Title: Padhai
1Padhai - the way
March 2005
We are lucky to be alive
Lucky NOT to be involved in a war have
diseases be without food shelter
Most of us are lucky to have a comfortable
living (are within say, 0.5 of people world
We are in a position Where we could help others
fellow humans in need wherever they are
And Help we must ! In whatever way, possible
Money - Most common and easy way Monetary help
is available in plenty, these days Time Effort
Most projects need help in implementation,
monitoring, control and audit Will to HELP Any
method is a good method. One can help by money,
time, effort or just by spreading the word
The Tsunami Was an eye-opener Observed so much
devastation at close quarters
9Padhai - the way
Could do help a few Being in a position to
manage projects, can help a lot more !
The Cause
There are so many, who need help No dearth of
Time - Being still in business, my personal time
is not fully available Funds to sustain Most
projects run out of steam, for the lack of
Infrastructure - Basic office, administration,
accounting etc. is not a problem Global Network
Overwhelming help from world-over Voluntary help
Many Indians are keen to participate all we
need is a platform to bring them under Other NGOs
Any successful implementation of certain scale
is a joint effort of a few institutions
Whats our aim ? Work on REHAB Be
Long-term Facilitate Teach and Train (dont
FEED) Self-sustaining, over time
14What I can today do ?
- Create, Run and Monitor a Trust
- Channel help from world-over
- Select the right NGOs/Grass-root level
organizations - Plan and implement projects
- Raise funds from time to time
15Where I need help?
- Sustained help over a long-term
- Global networking
- Spreading awareness
- Helping in planning and direction for such a
16Padhai - the way
Today Out of Bangalore, Ramsoft offices
Focus on Karnataka, Tamil Nadu Ramesh, Raju,
Radhika and a host of volunteers 3 NGOs ready
to work with Anawim, CTD and Myrada Major
support from YOU FOLKS in Switzerland Other
funding from US and Australia Participation from
schools and other bodies
17Your interest
- Schooling
- Health care
- First projects are around these
There are needy everywhere But we are limited
to where we can administer such projects cruel,
but a reality ! Will try to overcome this in the
coming years
- ANAWIM discuss projects
- CTD discuss framework
20What can be taken up?
- Education in interior villages
- Micro-finance for DALIT women
- Health-care in remote villages
- Many other needs from Rotary to individual
claims to Mid-day Lunch schemes
What, then, is our motto ? Make a difference in
needy ones lives To directly choose and see that
a mission is accomplished
22What next ?
- Extent of participation
- Roles
- Funds near-term, long-term
- Projects
- Initiate work by March end ?
Ramesh Santhanam ramesh_at_ramsoftech.com