Title: 3rd Sunday of Advent
13rd Sunday of Advent Joy December 13, 2009
2CHOIR ANTHEM Veni Sancte Spiritus More Voices
75 (Holy Spirit, come to us)
/lighting of advent candle
3Lighting of the Third Advent Candle Joy
words from Gathering , a United Church Resource
for Worship Planners
/call to worship
One In the ancient desert, in our modern
wilderness, God is ever among us. Come as you
are All Let us worship and give thanks.
Please be seated
5Lord, Prepare Me to Be a Sanctuary Tune More
Voices 18 Words Music John W. Thompson and
Randy Scruggs 1982
/minute for social justice
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Minute for Social Justice
/prayer of unburdening
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Prayer of Unburdening
/assurance of grace
8Assurance of Grace
Love is the Touch Tune More Voices 89 Words
Alison M. Robertson 1998 Music John L. Bell
Please stand, as you are able
9The Mystery and the Majesty A Cantata by Joseph
M. Martin
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Prayers of the People and Lords Prayer
11Joy Shall come Tune Voices United 23 words
will be projected Words Israeli traditional
Music Israeli traditional arr. Darryl Nixon
1987 Please stand, as you are able
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Minute for Congregational Life
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Our offerings
14Please stand Doxology What Can I Do? Tune
More Voices 191 Words music Paul Rumbolt and
Michele McCartny 2005 Â
Dedication Prayer
15Joyful, Joyful We Adore You Tune Voices United
232 Words will be projected Words Henry van
Dyke 1907 Music Ludwig van Beethoven 1824,
adapt. by Edward Hodges 1864 Please
stand, as you are able
16Commissioning One Go out into the world amidst
the business of the season, the glitter of
lights, the crowded malls, and snow-covered
streets, to watch and listen for signs of Christ
coming among us.
/choir anthem
17Choir Anthem Advent Jubilation
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One May the Peace of Christ be with you All
and also with you.
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Sharing the Peace of Christ As you leave the
Sanctuary today, please greet one another with a
sign of Peace.