Information Technology Audit and Compliance Services – HCLLP - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Information Technology Audit and Compliance Services – HCLLP


Harshwal & Company LLP provide Information systems/ Information Technology Audit Services. Our IT Audit & Risk Advisory Services can help to protect your organization’s information systems, ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Information Technology Audit and Compliance Services – HCLLP

Welcome to Harshwal Company LLP
Information System Audit
Create a sustainable IT environment Harshwal
Company offers premier technical consulting,
cyber security and compliance solutions to
business across a variety of industries. We can
help you navigate the scope and complexity of
your specific audit and security assessment
needs, evaluate the IT utilization level of
existing infrastructure, and evaluate compliance
based on your unique business goals. The result
is a sustainable IT environment that can be
properly founded, implemented, and maintained now
and in the future.
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Paperless Audit
Why go paperless? One of the keys to optimizing
a production process is capturing information at
its root source. This means when data enters your
firm, it should already be in a digital format. A
paperless communication process reduces the risk
of clients vulnerable information getting leaked
or stolen. If you havent gone paperless yet,
Harshwal can help.
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Cloud Services
Why transition to Cloud? Making the move to
cloud services provide your organization with a
way to recover data and implement failover in the
event of a man-made or natural catastrophe. In an
age when breaking the encryption on a
password-protected file is easy, security should
be top of mind. Moving to the cloud can help
ensure that no sensitive client information can
be sent via email. Having cloud portals can also
lead to less paper, as providing a paper copy of
a document is no longer necessary.
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Cloud subordinate disaster recovery is a backup
and restore strategy that involves storing and
maintaining copies of electronic records in a
cloud computing environment as a security
measure. Our team can help implement this smart
strategy, every step of the way.
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Planned Annual IT Budgets
Have you planned your IT budget? Every firm must
have a strategic budget plan for every financial
year, and it should be updated and implemented at
the start of the financial year. If you havent
planned your IT budget yet, you absolutely should
and our experts can help get it done.
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Centralized Scanning
Can centralized scanning boost operations
speed? Absolutely. Centralized scanning will
process more paper faster than any other method,
because it is a dedicated resource. Centralized
scanners are also more robust, and are purposely
designed for higher scan volumes, which are
common with centralized scanning procedures. To
optimize scanning production, your administrative
personnel will need to be well trained on
document organization and have a work space where
employees can immediately review, organize, and
save the resource document.
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Data Backup
Is your data being backed up properly? Is your
organization data being backed up, verified and
stored on-site and off-site on a daily basis? It
should be. Best practices dictate that its
important that at least one person from each
department is knowledgeable on how to find and
restore a given file. We can help make sure that
all your media that is moved physically off-site
is encrypted, to be in compliance with state
cybersecurity laws or other regulations.
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Data Encryptions
Are your communications secure? In todays world
where much of our personal information and
financial transactions are processed via the
internet, data encryption is an essential element
for every business organization. Any time that
you send information across the internet, it can
be viewed by just about anyone that would want to
see it. Encryption is the process of changing
information in such a way as to make it
unreadable to third parties, so that its only
accessible to people with select knowledge
(usually referred to as a key) that allows them
to change the information back to its original,
readable form. Harshwal can help you make the
change to a more secure organization through data
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Cyber security
Is your organization secure from
cyber-threats? We live in an increasingly
networked world, from personal banking to
government infrastructure. Protecting those
networks is no longer optional. Cyber-risk is now
firmly at the top of the international agenda, as
high-profile breaches raise fears that hacker
attacks and other security failures could
endanger the global economy. Cyber security
refers to a range of concepts, including the
practice of protecting an organizations
information, networks, computers, and diverse
resources against attacks from hackers and other
malicious actors.
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Disaster Recovery Plan
Could you quickly recover from a disaster? To
effectively recover your IT operations from a
state of disaster, your organization must have an
impregnable disaster recovery plan. We partner
with clients to design and implement a disaster
recovery plan.
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Get a recover plan that includes
  • Site level redundancy
  • Device level redundancy
  • Link level redundancy
  • Storage level redundancy
  • Backup management
  • Virtual machine system snapshot
  • Replications System
  • Planned redundancy testing for each redundancy

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Remote Access Technology
Do your remote employees have access to the
resources they need? Harshwal Company helps
our clients create the appropriate remote access
server for your staff to improve their
productivity and flexibility, reduce their onsite
dependencies, and get the help that they need on
sick days or in unanticipated emergencies.
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Firm Procedures Manuals Management
Do you have well-managed documentation? In
todays business environment, your organization
should have a well-organized and periodically
updated retention policy. You should also have
document retention cycle and accountability for
cleaning out obsolete files. Harshwal can help
with these essential needs. In consulting on
firm procedures, well first consider the
assessment of document management tools and
procedures followed at a client site. A CPA firm
must have a document management tool to manage,
save, and secure data from any applicable source.
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IT Audits and Trainings
Do you have training for accounting, audit and IT
services? IT audits and trainings should be done
by an independent security consultant/network
investigator who will review firewall,
anti-virus, spam and physical security. Competent
cybersecurity plans will provide updates whenever
major changes are made to the firms
infrastructure, and mandate annual cybersecurity
training for all firm personnel. We can work with
your team to develop a state-of-the-art program.
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Infrastructure Assessments
Do you complete regular upgrades of core
software's and IT infrastructure? Assessment
should be done to standardize and evaluate the
purchase of new computers and operating systems
for firm stability, and verify all workstations
have adequate RAM for functionality such as
multiple monitors and particular enterprise
applications. We also provide substantiation of
the firms audit/ accounting applications
feasibility on the current and upcoming operating
system versions, and we identify and consult on
procedures to update software/applications
installed on organizations workstations and
servers. Updates should be scheduled on a
periodic basis.
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Why Choose Harshwal
  • Expert Assistance Identifies the proper actions
    to be implemented, eliminating inefficiencies and
    impractical methods or operations.
  • Superior Planning Facilitates the complete
    layout of the plan, by following what can
    realistically be achieved within a particular
  • Accounting System Management Suggests if any
    modifications are needed in the financial and
    accounting system.
  • Help You Achieve Business Goals Shows the
    ideally suited path to achieve a specific
    business goal in a very effective manner.
  • Suggest Effective DOs and DONTs Our
    Professionals suggest best suited DOs and DONTs,
    staying away from business complexities.

Contact Us Today!
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Contact Us For Expert Assistance
BAY AREA 7677 Oakport Street Suite 460 Oakland,
CA 94621 Phone 510-452-5051
NEW MEXICO 6739 Academy Road NE, Suite 130,
Albq, NM 87109 Phone 505-814-1201
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 16870 W. Bernardo Drive,
Suite 250, San Diego, CA 92127 Phone
Mail us
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Thanks for your interest in our Harshwal
Company LLP Information System Audit Services, we
will be pleased to help you our with your
business needs.
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