Title: The Pacific Climate Change Portal Project
1The Pacific Climate Change Portal Project
- Mary Lou CumberpatchNOAA Central
LibraryPeter MurgatroydSPREPIAMSLIC
ConferenceSeptember 14-18, 2008
2Climate change impacts in the Pacific
- Impacts of sea level rise - storm surges,
coastal erosion , resettlement - Increased incidence of extreme events such as
floods, droughts and cyclones which threaten
freshwater supply. - Reefs and Marine Resources will be adversely
affected. Increased in ocean temperatures , coral
bleaching, progressive acidification of oceans. - Agriculture will be affected. Coastal plains,
where most of our agriculture is based, can be
salinised due to sea-level rise and become less
productive. Increased natural disasters will
damage crops and warmer, wetter climate will
favour the breeding of pests. - Disease prevalence will increase as warmer,
wetter conditions favour the breeding of disease
carrying insects such as mosquitoes (spreading
dengue and malaria) and aquatic pathogens such as
3The problem
- Gaps in information
- Information is scattered
- Information overload
- Lack of integration of information amongst key
stakeholders - Multiple information needs
- Multiple information users
4Information Needs
- Climate and Ocean Data
- GIS / Mapping Information for the region
- Forecasting tools
- Access to Research Output Analysis
- Case Studies
- Practical Guidelines
- Lessons Learned
- Traditional knowledge and practices
5Multiple user groups
- Policy makers
- Meteorological officers
- Coastal managers
- Resource sector agriculture, fisheries,
forestry - NGOs
- Community Grassroots
6Currently a number of resource access points for
Pacific climate information
- Pacific Islands Global Climate Observing System
(PI-GCOS) - Pacific Island Global Ocean Observing
System(PI-GOOS) - Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PI-OOS)
- Pacific Regional Environment Programme Climate
Change Portal - NOAA Climate Resources
- WWF Pacific Climate Change Portal
- Pacific Climate Information Service (PaCIS)
7Pacific Islands Global Climate Observing System
(PI-GCOS) http//pi-gcps.org/
Action Plan -
- PI-GCOS is coordinated by the Secretariat of the
Pacific Regional Environment Programme - (SPREP)
- Apia, Samoa
- Accessibility for users with disabilities
8Pacific Island Global Ocean Observing
9Pacific Islands Ocean Observing
10Pacific Regional Environment Programme Climate
Change Portalhttp//www.sprep.org/climate_change/
11NOAA Climate Change Resources
12WWF Pacific Climate Change Portalhttp//www.wwfpa
13Pacific Climate Information Service
14The challenge
- The development of an integrated inter-agency
Pacific climate change portal that provides
access to all relevant resources in a format that
meets the varied information needs of a wide
range of users
15Key Players
- East-West Centre
- WWF Pacific
- WMO Pacific
- UNESCO Pacific
- .
16The way forward
- Inter-agency Meetings scheduled as part of
Pacific Climate Roundtable Apia, Samoa. Oct.
2008 - Project will be housed on the IPRC server at the
University of Hawaii - Portal will use Joomla interface
- Partners will be encouraged to contribute and
maintain information resources hosted on the
regional portal
17The NOAA Climate Change Portal Project
- Targets coastal managers in the Pacific Region
- Partnership between OCRM, Coastal Services Center
and NOAA Library - Pilot project
18NOAA Project Goals
- Enable coastal managers to incorporate readily
accessible climate information and tools into
their decision-making processes - Promote enhanced communication and collaboration
in the Pacific region - Replicate the portal design in other regions
19The Audience
- Focus on American Samoa and Samoa
- Pacific Islands
- Expand to cover US regions
20The Process
- Identifying Needs
- Coastal managers in American Samoa and Samoa
- Coastal managers stateside
- Identifying Resources
- Interviewing NOAA employees and others
- Internet and journal searches
21Resource Types
- Case Studies
- Handbooks and Guidance Documents
- Decision Support Tools
- Methodologies for assessing vulnerability
- Traditional Knowledge and practices
- Monitoring and mapping products
- Peer-reviewed literature
- Model legislation, policies, and regulations
- Links to education and training opportunities
22Virtual Library Technology
- Joomla interface
- Open source
- Manage website easily
- Many extensions available
- JabRef bibliography reference manager
- BibTex open source text-based format
- Z39.50 protocol to search NOAA Libraries Catalog
23Database Record Fields
- Database fields include
- title, creators, program affiliation,
publication date, brief description, full
abstract, period of record, language, resource
type, rights, resource category, language,
theme/topic, expert contact info,sector,
geographic coverage, URI
- IAMSLIC members in the Pacific can provide
feedback to the Portal team we want to avoid
duplication of effort - The team welcomes comments and suggestions how
can this project complement and support other
efforts in the Pacific - What products do Pacific Islanders need from NOAA
to help adapt and cope with climate change? - The team would welcome volunteers to test
usability of both Portal and Virtual Library
25Climate Change Portal Team Contacts
- Carrie Hall - OCRM/Coastal Programs
- (301) 563-1135 or Carrie.Hall_at_noaa.gov
- Mary Lou Cumberpatch - NOAA Central Library
- (301) 713-2600 x 129 or Mary.Lou.Cumberpatch_at_noaa.
gov - Stephanie Fauver - Coastal Services Center
- (843) 740-1287 or Stephanie.Fauver_at_noaa.gov
- Eileen Shea (NOAA National Climatic Data
Center/IDEA Center) - Eileen.Shea_at_noaa.gov - SPREP
- Peter Murgatroyd Information Resource Centre
Manager PeterM_at_Sprep.org - Anticipated Release Date End of 2008 / Early
26Thanks for your attention
- Any Comments or Questions?