- Chiru Claudiu
- Vasiliu Paul
- Pacuraru Raluca
2What is DITA?
- The Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA)
is an xml-based architecture for authoring,
producing, and delivering technical information. - The DITA architecture was originally developed by
IBM. DITA is now an OASIS standard.
3What is DITA?
- Darwin
- DITA uses principles of inheritance and
specialization - Information Typing
- DITA is based on an information architecture of
Concept, Task and Reference for technical
documents - Architecture
- consists of a set of design principles, defined
in a DTD
4DITA key concepts
- Topic
- Topic a piece of information that makes sense in
any context and is based on a single subject. A
topic is meaningful when it stands alone - Maps
- Organize a set of topics for navigation, defines
5DITA key concepts
- Domains
- A DITA domain defines a collection of terms
(vocabulary) for common use across more than one
topic type. - Specialization
- Provides a way to obtain new topic types, new
domains, new map types as extensions to the old
6DITA key concepts
- Conditional Text
- A standard way to personalize the document by
using some kind of attributes - Content References
- Mechanism for reusing standard text
- Piece of information that make sense in any
context - Can be put together in different ways
- Topics are DITA buiding blocks
- Covers a specific object
- Doesnt assume that something has been explained
previously - It is reusable
8Three basic topic types
- Concept
- describes something.
- It contains definitions, rules and guidelines
- Task
- describes how to accomplish a task.
- It displays a list of steps that the users must
follow to produce a specified result
9Three basic topic types
- Reference
- A Reference topic offers details.
- It describes command syntax, programming
instructions, reference material.
10IBM DITA structure for elearning
- DITA provides a infrastructure for developing a
content model for learning. - The DITA specialization architecture provides a
built-in method to extend DITA to support new
content elearning elements. - IBM developed the following DITA extensions that
support learning content
11IBM DITA structure for elearning
- New topic types will support learning-specific
topic types such as - lesson overviews,
- objectives,
- summaries,
- exercises,
- assessment content
12IBM DITA structure for elearning
- A new content domain will support content
vocabularies that are used across the DITA topic
types for learning support - A new map domain DITA that collects and organize
references to DITA learning topics to indicate
the relationships among the topics and delivery
as a learning course
13IBM DITA structure for elearning
- DITA topic types for learning are contained in a
learningbase type. - These new topics are learningOverview,
learningTopic, learningSummary, learningPractice,
14Creating DITA documents with Web browser
integrated editors (DITA STORM)
- DITA Storm
- Inmedius product designed to produce DITA
documents using a browser. - embeds an editor into a browser. There is no need
for a plugin installation or a server side script
deployment. - easy to use DITA editor
- it can be used as a text processor or WYSIWYG
editor. - allows adding of new elements and
15Creating DITA documents with Web browser
integrated editors (DITA STORM)
- Reading DITA files from the Web Server
16Creating DITA documents with Web browser
integrated editors (DITA STORM)
- Editing DITA files with DITA Storm
17Creating a simple DITA elearning system with
- Adding elearning elements
- Modifying model.xml file
- Adding child elements in groupallow section
- Adding description of the child elements
- Compiling the model.xml file
- Use the structure defined previously for creating
and delivering documents
- Darwin Information Typing Architecture(DITA)
Specification 1.1 - Don Ray (2005), Introduction to the Darwin
Information Typing Architecture, IBM corporation - John Hunt, An XML-based information architecture
for learning content, Part 1 A DITA
specialization design, IBM corporation 2005 - www.ditastorm.com - DITA Storm technical