Title: Theory of Planned Behavior
1Theory of Planned Behavior
Example 3 Diet -Early Infant Feeding
Behavior Despite evidence-based recommendations
for BF and waiting to introduce solids to 4-6
mo Large disparities evident Q
how to identify modifiable individual behaviors
vs. factors at peer and larger societal levels?
Doer and non-doer approach to focus
groups/survey participants.
2Practical uses of TPB
Explanatory Theory How applicable is what we
know About BF to intro of solids?
Targeted Behavior Moms approach to early eating
3Introduction of Solids TPB
Concept Measured
Subjective norm - Family pressure
Perceived behavioral control/self-efficacy
Specific Items
- Knowledge about infant feeding? Benefits and barriers of AAP guideline adherence re solids?
- Did family encourage early solids?
Inferred from responses about adhering to AAP guidelines.
Horodynski et al, 2007 J Comm Health Nursing
4Initiation of BF TPB Measurement
Concept Measured
Subjective norm - Family support - Hospital support
Perceived behavioral control/self-efficacy
Specific Items
-Benefits and barriers to BF
-Did family encourage BF or bottle? -Did Lactation/peer educator? -Did doctor/nurse encourage BF?
- Could she overcome work/school or time barriers related to BF?
Khoury et al, 2005 J Womens Health
5Initiation of BF Results
Concept Measured
Subjective norm - Family support Hospital support -Peer support
Perceived behavioral control/self-efficacy
Results Amenable to Change
- BF perceived as embarrassing
-Many not counseled by nurse, MD, lactation expert or peer educator Many were encouraged by families to bottle feed
- Most believed they could overcome time- and work-demands
Khoury et al, 2005
6Follow-Up Social Marketing Program
- WIC Breastfeeding Promotion Project 10 states, 3
years - Product Strategy - BF behavior Special loving
bond - vs
bottle, which isnt the same! - Pricing Strategy - Reduce cost of perceived
embarrassment - and conflict with
active lifestyle or working - Placement Strategy - Homes, hospitals, social
sites - Promotion Strategy - Peer education, health
prof. training, - media,
direct advertising/marketing - EVALUATION increase in desired outcomes- 6-12 mo