Title: Diapositiva 1
1Unconventional EP Agreements
A review to Governments different approaches to
maximize a Nations natural resources wealth
September 2007
2Governments basic needs
- Governments objective is to promote wealth and
progress to their citizens - They need to secure its budget to provide its
citizens with the required social services - They are responsible to maximize their countrys
natural resource value, generating employment and
benefits for their citizens. - Governments should look for formulas aligned with
its strategic plan, to promote investments and
competition, with or without the participation of
foreign companies, retaining control over the
exploitation of their resources, and modulating
Cos. profits.
3NOCs vs Private or IOCs Basic Needs
- NOCs needs
- NOCs need to maximize the income to their
Government as its shareholder, implementing
Government policy to discover, develop and
exploit the countrys hydrocarbon resources - NOCs must look for technical efficiency and
operational excellence, thus to extract maximum
value from their fields, applying Government
allocated funds to the most profitable projects - Private Co. or IOCs needs
- IOCs need a stable framework to perform the
necessary investments, competitive with other
projects and with a reasonable profitability for
its shareholders, balanced with the specific risk
of the project. - IOCs require flexibility within upstream
operations, with quick decision making to
optimize project's efficiency.
4Governments / NOCs - IOCs Agreements
- The Conventional Agreements
- Tax Royalties (USA, Canada, Australia, UK,
Russia, Argentina.) - PSA PSC (Nigeria, Algeria, Libya,
Angola, Indonesia....) - The Unconventional Agreements
- Islamic Republic of Iran Buy Back
- Venezuela Empresas Mixtas
- Mexico Multiple Services Contract
- Saudi Arabia NOC-IOC Joint Ventures
5Governments-IOCs Unconventional agreements
- IOC has the obligation to fully finance and
perform all activities relating to Exploration
and, in case of discovery, Development, but not
Exploitation - IOC bears 100 the exploration risk, and the
large investments related to development - IOC recover, in cash equivalence, past
investments with a remuneration fee as single
annual payments from field production, for 5-8
years. The amount is calculated to provide an
agreed IRR - IOC performs the development and transfers the
operation to NIOC for the production phase - Once transferred the operation to NIOC, in
principle, IOC has not any further involvement
with fields operations but still all
reimbursement of its past costs and remuneration
is pending
If sufficient production available, IOC insensitive to low oil price Results taken off IOCs hands, relying on good performance of NIOC in the field as operator and field manager
Do not drain companies resources for the entire life of the field IOC cannot book reserves
IOC short term view on the project
- At Government request, negotiations during 2005,
culminated in an agreement with the state-owned
company, PDVSA, to convert former 100 IOCs
operating concessions into mixed companies, with
a majority state participation. (Empresas
Mixtas). Production phase PDVSA 60 - IOC 40 - Type of contract Tax-Royalty
- For Exploration and Development, IOC supports
100 of the investment. NOCs enters exploitation
phase - For fields on production, IOC is remunerated
through dividends of the company given annually
to the shareholders of the Empresa Mixta
Full joint NOC-IOC operations through the life of the field IOC has minority participation for operational decisions
Aligns economical interests of NOC and IOC IOC maybe exposed to decisions made not always on the basis of the best economical interest of that project
IOC is able to book its equity share in term of reserves
- MSC contract is a unique contractual model
designed by Mexicos NOC to overcome the strong
restrictions within Mexico's constitution for IOC
investments in the upstream sector. - IOCs remuneration on investments relies on the
Civil Work Law, that rewards IOC with a
pre-specified tariff per work performed. - Only if gross income from the field is available
IOC gets remunerated - The essential issue on this contract is the
tariff applied which needs to cover the real cost
of the job plus some remuneration for the IOC
Full control on the development IOC cannot book reserves
If sufficient production, IOC insensitive to low gas prices Highly sensitive to fluctuations on cost if tariff is not adjusted
IOC cannot fully recover failed exploratory /appraisal wells
- IOC has a majority share within a joint venture
company with Saudi Aramco to operate concessions - NOC fully finance its share on the expenditures
both, within Exploration Development phases - IOC remuneration comes from the fields revenues
related to gas, with a variable tax on profits to
regulate and limit the project IRR - NOC guarantees gas purchase volumes and price
IOCs and NOCs interests aligned and share the risk of exploration phase Only gas and condensate. No right on associated oil
Long Term Project. 15-25 years Restrictions on the amount of production to be delivered to the domestic market
10Conclusions Advisors Experience
11Then, lets summarize Government/NOCs options
- NOCs carry out EP projects on its own
- The benefit of a second opinion
- The access to latest technology
- The improvements from other experiences world
wide - The efficiency of competition?
- NOCs contract Services Provider Cos. and
Advisors - Where is the profit for the Contractor?. The
monthly bill - Where is the profit for NOC?. Increase
reserves, decrease costs - The problem of different / colliding? objectives
- NOCs contract / joins IOCs
- The need to align NOCs-IOCs objectives. The
Contractual framework - Get a third opinion. Competition. Include 2-3 IOC
into each EP project
- Working for Repsol, the only IOC with signed
contracts within the largest world oil producing
countries, Sueñergy experts have long experience
in working successfully with the NOCs in the
development and production of oil and gas fields - Egypt. EGPC (Egypt NOC) and Repsol operated in
the 90s through Khalda Oil Company the oil and
gas fields in the Western Desert. - Libya. NOC and Repsol-YPF established and operate
today the blocks NC-115 and NC-186 in the Murzuq
Basin, jointly through Repsol Oil Operations,. - Algeria. Sonatrach, Repsol-YPF and Total have
created a Groupement to operate the
Tin-Fouye-Tabancourt gas field. - Iran. Repsol-YPF has two buy back contracts, one
related to onshore Mehr Block and the second for
two offshore Blocks within the Persian Gulf - Venezuela. PDVSA and Repsol have Petroquiriquire
and Quiriquire gas, Empresas Mixtas - Mexico. Repsol-YPF operates on behalf of Pemex
(Mexico) under a Service Contract for the
development and incremental gas production phase
for the Reynosa block, Burgos basin - Saudi Arabia. Saudi Aramco, Repsol-YPF and Eni
have EniRepSa,a Joint Operating Company exploring
the large Block C
13For a successful Governments/NOC-IOC marriage
- Confidence between NOC and IOC is imperative.
Clear and stable contractual agreements are
essential for a long term relationship. - Governments must understand and preserve IOCs
economical interests, always compatible with the
countrys development and production - Contracts proposed must have an attractive
economical alternative to promote investments in
EP projects in their countries. - IOCs have to assume the legal scenario in which
the contract is based, and within this framework,
perform the projects efficiently in order to
optimize results. - Flexibility, communication and dedication to the