Title: Failure Size Proportional Models
1Failure Size Proportional Models
- Zachariah and Rattihalli
- IEEE Trans on Reli
- June 2007
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3Q2 Failures of Voting
In van der Meulens article, he mentioned using
the diversity of software programs to improve
reliability. Assume that there are 3 programs
(Pa, Pb, Pc) that each have failure probabilities
of .2 Their failures sets (A,B,C) overlap such
that size of AB(where both Pa and Pb fail) is .5
of A and .5 of B. Pc is independent of A
and/or B. Find the probability of failure of a
voting system that uses these 3 programs.
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9Term Rewriting Rules
- Write Term Rewriting Rules that are true and
could be used to change the input values into
equivalent sets of input values. Justify that
these rules do produce diverse executions.
13Conclusions partition and random
17Partition Assumptions
19Remaining Lectures
- Tues, 12/4 Briand, A Critical Analysis of
Empirical Research in Software Testing - Thurs, 12/6 finish Briand, review for final
- Wed, 12/12 200-350 150 pts