Study of Evolutionary Game Theory - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Study of Evolutionary Game Theory


... how a population evolves over time ... General questions in GT and EGT. 1. t. Ratio of Group A. Ratio of Group C ... Individuals can only be programmed to play ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Study of Evolutionary Game Theory

Study of Evolutionary Game Theory
  • Introduction of game theory (GT)
  • Nash equilibrium
  • Mixed strategy Nash equilibrium
  • Evolutionary game theory (EGT)
  • Difference between GT and EGT
  • Evolutionary stable strategy
  • Replicator dynamics
  • Formalization of EGT
  • Dynamics in a single population
  • Dynamics in multiple populations

Introduction to Game Theory (GT)
  • The game theory is the model to describe
    decision-making in the game, which involves
    players, each of whom performs his behavior to
    gain payoff according to given conditions
  • The game theory answers the question, What is
    the best behavior to gain payoff when the result
    of a players decision is affected by other
    players decision involving in the game?
  • Behaviors a player can perform is called
  • The game is denoted as G (N, X, P)
  • N is the number of players
  • X Xi where Xi S1, , SM is a set of
    strategies for player i
  • M is the number of strategies
  • P Pi where Pi is a payoff matrix for player i
  • A payoff matrix specifies the amount of gain for
    players when they have decided their strategies

Type of Strategy
  • There are two types of strategies Pure and Mixed
  • Pure strategy
  • A player selects one of the strategies
  • Mixed strategy
  • A player selects the strategies according to the
    probabilistic distribution
  • X (x, 1-x) indicates mixed strategy, where a
    player selects S1 with probability x and S2 with
    probability 1-x
  • Note For different mixed strategy (which has
    different distribution), we can use Y (y, 1-y),
    which means that a player selects S1 with
    probability y and S2 with probability 1-y

Expected payoff
  • Expected payoff for the strategy
  • Pure strategy
  • U1(S1, S1) indicates payoff for player 1 when
    player 1 selects S1 and player 2 selects S1,
    which is aA
  • Similarly, U2(S1, S1) aB, U1(S1, S2) bA,
    U2(S1, S2) bA,
  • Mixed strategy
  • Ui(X, Y) indicates payoff for player i when
    player 1 use mixed strategy X and player 2 use
    mixed strategy Y
  • x y aA (1-y) bA (1-x) y cA
    (1-y) dA

Go back
Nash Equilibrium
  • Nash Equilibrium is a strategy pair that no
    player can increase his payoff by changing his
    strategy when the other players have decided
    their strategies
  • By using expected payoff
  • S is called as Nash Equilibrium if
  • For all i (players) and all m (strategies),
    Ui(S) gt Ui(Si, S-i)
  • where S is a strategy pair of players
  • Si is a strategy for player 1
  • S-i is a strategy for other players
  • Note Ui(S) is equal to Ui(Si, S-i)
  • There is no better strategy to increase payoff
    when the strategies for the other players are

Example of Nash Equilibrium
  • Chicken race game
  • 2 players game
  • A player drives a car toward a wall
  • If a player stops a car closer to the wall, then
    he wins
  • Strategy
  • S1 keep running until the other player stops
  • S2 stop driving a car before the other player
  • Player 1 plays
  • Player 2 plays
  • Payoff matrix shows scores a player can gain

Example of Nash Equilibrium
  • Now, player 1 wants to compute x, which maximizes
  • We can denote such x as x(y)
  • Find x (between 0 and 1)
  • which satisfy dU1/dx 0 ? 3/5 y 0 ? y
  • Similarly, player 2 wants to compute y(x),
    maximizes U2

Nash Equilibria
Evolutionary Game Theory (EGT)
  • Evolutionary game theory is a model to describe
    the dynamics of strategy change in the repeated
  • In EGT, we analyze how a population evolves over
  • EGT formalizes the evolution of population by
    using the concept of GT
  • A population indicates a set of multiple players
  • Each player has its own strategy
  • A set of players who play the same strategy is
    called a group
  • EGT assumes that the strategy, which a player
    performs, is pre-programmed before the game
  • E.g., Player1 plays Sa when timelt10 and Sb at
  • Player1 plays a different strategy of
    Player2 at time t-1
  • Player plays Sa with probability p and Sb
    with 1-p
  • At each play during a game, a player plays
    against another player randomly drawn in a
  • The opponent may be from the same group or
    different group
  • The winner will be replicated, and the loser will
    be dead (or, we can say the loser change its
    strategy to that of the winner)
  • Generally, it is assume that the replication rate
    is proportional to payoffs from the game

Differences between GT and EGT
  • GT
  • Focus on a single game play of a player vs. a
  • Observe how a player behaves (micro)
  • Evaluate the best rational strategy for a player
    in the game
  • Interested in the properties of stable state
  • e.g., Nash Equilibria
  • EGT
  • Focus on population, consisting of multiple
    players, and multiple plays of the repeated game
    among the players
  • Observe how population behave (macro)
  • Evaluate how the group (a set of players with the
    same strategy) shares the population over time
  • Interested in the dynamics of state change of
  • e.g., Replicator dynamics

General questions in GT and EGT
A player1 (from group A) plays against a player2
(from group B) What is the reasonable strategy
for player 1 to maximize his gain? How about the
strategy of the player 2?
A population consists of three types of players A
player plays against randomly selected player in
a population How a population share by groups
changes over time? Does it converge or not? Which
initial conditions conclude the equilibrium of
all groups?
Ratio of Group A
Ratio of Group B
Ratio of Group C
Key Concepts in EGT
  • Two key concepts in EGT
  • Evolutionary stable strategy (ESS) and Replicator
    dynamics (RD)
  • ESS is a strategy (group) which cannot be invaded
    by any alternative strategy (group) in a
    population over time
  • This is the refinement of Nash equilibrium for
  • Replicator dynamics specifies how population
    state changes over time
  • Population state indicates the population shares
    by different groups
  • A population state represents population shares
    by groups
  • A population state at time T is defined by the
    vector of the size of groups N1(T), N2(T), ,

Evolutionary Stable Strategy
  • An evolutionary stable strategy (ESS) is a
    strategy which cannot be invaded by any
    alternative strategy over time
  • Assume there are two groups of players in a
  • If the payoff of a group with alternative
    strategy is less than that of another group with
    a particular strategy, then the alternative
    strategy cannot be propagated into a population
    over time
  • Such the particular strategy is called ESS

Definition of ESS
  • Lets formalize ESS in the case that
  • A group A with strategy appears in a
    population together with a group B with strategy
  • The ratio of group A and group B is (1e, e)
  • Expected payoff for players of a group A
  • Expected payoff for players of a group B
  • Strategy is evolutionary stable if

Definition of ESS
  • Lets formalize ESS in the case that
  • A group A with strategy appears in a
    population together with a group B with strategy
  • The ratio of group A and group B is (1e, e)
  • When e? 0
  • When ,
  • ?
  • ?
  • therefore,

Replicator Dynamics (RD)
  • Replicator dynamics is a model to analyze the
    dynamics of population in a evolutionary game
  • A way to formalize how population evolve over
  • i.e. how population state changes over time
  • Replicator dynamics are represented as a set of
    differential equations
  • There are two types of Replicator dynamics in
    terms of interactions between individuals
  • Interactions among individuals in a same group
  • Interactions between individuals in different

RD in a single group
  • Again, a single group RD is a model to analyze
    how the population state (i.e., strategy
    distribution) change over time
  • Game involves N players
  • Two Strategies
  • At time t (generation)
  • The total number of players at time t
  • where Ni(t) of players with strategy si
  • The ratio of group i to the population size
  • The population state (i.e. strategy distribution)

RD in a single group
  • Rule of the game
  • of players at time t is proportional to the
    payoff gain at the previous generation at time
  • At time t1, of players with strategy ei (e1
    S1, e2 S2)
  • From

RD in a single group
On the other hand
Example of a single group RD
  • Consider how Beetle swarm evolves
  • There are two types (classes) of beetle Big and
  • Which Beetle will survive, or stable ?
  • Beetles are contesting a resource with a value 12
  • Strategy
  • S1 having Big body
  • S2 having Small body
  • Rule
  • Beetles with the same strategy share the resource
  • But, Big v.s. Big ? they get 5 (decline in value)
  • When one is S1 and the other is S2
  • The Big wins, but get 4 (because of fight)
  • Let x be the ratio of Big beetles to total of
  • By analyzing RD , Lets see which Beetle
    will survive

Example of a single group RD
  • Expected payoff
  • Replicator equation

Example of a single group RD
  • Three equilibria point at
  • Stability analysis
  • x0, (eq 3) -2 lt0 (stable)
  • x1, (eq 3) -5 lt0 (stable)
  • x2/7, (eq 3) 10/7 gt0 (unstable)
  • If Beetle swarm contains Big beetlesmore than
    2/7, then the Big beetles willoccupy swarm over

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Example of ESS
  • Hawk-Dove game
  • Animals are contesting a resource with value of v
  • Strategy
  • S1 aggressive strategy (hawk)
  • Escalate and continue to fight until injured or
    until the opponent retreats
  • S2 accommodating strategy (dove)
  • Display and retreat immediately if the opponent
  • Assumption under the conflict
  • When hawk meets, winning probability is 0.5
  • When the conflict occurs, the cost c has to be
  • When dove meets, retreating probability is 0.5
  • Payoff matrix
  • When they fight, they get (v-c)/2
  • When both avoid fighting, both get v/2
  • When one tries to fight but the other not, the
    winner gets v

Example of ESS
Calculation of the expected payoff
Example of ESS
Assume a group A with strategy S (v/c, 1-(v/c))
First condition
Expected payoff when an animal meets the animal
with different strategy
Second condition
SEES (v/c, 1-(v/c)) is evolutionary stable
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RD in a single group
  • Assume that at each time t (generation), of
    individuals constantly increase with natural
    birth rate B and decrease with natural death rate
  • ? Gain by natural birth, and dis loss by natural
  • At time t1, of individuals with strategy ei
  • From and

RD in a single group
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Example of EGT
  • Two players two strategies game
  • A player has two cards A and B
  • Players open one of the cards at the same time
  • They gain money written in the matrix according
    to the result of opened cards
  • In game theory (consider one time game)
  • A player tries to maximize his own gain (selfish
  • If both players select card B, then they both
    gain benefit
  • But, there is a risk to be betrayed (i.e. loosing
  • The state (A, A) is Nash equilibrium
  • It ends up no gaining
  • In evolutionary game theory (consider multiple
  • How can players maximize their benefit?
  • They may start to think about cooperation
    (altruistic player)
  • They can gain 100 every game if they cooperate
  • Is that really good strategy for both players?

Example of EGT
  • Assumption
  • Player 1 selects a card A with probability p
  • Player 2 selects a card B with probability q
  • Note this assumption is equivalent to Player 1
    selects a card A pN times during N game plays
  • Expected value of gain for each strategy
  • For player 1, E(1SA) q lu1 (1-q) ru1 4
  • E(1SB) q lb1 (1-q) rb1 1 2q
  • For player 2, E(2SA) p lu2 (1-p) lb2 4
  • E(2SB) p ru2 (1-p) rb2 1 2p
  • Expected value of gain for each player
  • For player 1, E(P1) p E(1SA) (1-p) E(1SB)
  • For player 2, E(P2) q E(1SA) (1-q) E(1SB)

Example of EGT
  • Expected value of gain for each player
  • For player 1, E(P1) p E(1SA) (1-p) E(1SB)
  • For player 2, E(P2) q E(1SA) (1-q) E(1SB)
  • A player tries to maximize his gain to control p
    or q
  • For player 1, find p that maximize E(P1)
  • -gt d E(P1) / dp 0
  • 0 E(1SA) E(1SB) q (lu1 lb1)
    (1-q) (ru1 rb1)
  • 0 q 3 (1 q) 1 4q ? q ¼
  • For player 2, find p that maximize E(P2)
  • -gt d E(P2) / dq 0
  • 0 E(2SA) E(2SB) p (lu2 lb2)
    (1-p) (ru2 rb2)
  • 0 p 3 (1 p) 1 4p ? p ¼

Mixed strategy Nash equilibrium
  • When players select card A with probability¼
    (card B with probability ¾), they both canget
    more gain than the strategy concludedby Nash
  • E(P1) E(P2) ¼ (¾ 4) ¾ (- ¼ ¾ 1)
  • This mixed strategy is better than cooperation
  • Mixed strategy Nash equilibrium is the
    equilibrium where a players mixed strategy
    yields the player as high expected payoff as any
    other mixed strategy of the player, given the
    mixed strategies of the other players.
  • We can call state(strategy(p, q)(¼, ¼)) as mixed
    strategy Nash equilibrium
  • Note there

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Replicator Dynamics
  • Mixed strategy x (x1, x2, , xn) is interpreted
    as population state, where each element xi is the
    share of individuals who play strategy i in a
  • Payoff represents fitness, the degree of
    survivability to the next play (e.g., next
    generation) in the game
  • Replicators are strategies, which can be copied
    from parent to child

The Replicator Dynamics Model
  • There are n pure strategies in the whole
    population. Individuals can only be programmed to
    play pure strategies.
  • A mixed strategy x (x1,x2,,xn) is interpreted
    as a population state, each component xi is the
    population share of individuals who play pure
    strategy i.
  • Payoff represents fitness (the number of
    offsprings), and each offspring inherits its
    single parents strategy.
  • Replicators are pure strategies, which can be
    copied without error from parent to child.
  • Reproduction takes place continuously over time.

Payoff in replicator dynamics
ei pure strategy i. xi population share of
pure strategy ei. (equivalent to a component of
mixed strategy x.) u(ei, x) expected payoff
(fitness) of strategy ei in a random match with a
random player when the population is in state
x(x1, , xn). (equivalent to payoff of strategy
ei against mixed strategy x.) u(x, x)
population expected payoff (fitness) is the
expected payoff to an individual drawn at random
from the population. (equivalent to the payoff of
mixed strategy x against mixed strategy x.)
Replicator Dynamics Model
  • xi population share of pure strategy i.
  • ei pure strategy i.
  • u(ei, x) expected payoff (fitness) of strategy
    i at a random match when the population is in
    state x(x1, , xn).
  • u(x, x) population expected payoff (fitness) is
    the expected payoff to an individual drawn at
    random from the population

Example replicator dynamics for a doubly
symmetric game
Fitness of strategy 1
Mixed strategy
Average population fitness
Stability Concepts in Nonlinear System
Nonlinear system with state variable
  • Lyapunov Stability a state x is stable or
    Lyapunov stable if no small perturbation of the
    state induces a movement away from x(x1,,xn).
  • no push away from x
  • Asymptotical Stability a state x is
    asymptotical stable if it is Lyapunov stable
    and all sufficiently small perturbations of the
    state induce a movement back toward x.

ESS and Replicator Dynamics
  • ESS x asymptotical stability of population
    state x.
  • proved by choosing a Lyapunov function, which is
    a relative-entropy function in this case.
  • converse may be not true.

Example Rock-Scissors-Paper (RSP) Game
  • Unique NE strategy x(1/3, 1/3, 1/3) is NOT ESS !
  • How about the Replicator Dynamics?

Example Rock-Scissors-Paper (RSP) Game
A is the payoff matrix of one player
Replicator Dynamics
Rock-Scissors-Paper (RSP) Game
NE strategy x(1/3, 1/3, 1/3), but not ESS NE
strategy is Lyapunov stable, but not
asymptotically stable
Replicator Dynamics
Start from any initial state, the system moves
forever along a closed curve!
Paper (x3)
Rock (x1)
Scissors (x2)
Evolutionary Game Theory and Computer Networking
  • An evolutionary game perspective to ALOHA with
    power control.
  • E. Altman, N. Bonneau, M. Debbah, and G. Caire.
    Proceedings of the 19th International Teletraffic
    Congress, 2005.
  • An evolutionary game-theoretic approach to
    congestion control.
  • D.S. Menasch a, D.R. Figueiredob, E. de Souza e
    Silvaa. Performance Evaluation 62 (2005)

Example of Replicator Equation
  • Zebra and Lions
  • Population of zebra and lion x and y
  • Birth rate dx / dt Z x and dy / dt L y
  • Z b a x R y
  • b Natural birth ratio
  • a Environmental factor
  • R ratio of hosyoku
  • L d S x
  • d natural birth ratio
  • S factor proportional to population of Zebra
  • dx/dt bx ax2 R x y
  • dy/dt d y S x y

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