Title: Codex Alimentarius
1Codex Alimentarius - basic principles-
Prof. Elisaveta Stikova M.D., Ph.D. School of
Medicine University St. Cyril and Methodius
Skopje Republic of Macedonia
2The FAO/WHO International Conference on
Nutrition, 1992
- Recognized that
- access to nutritionally adequate and safe food is
a right of each individual, - Food regulations should fully take international
standards of the Codex Alimentarius
3 Codex Alimentarius is
- Latin term for
- Food Law or
- Food Code
4Codex Alimentarius Commission
- FAO in 1961 and WHO 1963 passed Resolution to
establish the Codex Alimentarius Commission, - Responsible for Joint FAO/WHO Food Standard
5Codex Objectives (1)
- To protect the health of consumers,
- To ensure fair practices in the food trade,
- To coordinate all work regarding food standards,
6Codex Objectives (2)
- To determinate the priorities,
- To initiate the preparation of standards,
- To publish the standards.
7Codex Alimentarius Commission structure and
- The Executive Committee,
- The Regional Coordinating
- Committees,
- The Secretariat of the
- Commission.
8The Executive Committee
- Chairperson,
- 3 Vice-Chairpersons,
- 7 Regional Representatives,
- 6 Regional Coordinators.
9Regional Coordinating Committees
- 6 Regional Committees for Africa, Asia, Europe,
Latin AmericaCaribbean, North America
Southwest Pacific, Near East. - Responsible for defining the problems and needs
of the region - Responsible for coordination of activities.
10The Secretariat of the Commission
- Responsible for
- Formulation and development of FAO/ WHO
standards, - Administrative support to the Commission,
- Relations with the National Codex Contact Point.
11Subsidiary bodies of the Codex Alimentarius
- Codex Committees
- Codex committees for general principles,
- Committees for special types of foodstuff
products. - Ad-hoc Intergovernmental Special Work Groups.
12Codex Committees on general issues (1)
- 1. Codex Committee on General Principles,
- 2. Codex Committee on Food Labelling,
- 3. Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and
Sampling,   Â
13Codex Committees on general issues (2)
- 4. Codex Committee on Food Hygiene,
- 5. Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues,
- 6. Codex Committee on Food Additives and
14Codex Committees on general issues (3)
- 7. Codex Committee on Import - Export Inspection
and Certification systems, - 8. Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for
Special Dietary Uses, - 9. Codex Committee on Residues of Veterinary
Drugs in Foods,
15Product Committees(1)
- 1. Codex Committee on Cocoa Products and
Chocolates, - 2. Codex Committee on Sugars,
- 3. Codex Committee on Pocessed Fruit and
Vegetables, - 4. Codex Committee on Fats and Oils,
16Product Committees(2)
- 5. Codex Committee on Meat and Polutry Hygyene,
- 6. Codex Committee on Fish and Fishery products,
- 7. Codex Committee on Fresh Fruit and Vegetables,
17Product Committees(3)
- 8. Codex Committee on Milk and Milk Products,
- 9. Codex Committee on Natural Mineral Waters,
- 10.Codex Committee on Vegetable Proteins,
- 11.Codex Committee on Cereals, Pulses and Legumes.
18Ad-hoc Intergovernmental Codex Special Groups for
- biotechnologically produced food,
- animal feeds,
- fruit juices.
19Codex Alimentarius Commision
- Highest priority
- Formulation of commodity and general standards
20Codex Standards include (1)
- Scope of the standard,
- Description of the standard,
- Basic structure and quality factors,
- Weights and measures, Â Â Â
- Labeling,
21Codex Commodity Standards include (2)
- Contaminants,
- Hygiene,
- Food additives,
- Methods for analysis.
22Structure and contents of Codex Alimentarius
- Codex Alimentarius is composed of 14 volumes
distributed in 17 books - Each book (by group of products) contains
standards, guidelines...
- 237 Food Standards,
- 43 Codes of Practice,
- 33 Guidelines,
- 197 Pesticides evaluated,
- 3274 Limits for pesticides residues,
- 289 Limits of veterinary drug residues,
- 1300 Food additives evaluated.
24Structure and contents of Codex Alimentarius (1)
- Volume one A - General Requirements,
- Volume one B - General Requirements  (Food
Hygiene), - Volume two A - Pesticide Residues in foods
(General texts) - Volume two B - Pesticide Residues in Foods
(Maximal Residue Limits)
25Structure and contents of Codex Alimentarius (2)
- Volume three - Residues of Veterinary Drugs in
Foods, - Volume four - Foods for special dietary uses
- Volume five A - Processed and Quick-
- Frozen Fruits and Vegetables
26Structure and contents of Codex Alimentarius (3)
- Volume five B - Fresh fruits
- and vegetables,
- Volume six Fruit Juices,
- Volume seven - Cereals, Pulses and Vegetable
Proteins - Volume eight - Fats and Oils and Related Products
27Structure and contents of Codex Alimentarius (4)
- Volume nine - Fish and Fishery products,
- Volume ten Meat and Meat Products Soups and
Broths, - Volume eleven - Sugars, Cocoa Products and
Chocolate and Miscellaneous Products,
28Structure and contents of Codex Alimentarius (5)
- Volume twelve - Milk and Milk Products
- Volume thirteen - Methods of Analysis and
Sampling - Volume fourteen - Acceptances      Â
29Transparency of Codex Alimentarius
- Information for all the standards, regulations,
guides and other recommendations are available on
the web page http//www.codexalimentarius.net/
30Â Â National Codex Contact Points function
- Relation between the Secretariat and the member
countries, - Coordination of all relevant Codex activities in
their own country, - Acceptance of all final Codex texts (standards,
guidelines, advisory texts)