Title: Reconstructing Active Region Thermodynamics
1Reconstructing Active Region Thermodynamics
- Loraine Lundquist
- Joint MURI Meeting
- Dec. 5, 2002
- Reconstructing an expected emission picture is an
excellent way to compare with observations - Most current MHD models do not give a
satisfactory treatment of the energy equation - Allows us to test assumptions about the coronal
loop heating function - A temperature, density, and magnetic field vector
map of the corona would allow us to model type II
bursts, EIT and Moreton wave propagation, and
shocks which may accelerate particles
3Reconstruct temperature and density structure of
active regions from first principles
Magnetic field data (from Régnier FFF data or MHD)
Interpolate to a regular grid
Integrate fieldlines
Construct X-ray and EUV false images
Assume a form for the loop heating function
Compare with observations
Solve static energy equation along each
fieldline, (with some simplifying assumptions)
4Integrate fieldlines
5Static Coronal Loop ModelDescription
Solve Static Energy Equation
EH Plasma heating function
ER Energy losses due to radiation
FC Conductive heat flux along loop.
6Heating Function
Empirical relationship from Pevtsov et al. soft
x-ray data.
Solar Active Regions
X-Ray Bright Points
T-Tauri stars
G, K, M dwarfs
Quiet Sun
Solar Disc Averages
7Solve Static Energy EquationAssumptions
- Static
- (bulk plasma velocity vanishes)
- Thin straight loop
- (ignore area variations)
- Uniform heating
- Radiative losses approximated with a power law
- No gravity
- No losses through footpoints
8Solve Static Energy EquationAssumptions
- Static
- (bulk plasma velocity vanishes)
- Straight
- (ignore curvature effects)
- Uniform heating
- Radiative losses approximated with a power law
- No gravity
- No losses through footpoints
Delta function at base
Look-up table or piecewise power law
Add gravity
9Construct False Images
- Interpolate onto a regular grid.
- (This is easy in theory, but in practice,
- there are many difficulties, depending
- on the spatial coverage of the
fieldlines.) - Plot emissivity integrated along line of sight
- If desired, integrate over known band passes to
simulate pictures from Yohkoh, EIT, etc.
10Preliminary Results
Yohkoh SXT AR 8210 May 1, 1998 MURI case study
Reconstructed Active Region (emission integrated
over line of sight)
11Future Applications
- Compare with results, and refine assumptions.
- Do a statistical study to see which coronal
heating functions give the best results over a
broad range of data. - Create maps of the coronal Alfvén speeds and
sound speeds for modeling EIT and Moreton waves,
Type II bursts, and particle acceleration.