution, he
    will finally become godlike being known as homo

Their view of salvation
  • Reincarnation sufficiently explains mans
    existence, but Scientology is the freedom from
  • This comes through the help of Auditors and the
    use of E-meters.
  • These courses are expensivea 1990 Los Angeles
    Times article estimated that to go from the
    initial free test to the Operating Thetan 8 level
    costs between 200,000 and 400,000.

Theres a Difference!
  • Scientology accepts reincarnation Christianity
    rejects it (Hebrews 927) and holds to the
    resurrection of the body (1 Corinthians 1550-57
    1 Thessalonians 413-18 Revelation 205, 13).
  • Scientology says man is basically good
    Christianity teaches that man is plagued by sin
    (Romans 512).
  • Scientology dismisses the reality of hell
    Christianity accepts it as the final destination
    of all who reject Jesus Christ (Revelation

  • Scientology rejects the divinity of Jesus Christ
    Christianity believes Jesus is absolute deity
    (John 11), the divine Messiah who is the unique
    only begotten Son of God and Savior of mankind
    (John 316 Titus 213, 14).
  • Scientology accepts occult out-of-body
    experiences Christianity condemns all forms of
    occultism (Deuteronomy 1810-12).

The Truth
  • Sin caused estrangement and enmity between God
    and man, Jesus Christ, through His sacrifice on
    the cross where He paid the penalty-price for
    mans sin, brought the grace-gift of eternal
    salvation to man, which included reconciliation
    (Colossians 120), peace (Romans 51), and the
    restoration of fellowship with God (Ephesians
  • All of this is totally free (Ephesians 28, 9
    Revelation 216) to anyone who will only exercise
    non-meritorious faith in Christ alone, unlike the
    huge expense of courses offered to those within
    Scientology who wish to be eventually delivered
    from themselves.
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