Title: Class Wrapup
1Class Wrap-up
Richard Yang
- Homework 4
- Projects
- Class feedback
3Summary Three Major Challenges
- Wireless
- Mobility
- Portability
4Class Summary Wireless Networking 15/25
- Physical layer 4 classes
- wireless channel, diversity, spread-spectrum
- ISI, equalization, OFDM
- Link layer 5 classes
- TDMA/FDMA/CDMA/random access, GSM, 802.11
- spatial interference, wireless capacity and
improvements - Network layer 4 classes
- mobility management, mobile IP
- mobile routing/routing for lossy links/multiradio
- opportunistic routing and coding/geographical
routing - Topology control/Transport layer 1 class
- cone-based topology control/TCP extension
- Cross-layer optimization 1 class
5Mobile/Wireless Applications 8/25
- Localization 2 classes
- Naming and service discovery 1 class
- Mobile applications/programming 2 classes
- CPU and file systems support 1 class
- Security 1 class
- Anonymous mobile computing 1 class
6Wireless Networking
7Challenges in Wireless Networking
- Fading channels
- solutions
- diversity, opportunistic communications
- Low capacity due to spatial interference caused
by the broadcast nature of wireless - solutions, e.g.,
- directional antennas (reduce broadcast area)
- network coding to exploit a single broadcast to
send multiple messages to multiple receivers - linear coding, e.g., XOR of multiple messages
8Superposition Coding
MIT roofnet
9Superposition Coding Basic Idea
- Non-uniform coding to utilize higher quality
highsignal strength
- S broadcasts a message reaching both R1 and R2
- R1 cannot distinguish S0 between S1, but R2
lowsignal strength
10Superposition Coding
- R1 decodes only the first bit
- R2 first decodes the first bit, and then the
second bit after subtracting the first bit - called successive interference cancellation (SIC)
11Superposition Coding Analysis
- Suppose S has backlogto both R1 and R2
- Let received power levels at R1 and R2 be P1
and P2 - Let background noise be N0
- Let the achieved rates of R1 and R2 be r1 and r2
12Why Successive Interference Cancellation ?
SIC achieves capacity.
13Superposition Coding Routing
- consider only the possib.of piggybacking a
messageto another neighbor - - for each neighbor, determineif another
neighbor has a strong (dashed) channel to use
superposition coding
14Routing at A
- Assume shortest hop-count routing - Keep
shortest hop-count routing with a strong first
hop opportunistic routing look through buffer
to see if a strong can be piggybacked onto a
normal channel
15Superposition Coding
- The preceding design is a strawmans first
attempt - As of now, the design of MAC and routing for
superposition coding is largely open, a good
research topic.
16Software Radio
- Wireless communicaiton techniques are evolving
rapidly in the last decade - Current implementation architecture is not
flexible - hardware/software division is typically at the
MAC layer - however, many new ideas, e.g., superposition
coding, need to modify/access physical layer - Need a flexible radio architecture
18Software Radio
- A collection of software that when combined with
minimal hardware, allows the construction of
radios where the actual waveforms transmitted and
received are computed by software/or highly
flexible programming techniques such as FPGA.
19Software Radio
20GNU Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP)
21RF Front End and AD/DA
- RF front ends
- shift radio signal from modulation frequency
(e.g., 2.4 GHz for 802.11) to channel (base)
frequency range - AD/DA component
- sample signals
22Nyquist Sampling Theorem
- In order to reconstruct signal, must sample at
twice the base frequency range
23GNU Software Radio Projects
- Military
- Military full connectivity among branches
- A TiVo equivalent for radio, capable of recording
multiple stations simultaneously. - Digital Radio Mundial (DRM).
- Radio astronomy.
- A passive radar system that takes advantage of
broadcast TV for its signal source. For those of
you with old TVs hooked to antennas, think about
the flutter you see when airplanes fly over. - Amateur radio transceivers.
- Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) waveforms.
- Distributed sensor networks.
- Distributed measurement of spectrum utilization.
- Ad hoc mesh networks.
- RFID detector/reader.
- Multiple input multiple output (MIMO) processing.
- TETRA transceiver.
- Software GPS.
24GNU Radio HDTV
25Software Radio Pros
- Flexibility
- turning parameters
- center frequency, modulation (dig/analog), symbol
rate, - spreading, power, channel coding/decoding,
interleaving, encryption, MAC-layer techniques
TDMA, FDMA, CDMA, equalization - access channel status
- BER, FER (Frame Error Rate), data rate, receive
signal - doppler effect, angle of arrival, etc
- DSP can compensate for cheaper RF
- Fast prototyping
26Software Radio Cons
- Software/FPGA speed
- Cost
- Power consumption
27Mobile Computing
- There are several types of mobility in the mobile
computing context, e.g., - node position mobility
- the positions of the network nodes move
- two types of position mobility uncontrolled
mobility/controlled position mobility - code mobility
- mobile agents
- process/state mobility
- process/state migration to track user/target
mobility, e.g., let your X Windows sessions
follow you, or state tracks a moving target - a kind of controlled state mobility
29Controlled State Mobility
30Path Selection Ants Foraging
- some ants use pheromone (scent) to create trails
to food - the probability that other ants will follow a
trail is proportional to the density of
pheromone - the algorithm is a type of reinforcement learning
31Inspiration Load-Adaptive Routing
- Suppose our objective is to discover low latency
paths through the network - the routing algorithms we discussed in class are
not load-adaptive - however, the latency of each link depends on load
- why?
32A Distributed Algorithm for Computing
User-Optimal Routing
- A Bellman-Ford like algorithm combined with
adaptation - A probabilistic routing scheme
- Each node maintains a forwarding table
Pikj is the routing probability at i to send to
dest. k using neighbor j
33Protocol for Updating the Forwarding Table at
Node i for Destination k
Ljk is the path latency from j to k lij is the
link latency from i to j
34Updating Forwarding Probability The Slow Path
35Updating Delay Estimation The Fast Path
- Update
- where ?(t) satisfies conditions as ? (t), and
Discussion why the above condition?
36Other Comments on the Algorithm?
Why not set Lik(t1) to the weighted average?
37Responsiveness of the Routing Algorithm
38Target Tracking
39Information-Driven Diffusion
- Detecting model
- zi (t) h(x(t), ?i (t)), where x(t) is
parameter to be estimated, ?i (t) and zi (t) are
characteristics and measurement of node i
respectively - example for sensors measuring sound amplitude
- zi a / xi - x ?/2 wi ,
where a is target amplitude, ? is attenuation
coefficient, wi is Gaussian noise - State (belief)
- representation of the current a posteriori
distribution of x given measurement z1, , zN
p(x z1, , zN)
40Node Selection
- j0 argj?A max ?(p(xzii? U ?zj))
- A 1, , N - U is set of nodes whose
measurements not incorporated into belief - ? is information utility function defined on the
class of all probability distributions of x - intuitively, select node j for querying such that
information utility function of updated
distribution by zj is maximum
Current belief state
Next belief state
41Node Position Mobility
- Many formulations, here I first give some
examples - Given (uniform) initial node positions, assume
events happen at different positions - known to all nodes (by flooding)
- how to move the nodes to match the event
distribution, i.e., the more likely an event will
happen at a place, the more likely a node is
event positions
Initial node positions
43Coverage with Worst Case Guarantee
- Consider a coverage of region ? with N nodes V
v1, v2, , vN, where vi is the position of
node i - For any point p in the region ?, define
d(p, V) mini distance(vi, p) - Define the quality of the coverage V as
d(?, V) maxp d(p, V) - A good coverage V is one which minimizes
d(?, V) minV d(?, V)
44Solve the One Node Case
- Where is the best position of the single node?
45Controlled Mobility Rule
- Move towards the furthest vertex - If more than
one vertices, move to the vector with the minimum
norm in the convex hull of the multiple
46Controlled Mobility
- How to updatethe moving directionof a group of
nodes so that they all movealong the same
direction? - How to move the nodes without losing
connectivity to optimize throughput and/or
minimize energy?
47Wireless and Mobile Computing Summary
- Driven by physics, technology and vision
- wireless communication technology
- global infrastructure
- device miniaturization
- The field faces many challenges
- It is moving fast but far from mature, thus many
48Backup Slides
49Deployment 1-Dimensional Case
- Each node keeps track of event histogram
- Assume the (initial) position of a node is x0
- Partition the range into buckets
- Map node old position to new position
- see right
- Application-specific reinforcement-based
routing/forwarding - The Directed Diffusion paradigm
- Elements
- Naming
- data is named using attribute-value pairs
- Interests
- a node requests data by sending interests for
named data - Gradients
- gradients is set up within the network designed
to draw events, i.e., data matching the
interest - Reinforcement
- sink reinforces particular neighbors to draw
higher quality ( higher data rate) events
- Content based naming
- Tasks are named by a list of ltattribute, valuegt
pairs - Task description specifies an interest for data
matching the attributes - Animal tracking
Interest ( Task ) Description Type four-legged
animal Interval 20 ms Duration 1
minute Location -100, -100 200, 400
- The sink periodically broadcasts interest
messages to each of its neighbors - Every node maintains an interest cache
- each item corresponds to a distinct interest
- each entry in the cache has several fields
- timestamp last received matching interest
- several gradients data rate, duration, direction
53Setting Up Gradient
Interest Query
Gradient Who is interested (data rate,
duration, direction)
54Data Propagation
- When a node receives data
- find a matching interest entry in its cache
- examine the gradient list, send out data by rate
- cache keeps track of recent seen data items (loop
prevention) - data message is unicast individually to the
relevant neighbors
55Reinforcing the Best Path
The neighbor reinforces the neighbor from whom
it first received the latest event (low delay)
Low rate event
Reinforcement Increased interest
56Evaluation Surveillance
- Five sources are randomly selected within a 70m x
70m corner in the field - Five sinks are randomly selected across the
field - High data rate is 2 events/sec
- Low data rate is 0.02 events/sec
- Event size 64 bytes
- Interest size 36 bytes
57Average Dissipated Energy
(Joules/Node/Received Event)
Average Dissipated Energy
Network Size