Title: Space Geometry Clearances between Points, Lines, and Planes
1Space Geometry- Clearances between Points, Lines,
and Planes
- Perpendicularity of Two Lines
- PRINCIPLE If two lines are in fact perpendicular
to each other, their images on any plane of
projection will appear perpendicular if one or
both of the lines appear in TL in that view.
2Line AD in the Horizontal plane is perpendicular
to line BC in the Horizontal Plane.
3Line AD is perpendicular to line BC in auxiliary
plane 1.
4Line AD is perpendicular to line BC in auxiliary
plane 1.
5Line AD is perpendicular to line BC in auxiliary
plane 1.
6Line AD is perpendicular to line BC in auxiliary
plane 1.
7Line AD is perpendicular to line BC in auxiliary
plane 1.
8Space Geometry- Clearances between Points, Lines,
and Planes
- Clearance Distance between a Point and a Line
- The clearance distance between a point and a line
is the perpendicular distance from the point to
the line.
9Space Geometry- Clearances between Points, Lines,
and Planes
- Clearance Distance between a Point and a Line -
LINE METHOD - SOLUTION PRINCIPLE The true clearance distance
between a point and a line is found in a view
showing the given point and the point view of the
given line.
10Space Geometry- Clearances between Points, Lines,
and Planes
- Procedure
- Find the PV of the line and measure the distance
between the line and the point.
11Given Point and Line
12- Place a hinge line parallel to line BC
13- Project the Point and line BC into the auxiliary
plane 1.
14- Locate a hinge line perpendicular to BC
15- Project the PV of BC and Point A into auxiliary
plane 2.
16- Draw a connector from point A to PV CB.
17- Layout line AD in auxiliary plane 1 so that it is
perpendicular to BC.
18- Project the intersection of AD and BC into the H
19- Layout the line AD in the H plane.
20- Project the intersection of AD and BC into the F
21- Layout line AD in the Frontal plane.
22Space Geometry- Clearances between Points, Lines,
and Planes
- Clearance Distance between Two Nonparallel,
Nonintersecting Lines Line Method - The clearance distance is the perpendicular
common to both of the given lines. - SOLUTION PRINCIPLE The true clearance is found
in a view that shows the Point View of one of the
two given lines. - The shortest connector will be the perpendicular
from the PV to the other line.
23Space Geometry- Clearances between Points, Lines,
and Planes
- Procedure
- Find the PV of either line and measure the
perpendicular distance from that PV to the other
24Given Lines.
25Place the hinge line parallel to either line.
26Project points into the adjacent plane.
27Layout the lines. DC appears in TL
28Given Lines.
29Layout a hinge line perpendicular to the TL line.
30Project points into the adjacent plane.
31Layout the PV and the other line.
32Connect the PV and the other line with a
perpendicular line. The shortest connector is
the perpendicular distance.
33This is the solution for the Shortest Connector.
It is only available when one line is PV and a
connector is perpendicular to the other line.
34Measure the SC.
35Project back the shortest connector intersections
to the other views.
36Layout the SC perpendicular to the TL.
37Project back the shortest connector line.
38Project back the shortest connector line.
39Layout the SC from each intersecting line.
40Project back the shortest connector line.
41Project back the shortest connector line.
42Layout the SC from each intersecting line.
43The completed projections of the shortest
connector line.
44The Vertical Connector is a connector that is a
vertical line by classification. It will appear
as a PV in the H plane.
45Project a line from the cross-over in the H plane
to the lines in the adjacent plane.
46Trim the projection line to make the VC.
47Project the intersection of the VC into the
adjacent view.
48Project the intersection of the VC into the
adjacent view.
49Layout the VC.
50A VC is not possible with these two lines.