CSC 201 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CSC 201


CSC 201 Introduction to Computing. Introduction and ... new functions, including the consumption of homework formerly eaten by the dog. Doug Larson ' ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CSC 201

CSC 201 Introduction to Computing
  • Introduction and Overview

Dr. Paige H. Meeker Computer Science Presbyterian
College, Clinton, SC
Lecture 1
  • Introduction and Class Overview
  • Syllabus
  • Expectations
  • Important Dates
  • Homework (ALREADY???)

Contact Information
  • Name Dr. Paige H. Meeker
  • Office Richardson 229
  • Phone (864) 833-8413 (office)
  • (803)-749-1647 (home between 9 and 9 ONLY)
  • Email

Recommended Texts
  • Technology in Action Evans, Martin, and
  • NOTE This text is recommended because it
    contains a lot of useful information however,
    your class online notes are all that is strictly
    necessary for you to learn the class material
    this is supplementary and will be referred to
    throughout the semester.

Late Policy
  • Assignments must be turned in on time. Late work
    WILL NOT be accepted.
  • BACK UP YOUR WORK. Dont rely solely on Socrates
    to keep your assignments safe. You need to be
    able to turn in a copy of your work on time.
  • If you think you will be unable to meet a due
    date on an assignment due to an emergency,
    contact me in advance to negotiate an extension.
    If you have not negotiated an extension, then
    submit what you have by the due date to receive
    partial credit. You will receive no credit for an
    assignment submitted after the due date or
    negotiated new due date as applicable.
  • A deadline has a wonderful way of concentrating
    the mind. Professor Moriarty, Character,
    Star Trek, TNG, episode title Ship in a

Late Policy Excuses??
  • Home computers are being called upon to perform
    many new functions, including the consumption of
    homework formerly eaten by the dog. Doug
  • Socrates lost my work. Solution Back up your
    work often in a place outside of Socrates.
  • The power went out. This is an acceptable
    excuse only if the power is out for more than 2
    days. (Note to this point, that has not EVER
    happened). This is not acceptable if the power
    goes out the day before an assignment is due,
    esp. if it is only out for a few hours.
  • I overslept. Solution Alarm clock
  • The computer isnt doing what I tell it to do.
    Computers ONLY do what you tell them to do
    (they arent that smart).

Late Policy Excuses??
  • I had a game/other obligation. Solution Begin
    your work on time and dont wait until the last
  • Dont ask for extensions you will be given more
    than enough time to complete your work. Instead,
    begin work as soon as you get the assignment and
    everyone will be happy.
  • I work hard to make assignments informative and
    fun. I will also be happy to help you if you are
    having trouble with them. Take advantage of this
    throughout the semester, not just in the last
    week of class.

Attendance Policy
  • Coming to class is important.
  • More than 5 absences (excused or not) will result
    in the loss of one letter grade for each
    additional class day missed. More than 8
    absences will result in a failing grade for the

Grading Policy
  • I wrote the examination, determined the marking
    scheme (which was quite complicated) and set the
    Grade levels, so you can take it from me, as the
    sole examiner, that if you received Acceptable
    or higher you really earned your grade. Of
    course, this meant that some people had to fail,
    but what would be the point of putting you
    through all that work without giving you honestly
    earned rewards?
  • J. K. Rowling,
  • concerning the W.O.M.B.A.T
  • test on her personal website

Grading Policy
  • So, what does that mean to you?
  • I dont give grades you earn them. Think
    about this now, not the last week of class. It
    will save us all time and heartache!

Grading Policy
  • Grading will be assigned using the standard /-
    scale. Your final grade will be calculated as
  • Term Project 20
  • Wrapups 35
  • Lab Assignments 20
  • Final Lab Exam 25
  • NOTE No midterm during the semester that
    means those wrapups and labs are very important!

Academic Dishonesty
  • I take the PC honor code very seriously. If you
    have any questions about what is considered bad
    behavior ask BEFORE, not AFTER. Ignorance is no
  • Where is there dignity unless there is honesty?
  • Every act of dishonesty has at least two victims
    the one we think of as the victim, and the
    perpetrator as well. Each little dishonesty
    makes another little rotten spot somewhere in the
    perpetrators psyche. Lesley Conger.

Academic Dishonesty
  • All assignments will be pledged
  • "On my honor, I will abstain from all deceit. I
    will neither give nor receive unacknowledged aid
    in my academic work, nor will I permit such
    action by any member of this community. I will
    respect the persons and property of the
    community, and will not condone discourteous or
    dishonest treatment of these by my peers. In my
    every act, I will seek to maintain a high
    standard of honesty and truthfulness for myself
    and for the College."

Academic Honesty Specifics
  • If you use external resources cite clearly!
  • Dont do anything that would even be considered
    dishonest. Ask if you think there is a question.
  • Remember PCs standard penalty
  • An F in the course
  • A WF in all other courses taken that semester
  • A semester suspension.
  • Think is it worth it? (Answer NO!)

  • Reasons to participate
  • Class means more to you and me
  • More entertaining, interactive lectures
  • How to participate?
  • Ask questions
  • Make comments
  • Email me with questions or interests you may have
  • NOTE No question/comment is considered dumb
  • He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he
    who does not ask remains a fool forever Mark

Dates to Remember
  • Wrapups given after the completion of each
    section of online notes may or may not be
  • Labs started during class time, but some
    students may need to complete the work outside of
  • Term Project last two weeks of class (your
    specific time will be announced)
  • Final Lab Exam Given last day of class due
    Thursday, April 30, 7pm
  • Check for conflicts now. If you miss quizzes or
    the final, you will receive a 0. You are not
    allowed to make up either test after it has been
    given. If you must miss the class for an excused
    reason, you must make up the assignment BEFORE
    the rest of the class.

  • This is just an overview for details READ THE

For each task in life, remember
  • What work I have done, I have done because it
    has been play. It if had been work I shouldnt
    have done it.
  • Mark Twain

Now Lets Have FUN!!What will you learn this
  • How computers work hardware and software
  • Hands on experience with a variety of different
    software packages
  • Effective use of the Internet
  • Anything else I can fit in!
  • What would you like to know more about??

Homework Before Tuesday, January 13th
  • Email to me a list of 3 to 5 things that you
    would like to learn about during this class.
  • (Where does this fit in your grade? As a REALLY
    EASY lab grade start off with a 100 average!)
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