Reliability and Failure Analysis of Electronic Components - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Reliability and Failure Analysis of Electronic Components


Reliability and Failure Analysis of Electronic Components By Dr. Charles Surya, ENC CD 636, 6220 Mechanism of Yield Loss in VLSI Cause for low ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Reliability and Failure Analysis of Electronic Components

Reliability and Failure Analysis of Electronic
  • By
  • Dr. Charles Surya, ENC
  • CD 636, 6220

  • For VLSI Circuits to be a useful and growing
    technology, 2 conditions must be satisfied
  • Can be produced in large quantities at low cost
  • Cats can perform their functions throughout their
    intended lifetime
  • To lower the cost of manufacturing, one must
    determine the optimal size of the IC.
  • The optimal size is a compromise between several
    competing considerations
  • Partitioning of the system
  • yield of good circuits
  • packaging and system assembly cost
  • reliability of complete system
  • Large number of ICs results in high yield and
    assembly cost
  • To arrive at an optimal division of the system,
    we must be able to predict the total system
    reliability as a function of the number of ICs
    of varying size

Mechanism of Yield Loss in VLSI
  • Cause for low yield falls into 3 basic
  • Parametric processing problems
  • CKT design problems
  • random point defects in circuits
  • Processing Effects
  • Often a wafer is divided into regions good chips
    and bad chips (Fig. 1 p. 614, Sze)
  • This is most likely due to processing effects
    such as
  • Variations in thickness of oxide or polysilicon
  • Variations in resistance of implanted layers
  • Variations in width of lithographically defined

  • Alignment of photomasks
  • e.g. PolySi gate lengths are shorter in thinner
    polySi regions than in thicker polySi regions.
    This may cause channel lengths to be too short
    and transistors cannot be turned off. This leads
    to excessive leakage current
  • Variations in thickness of deposited dielectric
    lead to variations in contact window size. This
    may lead to non-operative circuits if the
    circuits depend on having a low value of contact
  • Variations in the doping of implanted layers
    which also leads to variations in contact
  • Also, wafer may vary in size during processing in
    excess of 20ppm. Therefore a 125 mm wafer
    changes in size by 2.5mm. This may cause
    significant misalignment.

Circuit Sensitivities
  • Certain areas of a wafer have low device yield
    because the design of a ckt has failed to
    consider expected variations in device parameters
    and correlation between variations in different
  • Point Defects
  • A 3 ?m dust can cause a break in a metal
  • Si chunks may be knocked out of the wafer during
  • Isolated oxidation induced stacking fault may
    cause excessive leakage current
  • Modeling of Yield-loss Mechanisms
  • We need to model IC yield in terms of fundamental
    parameters independent of particular IC and
    characteristics of the process and processing
    line because
  • by accurately modeling the yield we can predict
    the cost and availability of future ckts

  • once yield-modeling parameters are known one can
    compare processing quality of different process
    lines and indicate where improvements are
  • IC yield is expressed as
  • YY0Y1(D0,A,?i)
  • 1-Y0 fraction of bad chips due to
    processing related effects
  • 1-Y1 remaining fraction of bad chips which
    is a function of density of point defects
  • A is the chip area
  • ?i is the parameter unique to different models of
    the yield
  • Y ratio of good chips to total number of chips
    per wafer
  • All models predict Y decreases monotonically as A
  • Yield modeling can identify those processes and
    mechanisms that limit yield of present IC
  • The process can then be improved or eliminated as

Uniform Density of Point Defects
  • In those areas where yield not degraded by either
    processing or ckt sensitivities, the remaining
    cause of chip failure is randomly distributed
    point defects (see See p. 617, 618)
  • A grid of 24 chip sites with 10 defects randomly
    distributed. In this example 16 of the 24 sites
    have 0 defects
  • Of the remaining sites 6 have 1 defect no site
    has more than 2 defects
  • The problem of determining the yield is identical
    to the problem of placing n balls in N cells and
    then calculating probability of a given cell
    containing k balls
  • P k (n!)/k!(n-k)! ? (1)/(Nn)(N-1) n-k
  • If N and n are both large n/M m remains finite
    and can be approximated as Pk e-mmk /k!
  • The probability that a chip contains no defects
    is Y1 P0 e-m
  • The probability a chip contains 1 defect is
  • P1 me-m

  • If the area of the chip is A, the total chip area
    in the useable part of a wafer is NA
  • The density of defects is n/NA D0
  • The average number of defects per chip, m, is m
    n/N D0 NA/N D0 A
  • Y1 P0 exp(-D0 A)
  • This Poisson estimation was used to predict yield
    in the early days in the manufacture process
  • The actual yield was found to be much larger than

Yield Enhancement using Redundant Circuitry
  • Many large MOS memory chips are designed with
    redundant circuitry, which can be switched to
    replace defective circuit elements
  • This is usually accomplished using fusible links
    which can be fused as needed using laser or other
  • The yield will then be modified as shown
  • Y1 P0 ?P1
  • P0 probability of chip containing no defects
  • P1 probability of chip containing 1 defect
  • ? probability of chip containing 1 defect and
    can be repaired by using a single redundant
  • Simple Non-uniform Distribution of D
  • Discrepancy between measured and predicted yield
    led to investigation of non-uniform distribution
    of D0 across a wafer

  • The yield can be expressed as
  • The yield is expressed as
  • Y ? exp(-DA) f(D) dD
  • f(D) is the normalized distribution of defect
  • ? f(D) dD 1
  • 3 different D0 are investigated
  • Delta function Y1 exp(-D0A)
  • Triangular Y2 1-exp(-D0A)/D0A2
  • Rectangular Y3 1-exp(-2D0A)/2D0A
  • for D0A gtgt 1 we find that
  • Y1 exp(-D0A)
  • Y2 1/(D0A)2
  • Y3 1/(2D0A)
  • Y3 is found to be most closely fit to the
    observed yield of large ICs
  • The above distributions do not have any physical
    basis, therefore more physically based
    distributions need to be investigated

Gamma Distribution
  • The Gamma distribution is more physical
  • f(D) 1/?(?)?(?) ?D ?-1 exp(-D/ ?)
  • ? and ? are 2 distribution parameters and ?(?)
    is the gamma function
  • Average density of defects ? ?
  • Variance of D ? ?2
  • Consequently Y4 1/(1SD0A)1/s
  • for s 0, Gamma function reduces to delta
    function and Y4 exp(-D0A)
  • Using different values of s, Gamma function is a
    good approximations of Y2 and Y3 over a wide
    range of D0A
  • Gamma yield functions can be used to represent a
    large variations in the shape of experimental
    yield vs area curve see Fig. 4 and 5 p. 621 and
    622 of Sze.
  • Each type of defect is characterized by
  • its mean defect density Dn0
  • shape factor of its distribution Sn

  • portion of total chip area An susceptible that
  • Using Gamma yield function
  • Yn 1/(1SnAnDn0)1/Sn
  • The overall yield is the product of the yield for
    each known type of defect
  • Y ? Yn for n1,2,.,N
  • For a mature process in a well controlled high
    yield line, all of the major yield-limiting
    defects have probably been controlled or
    eliminated. The yield is a product of many terms
    each approximately 1.
  • This means SnAnDn0 ltlt 1
  • ln Y ? -(1/Sn) ln(1SnAnDn0)
  • ln(1SnAnDn0) ? SnAnDn0
  • Thus lnY ? -AnDn0
  • Y exp(-? AnDn0)
  • D (1/A) ? AnDn0
  • Y exp(-AD)
  • Here An is the total chip area susceptible to the
    particular defect

Reliability Requirements for VLSI
  • It is instructive to consider examples of the
    effects of device failure
  • Early discrete solid state computer systems
    typically consisted of 105 transistors per system
  • If 1 device failure per month is set as the
    minimum acceptable condition then the failure
  • ? lt 1/(105 ? 720 hrs)
  • 14 ? 10-9 failure/device-hour
  • 1 FIT ? 1 failure/ 109 device-hour
  • The objective for the hypothetical system is for
    ? lt 14 FIT
  • Reliability Theory (Sze p. 627)
  • Useful mathematical description requires precise
    definition of the terms
  • Definitions
  • Reliability -- probability that an item will
    perform a required function under stated
    conditions for a stated period of time

  • For an IC the required function is generally
    defined by a test program for an automatic test
  • Often initial test programs are not complete and
    the ckts are not tested under all required
  • As new device failure modes are identified, the
    appropriate tests are included in later test
  • Stated Conditions -- comprise of the total
    physical environments, including mechanical,
    thermal, electrical .
  • Stated period of time -- the time during which
    satisfactory operation is required
  • Cumulative Distribution Function
  • If the device is operational at t 0. The
    probability that the device will fail at or
    before t is given by the function F(t)
  • F(t) 0 t lt 0
  • 0 ? F(t) ? F(t) 0 ? t ? t
  • F(t) 1 t ?

Reliability Function and Probability Density
  • The probability density function is
  • f(t) dF(t)/dt
  • The Cumulative distribution function is
  • F(t) ?0tf(x)dx
  • The reliability function is
  • R(t) ?t ? f (x)dx
  • Thus f(t) - dR(t)/dt

Failure Rate
  • In many applications the quantity of most concern
    is the instantaneous failure rate
  • This is often referred to as the hazard rate
  • Fraction of devices that were good at time t and
    that fail by t ? is given by
  • F(t ?) - F(t) R(t) - R(t ?)
  • The average failure rate during the time
    interval, ?, is
  • ?(t) average failure rate
  • 1/ ? R(t) - R(t ? )/R(t)
  • for ? 0
  • ?(t) - 1/R(t) dR(t)/dt f(t)/R(t)
  • f(t)/1 - F(t)
  • - dln R(t)/dt
  • R(t) exp- ?0t ?(x) dx

Mean Time to Failure (MTTF)and Common
Distribution Functions (p. 630 Sze)
  • MTTF is a common measure of reliability
  • MTTF ?0? t f(t) dt
  • It is desirable to have a single mathematical
    model that represents the failure rate of devices
    over their entire lifetime
  • ?(t) generally varies as a function of time as
  • A. High early failures or Infant Mortality
    due to manufacturing defects
  • B. Midlife or Steady state period of low and
    generally constant failure rate
  • C. Final or wear out period

Exponential Distribution Function
  • The simplest distribution function, exponential,
    is characterized by a constant failure rate over
    the lifetime of the device. This is useful for
    representing a device in which all early failure
    mechanisms have been eliminated
  • ?(t) ?0
  • R(t) exp(- ?0t)
  • F(t) 1 - exp(- ?0t)
  • f(t) ?0exp(- ?0t)
  • MTTF ?0? t ?0exp(- ?0t) dt

Weibull Distribution
  • ?(t) varies as a power of the age of the device
  • ? (?/?)t?-1 where ? and ? are constants
  • For ? lt 1 the failure rate decreases with time
    and can be used to represent early failure
  • For ? 1, ?(t) is constant and can be used to
    represent steady state
  • For ? gt 1, ?(t) increases with time and can be
    used represent wearout condition
  • For ? 1, the failure rate is constant which is
    a special case of Weibull distribution
  • R(t) exp-(1/?)t?
  • f(t) (?/?) t?-1exp -(1/?)t?
  • MTTF ?1/? ?(11/?) where ? 1.

which is linear. The slope of the line is ?. The
MTTF is the time when F(t) 0.5
  • In some applications, a better fit can be
    obtained through the introduction of a 3rd
    parameter, ?, in which X t - ? is used to
    replace t in the above equations to represent
  • a shift by the amount of ? in the time axis
  • Physically this represents a portion of device
    lifetime is used up during manufacturing burn-in
    or device testing
  • Accelerated Testing
  • If the required failure rate is 100 FIT or
    less, then the time required to observe one
    failure in 100 devices is approximately 100,000
    hr (11.4 yrs)
  • Thus it is impossible to test the required
    reliability under normal operating conditions
  • This necessitates means to accelerate the
    mechanisms that cause devices to fail

  • 5 common stresses are used to accelerate device
  • temperature
  • voltage
  • current
  • temperature cycling to accelerate mechanical
    failure of chips and assembly package
  • In such studies, different failure mechanisms may
    be accelerated by different level of stress even
    for the same type of stress
  • A device may fail at normal operating conditions
    because of 2 completely different mechanisms
  • Under the applied stress, one of these failure
    modes may be accelerated much more than the other
  • Thus, we only see 1 failure mode in those tests
  • After successfully eliminating the mode we may
    only the failure rate by small factor under
    normal operating condition
  • Adequate studies must be done under normal
    operating conditions to satisfy that no failure
    mechanism remain that were not accelerated by the
    applied stress

Temperature Acceleration
  • Many failure mechanisms involve chemical or
    physical processes that can be accelerated by
    raising the temperature
  • Ea is the activation energy
  • If some parameter of IC changes as a function of
    time, and if the IC fails when the parameter
    exceeds certain value.
  • The Rates at two different temperatures are
    related as
  • The IC would fail when the destruction reaction
    proceeds to some value equal to the failure
  • R?tf constant
  • Thus a plot of ln(MTTF) versus 1/T, the slope
    will correspond to the activation energy

Voltage and Current Acceleration
  • Voltage and current are effective acceleration
  • Voltage stress cause failure in devices due to
  • dielectric breakdown
  • interface charge accumulation
  • charge injection
  • corrosion
  • Most studies indicate that the reaction rate, Rx,
    of the failure mechanism is proportional to a
    power of the applied voltage
  • where R0(T) if thermally activated
  • ? varies between 1 to 4.5
  • For dielectric breakdown, a different type of
    acceleration occurs
  • For a given field, a certain fraction of devices
    fail in a very short time, of the order of
  • Very few additional failure occurs as the field
    is maintained
  • If the applied field is increased, additional
    fraction failures occur

  • In such cases, operation at an increased voltage
    is more in the nature of screening rather than
    accelerating the failure mechanism
  • Increased current level is used to accelerate
    failures caused by electromigration in metallic
  • 1 lt ? lt 4
  • Stress-Dependent Activation Energy
  • ?(T) describes the temperature dependence of the
    reaction rate
  • For failure accelerated by voltage or current
    stressing, the activation energy is dependent on
    the applied bias
  • The Eyring model states that
  • where S applied stress

  • Q is related to the Arrhenius activation energy
  • SB is the breakdown stress, the value of the
    applied stress where failure of the device occurs
    essentially instantaneously
  • The reaction rate can also be expressed as
  • under conditions of low stress, R reduces to
  • At high stresses
  • From the above expressions Reaction Rate is a
    function of the applied stress, the effective
    activation energy will decrease with increased

Humidity-Temperature Acceleration
  • Presence of water vapor in the chip environment
    introduces a new variety of possible failure
  • Water vapor quickly permeates plastic packaging
  • 1. water vapor transports contaminants from
    surface of package through the plastic
  • The chip is then exposed to water vapor and
    various contaminants
  • 2. Diffusion of the contaminated water vapor
    through the passivation layer of the chip
  • This step can be speeded up if the passivation
    contains defects or cracks
  • The penetration of water vapor through the
    passivation layer determined the reaction rate
  • 3. Once water reaches the metallization level,
    electro-chemical corrosion process can occur
  • The ions needed for this corrosion process can
    arise from the contaminants which diffused
    through the passivation layer.

  • If the intermediate dielectric of the chip is a
    phosphorous-doped glass, the water vapor can
    extract the phosphorus from the dielectric
  • Electrochemical corrosion is a rapid process
    leading to metallization failure
  • This failure mechanism can be accelerated by
    increasing the partial pressure of water vapor in
    the environment

  • For mature products, the initial reliability
    studies would have identified and eliminated
    failure processes so that steady-state failure
    rate meets or exceeds design goal
  • However, the manufactured devices still show
    existence of continuing early failure
  • Generally, manufacturing defects cause the infant
    mortality failures e.g. pinholes, photoresist or
    etching defects resulting in near-opens or shorts
  • Contamination on the chip of the package,
    scratches, weak chips or wire bonds, partially
    cracked chips or packages
  • The purpose of the burn-in procedure is to
    operate the devices for some time during which
    most of the devices that are subject to
  • Infant mortality failure actually fail
  • The conditions during burn-in presumably
    accelerate the failure mechanisms that contribute
    to infant mortality failure
  • Studies of infant mortality under increased T
    conditions show that infant mortality have an
    activation energy of 0.37 to 0.42 eV

Properties of Metal-Oxide Silicon (MOS) System
  • To understand the MOS system the step is to
    derive the energy band diagram
  • We note that at thermal equilibrium the Fermi
    level is constant
  • The energy band diagram for a separated system is
    shown below

  • When connected the Fermi level will be constant.
    The Fermi level in Si depends on doping level of
    the Si
  • For Ei - Ef 0.29 eV the band diagram is shown

(No Transcript)
  • Strong inversion condition stipulates that q?P
  • Thus to turn an MOS into strong inversion -- a
    condition for the formation of a conduction
    channel or inversion layer under the gate, a
    minimum band bending of 2 q?P is required
  • The threshold voltage VT is then represented by
  • We can gain further insight into the MOS by
    realizing that it is basically a capacitor
  • The charges in the Si of the MOS system can be
    expressed as
  • The terms in the square brackets constitute the
    voltage drop across the oxide. Since part of the
    charges are associated with the dopants in the
    depletion layer, therefore free carrier
    concentration in the inversion layer is

  • The second term is the charge in the depletion
    layer VG here is the gate bias required to
    produce a band bending of 2?P and is therefore
    equivalent to the threshold voltage
  • The proof for the expression of charge in Si is

  • Where E is the electric field in Si
  • The total band bending in Si is
  • From Poissons equation we have
  • For xd xdmax we have ?s 2?p and
  • Charge is the Si layer is qNAxdmax, thus
  • The total charging voltage is
  • where

  • Substituting into the previous equation
  • From Poissons equation we obtain
  • Concentration of free carriers in the inversion
    layer is
  • Oxide and Interface Charges
  • Charges at Si-SiO2 interface and the oxide may
    influence the threshold voltage through the
    modifications of the flat-band voltage. If the
    density of charge at xx1. It induces an equal
    and opposite charges divided between silicon of
    the metal gate. The closer is x1 to xox (the
    Si-SiO2 interface), the greater will the fraction
    of induced charges at Si-SiO2 interface and the
    oxide may influence the threshold voltage through
    the modifications of the flat-band voltage. If
    the density of charge at xx1. It induces an
    equal and opposite charges divided between
    silicon of the metal gate. The closer is x1 to
    xox (the Si-SiO2 interface), the greater will the
    fraction of induced charge within the Si.
  • The induced charge changes the charge stored in
    the Si at equilibrium therefore it alters the
    flatband voltage.
  • The size of ?VFB can be found using Gauss law to
    obtain the value of the gate voltage that causes
    all of the oxide charge Qoxto be mirrored in the
    gate electrode.

  • Under this condition the field is constant
    between x 0 and x x1 and 0 for x gt x1.
  • For 0 lt x lt x1 we have the following
  • The result can be generalized to account for
    shift in VFB using an arbitrary charge
  • where ?(x) is the volume charge density at x
  • Origins of Oxide Charges
  • There are at least 4 distinct types of charges in
    the oxide-silicon system
  • Qf -- fixed interface charge density
  • Qot -- oxide trapped charge density
  • Qit -- interface trapped charge density
  • Qm -- mobile charge density

  • Qf is positive and is located within a very thin
    (1 - 2nm) laryer fo non-stoichiometric silicon
    oxide (SiOx)
  • Qot can be both positive and negative, typically
    predominantly negative. Located in traps
    distributed throughout the oxide layer.
    Distortion in the C-V curve is due to unstable
    charges at the interface.
  • The trapping sites Nit (cm-2) are located at the
    Si-SiO2 interface and have energy levels within
    the bandgap with density Dit cm-2eV-1
  • To relate behavior of these traps to the
    distorted C-VG, as shown in the following figure,
    consider an oxide-Si interface characterized by
    interface trapping levels at energy Es. The gate
    voltage causes the Fermi level at the surface to
    cross Es, the charge state of these levels will
    change. This introduces a voltage dependent
    term, Qit/Cox, into the equation for VFB above
    making both flatband and threshold voltages vary
    with VG that led to the distortion the C-V curve.
  • For Nit gt 1010cm-2 is generally unacceptable for
    reliable device design. Using modern MOS
    technology, Nit is reduced by annealing device in
    forming gas (90 N2 and 10 H2)

  • Mobile charge results from alkali-metal ions
    particularly sodium. They induce ?VFB.
  • The alkali ions have sufficient mobility when
    relatively low gate biases are applied. The
    mobility increases with temperature and thus
    magnifies the problem of VFB instability at high
    temperatures. The ions are positively charged,
    therefore -VG draws the ions to the metal-SiO2
    intrface where their effect is minimal. VG
    pushes them to the Si-SiO2 interface where their
    effects are most significant.
  • For voltage stability of 0.1V, less than
    2x1010cm-2 mobile ions can be tolerated. Mobile
    ions can be avoided by careful processing and
    oxidation in HCl that immobilizes alkali ions.
  • Hot Electron Degradation
  • The assessment and improvement of reliability on
    the CKT level should be based on both failure
    mode analysis and the basic understanding of the
    physical failure mechanisms.
  • Processes such as electromigration and
    electrostatic discharge cause catastrophic
    changes in device characteristics

  • Other mechanisms such as hot-electron effects
    cause non-catastrophic failures which develop
    gradually over time and change CKT performance
  • Scattering of Channel Hot-Electrons into the
  • In order for electrons to obtain enough kinetic
    energy to be injected into the oxide, it has to
  • gain K.E.
  • its momentum redirected towards the oxide through
    a quasi-elastic collision
  • following the collision, the electron must travel
    to S-SiO2 without further collision
  • These processes are statistically independent,
    the injection probability is obtained as the
    product of the probabilities of each event
  • MOSFET gate current is made up of electrons
    injected into the gate oxide by quasi-elastic
  • It consists of electrons that overcome the image
    potential well in the oxide and reach the gate

Hot Carrier Effects
  • Advances in VLSI is achieved through down scaling
    of device dimension such as channel length,
    junction depth and gate oxide thickness without
    proportional scaling of power supply voltage
  • Decrease in device dimensions results in
    significant increase of the horizontal and
    vertical electric fields in the channel region
  • Electrons or holes with high K.E. may be injected
    into the gate oxide, degrading I-V
    characteristics of MOSFETs.
  • This is one of the important factors that limits
    the maximum achievable device densities in VLSI
  • Hot-carrier damage results in
  • trapping of carriers on defect sites in the oxide
  • creation of interface states at Si-SiO2 interface
    leads to degradation in transconductance, shifts
    in threshold voltage and decrease in drain
    current capability.

Oxide degradation Mechanism in MOS system
  • Cause by injection of high-energy electrons and
    holes into the gate oxide near the drain
  • The damage is in the form of localized oxide
    charge-trapping and interface trap generation
  • Recent experimental evidence shows that
    hot-carrier related degradation can occur in
    deep-submicron devices with Leff 0.15?m
  • at drain voltage as low as 1.8V. Therefore hot
    electron degradation may occur even with
    significant reduction in drain voltage.
  • The continuing technology thrust must therefore
    accompanied by some limitations to ensure
    hot-electron reliability
  • Hot-carrier injection causes degradation in the
    transconductance, shift in threshold and decrease
    in sub-threshold drain current
  • There are many disagreement concerning the
    physical degradation mechanisms due to the lack
    of a reliable and sensitive techniuqe to evaluate
    hot-carrier damage at the interface. Moreover,
    hot-carrier induced oxide damage is very
    localized, the interpretation of the analysis is

Injection of Hot-Carriers into Gate Oxide
  • Hot-carriers are electrons and holes that have a
    much higher K.E. than average carrier population
  • Es in S.C. at equilibrium mostly have energy
    about kBT above EC. At equilibrium, K.E. of
    carriers that encounter large may gain
    significant K.E. in a short distance. Thus E- EC
    kBTe where Te is the effective electron
    temperature. There are 2 distinct modes of
    electrons injection in nMOS
  • Substrate hot-electron effect (SHE)
  • Channel hot-electron effect (CHE)
  • Substrate hot-electrons are derived from leakage
    current. Electrons generated in the channel
    depletion region or diffusing from the bulk
    neutral region of the substrate drift toward the
    Si-SiO2 interface and gain K.E. from the high
    field in the surface depletion region
  • The energetic electrons may overcome surface
    energy barrier and inject into the gate oxide.
  • Some of the injected electrons are trapped in the
    oxide, resulting in a relatively uniform oxide
    charge accumulation that shifts the threshold
    voltage over time.

  • The SHE is observed mainly in long-channel
    MOSFETs. As channel length decreases, SHE
    decreases since a large fraction of the
    hot-electrons generated in the substrate region
    are swept into the source and drain regions
    instead of the device surface
  • CHE is more pronounced at large VDS. Electrons
    reaching Si-SiO2 interface with large K.E. may
    surmount the energy barrier. Electrons and holes
    generated by impact ionization also contribute to
    charge injection into the oxide. Hot-electron
    current and oxide degradation occurs mainly at
    the drain end. From the figures, the increased
    density of equipotential lines leads to larger
    horizontal field. Hot-electrons and hot-holes
    can be injected into the oxide interface with the
    aid of the vertical field or with their K.E.
    energy alone.
  • Injected current density is
  • Where n(x,y) is the local electron concentration
    at (x,y)
  • pinj(x,y) is the spatial distribution of
    injection probability
  • pinj(x,y) depends on several events that provide
    the electron with a momentum directed towards the
    oxide interface and with a K.E. sufficient to
    overcome interface potential barrier.

  • Injection of hot carriers occurs mainly in a
    narrow injection zone at the drain end of the
    device where lateral field reaches maximum.
  • In log channel MOSFETs, the spatial extent of
    injection region and magnitude of electric fields
    near the drain are largely independent of the
    channel length, L.
  • For short channel devices, the heavier dopin or
    shallower junctions increase the electric fields
    in the drain region. Due to short channel
    effects the channel current entering the drain
    increases more rapidly than 1/L.
  • Thus, devices with smaller geometries will be
    more sensitive to hot-carrier related
  • Oxide degradation in the form of charge trapping
    which occurs in a short distance of about 0.1 ?m.
    However, a large percentage of the electrons
    entering the oxide are either scattered in the
    oxide and/or returned to Si substrate by the
    opposing field.
  • The charges that do not reach the gate electrode
    degrades the oxide by charge trapping and
    interface trap generation.

Impact Ionization by Hot-Electrons
  • In saturation region a high exists in the
    channel depletion region. Electrons will,
    therefore, be accelerated by the field. Some
    move horizontally and creates electron hole pairs
    (EHP) by impact ionization near the drain.
  • Impact ionization process creates an avalanche
    plasma consisting of generated EHP in the
    pinch-off region
  • The holes created are collected by the substrate
    constituting the drift component of the substrate
  • The drain current that contributes to impact
    ionization substrate current is a function of
    lateral electric field in pinch off region and
    VGS and L

  • Some electrons and holes in the avalanche plasma
    can gain sufficient K.E. to surmount Si-SiO2
    potential barrier and become injected into SiO2.
    Majority of the holes generated constitute
    substrate current of MOSFET. Therefore,
    substrate current is considered a reliable and
    convenient monitor of the amount of hot-carrier
    degradation in n-MOSFETs
  • To create EHP, hot-electrons must have K.E. gt
    (impact ionization energy). Thus
    is the distance the electrons must travel in
    to gain energy ?i.
  • The probability of an electron travelling a
    distance to gain the required K.E. or more is
  • where ? is hot-electron mean-free path. Since
    IDS is the total electron flow in the channel.
    Rate of supply of hot-electrons with K.E. gt ?i is
  • where C1 is a weak function of the max. channel
    field Em.

Oxide Traps and Charge Trapping
  • Concentration of oxide trapped charges and
    interface trapped charges are changed by capture
    of excess electrons or holes by existing traps in
    the oxide.
  • The oxide charge distribution can also be changed
    by impact release of the trapped electron or hole
    by a hot-carrier. The electron or hole traps in
    the gate oxide are mainly Si dangling bonds.
    The dangling bonds give rise to the electron and
    hole traps.
  • Interface Trap Concentration
  • Interface trapped charge arises from a.)
    structural, oxidation-induced defects b.) metal
    impurities c.) defects caused by radiation or
  • Unlike other trapped charges, interface trapped
    charges are in electrical communication with the
    underlying Si. Thus, influence of interface
    trapped charge on electrical characteristics of
    MOSFETs depends on its bias conditions.
  • Generation of new interface trap is the primary
    cause of degradation of MOSFETs. New traps
    generated by hot-electrons and hot-holes through

  • Si-Si and Si-O bonds
  • breaking of H bonds at interface, releasing H and
    leaving dangling Si- or O- bonds
  • H released by hot-carrier impact migrates towards
    Si-SiO2 interface and is then trapped by proton
  • Bias Dependence of Degradation Mechanism
  • Oxide degradation takes place by carrier trapping
    in oxide due to hot-electron carrier injection
    and interface trap creation
  • These are the two most significant degradation
    mechanism, but there is no clear consensus on
    their relative contribution Hot-carrier related
    device degradation reaches maximum when VGS
    VDS/2. This coincides with max. of substrate
    current, thus it is often linked to impact
  • When VTH shift is plotted as a function of gate
    voltage, the degradation exhibits 2 local maxima
  • First peak electron injection into SiO2 is max.
    resulting in charge trapping
  • Second peak at VGS VDS/2, corresponds to
    impact ionization of electrons and holes.

  • For VTH VDS/2, ?VTH(t) Atn where 0.5 lt n lt
  • A depends on ISUB, IDS and processing parameters
  • Effects of Hot-Carrier Damage on Device
  • Trapped charges in gate oxide influence surface
    potential and thus local flat band voltage
  • C-V measurement can be used to measure total
    amount of trapped charge in SiO2. Accumulating
    negative charge shifts the local VFB to positive
  • Influence of interface traps generated by
    hot-carriers depends on the instantaneous bias
    conditions. Since interface traps are in
    electrical communication with the underlying Si
    substrate, occupation of the traps depends on the
    Fermi level at the Si-SiO2 intface and energy
    distribution of interface traps and the physical
    nature of NiT (whether the trap is acceptor or
    donor type).
  • In n-MOS most generated NiT are acceptor type,
    mostly located at the drain end. Traps will
    start to be charged by electrons from substrate
    as the surface is biased from accumulation into
    weak inversion, ant then into strong inversion

  • Once all traps are filled, their influence is
    similar to fixed oxide charge, which is the case
    because for all practical purposed the device are
    in strong inversion
  • Surface mobility is decreased due to increased
    surface scattering
  • Significant reduction in ID in linear region
  • Less effect on ID in saturation region because
    once in saturation ID is governed by the channel
    region between the source and pinch off point
  • Asymmetry between forward and reverse I-V curves
    also due to localization of oxide damage near the
    drain end
  • as ?n decreases gm decreases
  • ID/ID0 decreases
  • ?VT increases
  • Radiation Induced Interface Traps
  • The major effect of ionization radiation on MOS
    devices is the generation of positive oxide
    charge resulting from hole-trapping at Si-SiO2

  • Radiation consists of high energy particle such
    as electrons, neutrons, protons and energetic
    x-ray and gamma ray
  • Photons with E gt EG of SiO2 can generate EHP.
    Some of the generated carriers recombine. Most
    are driven toward the electrode by the oxide
    field. Electrons rapidly drift toward the
    positive electrode and flow out of the circuit.
    Holes drift much more slowly towards negative
  • Once holes reach Si-SiO2 interface a fraction
    becomes trapped constituting the radiation
    induced positive oxide charge

Latchup in CMOS Circuits
  • CMOS (Complementary MOS) is a very important
    class of circuits in VLSI technology
  • Advantages of CMOS circuits includes low power,
    high speed logic circuits
  • In bulk CMOS CKTs both n- and p-channel MOSFETs
    exist side by side. This is achieved by starting
    with a Si wafer of one type and creating in it
    regions of the opposite type. In so doing, FETs
    are not the only structures fabricated, pnpn
    devices consisting of parasitic bipolar
    transistors are also created.

  • Under normal operation the circuit performs as an
    inverter and the bipolar portion can be ignored.
    However, if the bipolar circuit switches from its
    normally high impedance state to its low
    impedance state, the power supply sees a low
    impedance path to ground.
  • If the current from the supply is not limited
    somehow, there might be irreversible damages done
    to the circuit.
  • However, even if the circuit is protected, the
    pnpns low impedance state can still cause the
    circuit to malfunction.

Switching Mechanism (Streetman p. 401)
  • The operation of a CMOS circuit can be understood
    using a two-transistor analogy
  • Thus the parasitic bipolar transistors in a CMOS
    inverter can be viewed has two interconnected
  • Each BJT can be modeled by Ebers Moll model

  • The Ebers-Moll model uses the diode equations for
    the emitter and collector plus extra terms that
    provide coupling between the emitter and
  • For a forward biased diode, the excess carriers
  • Thus the emitter current is
  • Thus, IC and IE can be expressed as

Two-Transistor Analogy
  • The analysis of the 2-transistor analogy is given
  • where ?1,2 are the emitter-to-collector current
    transfer ratios for the transistors
  • However, the sum of ic1 and ic2 is the total
    current through the device. Thus,
  • As indicated in the above equations, as long as
    the sum, ?1 ?2, is small compared to unity, the
    current i is small at approximately the combined
    collector saturation currents of the 2 equivalent
    transistors. As ?1 ?2 approaches unity the
    current i increases rapidly. At this state both
    transistors become saturated and will remain in
    the low resistance state after the switching.

Variation of ? with Injection
  • Since the 2-transistor analogy implies that
    switching involves an increase in the ?1 and ?2
    to the point that ?1 ?2 becomes unity, it is
    important to understand how ?1 and ?2 depend on
    injection for a transistor.
  • ? is the product of the emitter injection
    efficiency, ?, and the base transport factor, B
  • At very low currents, ? is dominated by
    recombination in the transition region of the
    emitter junction
  • As the current increases, injection across the
    junction begins to dominate over the
    recombination. This leads to increase in B due
    to the saturation of recombination centers as
    excess carrier concentration becomes large.

Forward Blocking State
  • At this state the applied voltage is mainly
    across the reverse biased junction j2
  • j1 and j3 are forward biased but current remain
    small because holes are injected from p1 into n1.
  • If a hole recombines with an electron in n1 the
    electron must be replenished to maintain space
    charge neutrality.
  • The supply of electrons is very restricted
    because j2 is reverse biased.
  • As a result current through j1 is approximately
    the same as the reverse saturation current of j2.
    Similar arguments hold for current through j3.

Conducting State
  • As ?1 ?2 1, many holes injected at J1
    survive to be swept across j2 into p2.
    Similarly, electrons injected at j3 are collected
    at j2. This is regenerative because more
    electrons injected into n1 induces more holes
    injection across j1 to maintain neutrality.
  • When this happens depletion at j2 begins to
    shrink. Finally, j2 becomes forward biased.
  • The overall voltage across the devices
    approximates the potential drop across 1 forward
    biased pn junction.
  • The triggering of the junction is often caused
    by the breakdown of j2

Avoiding Latchup
  • Latchup can be avoided by incorporating guard
    structures in the circuits.
  • There are two types of guard structures
  • minority carrier guards
  • majority carrier guards
  • The guard structures are used to decouple the
    parasitic bipolar transistors from each other

Minority Guard
  • Minority carrier guards are used to collect
    injected minority carriers before they can cause
    a problem.
  • The minority carriers injected into the substrate
    could be collected by a reversed-biased
    well/substrate junction and flow through the well
    as majority carriers.

Majority Guard
  • The basic mechanism of a N majority guard ring
    in the well is to steer current away from the
    parasitic emitter.

Silicon on Insulator (SOI)
  • Devices fabricated on SOI substrates are
    fabricated by dielectric separation
  • At this point the most mature technology for
    manufacturing SOI substrates is Separation by
    IMplantation of OXygen (SIMOX)
  • In this technology heavy dosage of oxygen is
    implanted into Si wafer to obtain SiO2 with a
    layer of single crystalline Si on top
  • Separation of devices can therefore be
    accomplished by etching the Si layer through
  • Therefore there will not be any parasitic bipolar
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