Title: National Board Certification Effective Writing and Assessment
1National Board CertificationEffective Writing
and Assessment
- Tuesday, November 18, 2008
- 430- 630 pm
Beth Thrailkill, NBCT 2006 Early
AdolescenceSocial Studies/History Crayton Middle
2 Â
Before you demand more from your students, demand
more from yourself.
Become a National Board Certified Teacher
- Writing about Teaching
- Description/Analysis/Reflection
- Practice
- Assessment Centers
- Q and A
4Writing about Teaching
- Three steps in portfolio writing
- Describe
- Analyze
- Reflect
- Written commentary to set the stage.
- How?
- Why?
- So What?
- Your communication with your assessors
- Your analysis of what happened when you taught
- Practice, Practice, Practice
- Your retelling of what happened in the classroom.
- Logical
- Detailed
- Sense of your classroom
- Accurate and precise
- Event, person, concept, strategy
- All elements as if you were an outsider
- Reasons
- Motives
- Interpretation
- Concrete evidence with materials you submit
- Thought process and conclusions
- Significance of evidence
- Give assessor rationale
- Thought process after teaching
- How would you approach similar situations
- In the future same, different, not at all
- How do you learn from your own experience
- How will you improve
- What worked, what didnt and how you will change
8Analysis v. Reflection
- Interpretation
- Examination of why events or strategies occurred
- Why are they the way they are
- Self-analysis
- Retrospective
- In the future, what would you change and why
9Important Questions
What did my students know before this teaching
experience? What did my students learn because of
this teaching experience? What did I know about
my students and their knowledge before this
experience? What did I learn about my students
and my practice because of this experience? What
would I do differently? (good or bad)
Practice 1 Observation and Description Practice
2 Interpretation What do the responses tell
you? Practice 3 What do the response tell you
about your practice? Practice 4 Reflection
11Review Your Writing
- Be objective
- Take time away
- Dont think about it while you are away
- Have another person read it
- Have someone outside the profession read it
- All feedback is valid and important
- QTIPdont take it personally
- Follow suggestions that make sense
- Keep STANDARDS in mind for all writing.
12Assessment Center
13For Submission
14(No Transcript)
- Beth Thrailkill
- ethrailkill_at_richlandone.org
- Crayton Middle School
- 738-7224