Title: Tommy Mowles Technology Personal Action Plan
1Tommy MowlesTechnologyPersonal Action Plan
3Assess the level of Technology Implementation on
- Register teachers for the TAGLIT survey
- Analyze survey results and report to staff
- Observe classroom technology use by teachers and
5Meet with the Campus Technology Committee
- Present samples of student technology performance
benchmarks to be achieved at each grade level - Include examples of checklists and student
products used to measure and report progress - Have benchmarks established and ready for
implementation in the fall of 2003
7Encourage the staff to access, use and increase
their personal technology skills through -
8Ensuring that all professional staff have a
district e-mail account
9Using staff e-mail as the primary means of
communication on campus including weekly
bulletins, personal messages and district memos
10Including one Internet site on the weekly
bulletin related to instructional issues
12Provide additional campus resources for increased
technology access
- Purchase an additional laptop to be used as a
portable teaching/presentation center
- Purchase wireless access for the library and for
use with the portable teaching/presentation center
14Increase Personal Skill Levelby
- Preparing and presenting a PowerPoint
presentation outlining my technology personal
action plan