Title: OTA10
1SNAP Mission
M. Lampton U.Calif. Berkeley
Public Domain Document This information is in
the Public Domain. For an electronic copy see
2Breakthrough of the Year
3Current Crisis
- General Relativity
- A.Einstein 1915 10,000 follow-on papers books
movies etc. - Amazingly accurate and well verified!
- Deflection of starlight observed 1919 mass
curves space! - Explained Galileos principle of equivalence
- Predicted gravitational redshift
- Explained gravity as geometry
- Explained precession of Mercurys orbit
- Predicted frame dragging!
- Predicted black holes!
- overall, an amazing success
- Quantum Mechanics
- M.Planck, W.Heisenberg, E.Schroedinger 10,000
papers books movies etc. - Amazingly accurate and well verified!
- Extensions to chromodynamics etc
- overall, an amazing success
- GR and QM are inconsistent. They are
approximations to something else.
41998 Acceleration not deceleration!
- Supernova Cosmology Project (S.Perlmutter et al)
- High-Z Supernova Team (B.Schmidt, R.Kirshner, et
al) - both teams began searching for high-Z supernovae
1990 - By 1998, 42 cosmological supernovae had been
found - Distant supernovae recede more slowly than nearby
Hubble-law predictions - Dark energy confirmed by cosmic microwave
background - 2000 Balloon experiments
- 2003 WMAP satellite
- By 2006, 154 cosmological supernovae are known
- Goal measure expansion rate throughout cosmic
history - enable models of quintessence, phantom energy,
etc etc to be tested - Issue how to achieve random systematic errors
1? - Issue how to use gravitational lensing as a
diagnostic of early structure formation within
the universe?
5The Expansion History of the Universe
Expansion vs Time
6Current Results on Cosmological Parameters
What people used to think...
7Energy budget of Universe
Dark Matter 30
Dark Energy 65
8Whats going on?
- Maybe gravity is wrong
- lots of alternative theories! PPN, MOND, ....
- but so far, Einsteins gravity well proven
- Maybe space-time is wrong
- lots of alternative theories!
- more dimensions of space? time? braneworlds?
multiverse? - but so far, 31 works very well.
- Maybe there is merely some new form of energy
- For now, we call the energy source responsible
for the acceleration of the universe expansion
dark energy - meaningless, except to say not from stars
- era of precision cosmology is beginning now
- SNAP is one component of this effort.
9SNAP Collaboration 2006
LBNL G. Aldering, S. Bailey, C. Bebek, W. Carithers, T. Davis, K. Dawson, C. Day, R. DiGennaro, S. Deustua, D. Groom, M. Hoff, S. Holland, D. Huterer, A. Karcher, A. Kim, W. Kolbe, W. Kramer, B. Krieger, G. Kushner, N. Kuznetsova, R. Lafever, J. Lamoureux, M. Levi, S. Loken, B. McGinnis, R. Miquel, P. Nugent, H. Oluseyi, N. Palaio, S. Perlmutter, N. Roe, H. Shukla, A. Spadafora, H. Von Der Lippe, J-P. Walder, G. Wang
U.C. Berkeley M. Bester, E. Commins, G. Goldhaber, H. Heetderks, P. Jelinsky, M. Lampton, E. Linder, D. Pankow, M. Sholl, G. Smoot, C. Vale, M. White
Caltech R. Ellis, R. Massey, A. Refregier, J. Rhodes, R. Smith, K. Taylor, A. Weintein
Fermi National Laboratory J. Annis, F. DeJongh, S. Dodelson, T. Diehl, J. Frieman, D. Holz, L. Hui, S. Kent, P. Limon, J. Marriner, H. Lin, J. Peoples, V. Scarpine, A. Stebbins, C. Stoughton, D. Tucker, W. Wester
Indiana U. IN2P3-Paris -Marseille C. Bower, N. Mostek, S.Mufson, J. Musser P. Astier, E. Barrelet, R. Pain, G. Smadja, D. Vincent A. Bonissent, A. Ealet, D. Fouchez, A. Tilquin
JPL D. Cole, M. Frerking, J. Rhodes, M. Seiffert
LAM (France) S. Basa, R. Malina, A. Mazure, E. Prieto
U. Michigan B. Bigelow, M. Brown, M. Campbell, D. Gerdes, W. Lorenzon, T. McKay, S. McKee, M. Schubnell, G. Tarle, A. Tomasch
U. Penn G. Bernstein, L. Gladney, B. Jain, D. Rusin
U. Stockholm R. Amanullah, L. Bergström, A. Goobar, E. Mörtsell
SLAC W. Althouse, R. Blandford, W. Craig, S. Kahn, M. Huffer, P. Marshall
STScI R. Bohlin, D. Figer, A. Fruchter
Yale U. C. Baltay, W. Emmet, J. Snyder, A. Szymkowiak, D. Rabinowitz, N. Morgan
Institutional affiliation
10How to measure dark energy?
- Standard candles ltltSNAP
- idea is the inverse square law flux
luminosity/distance2 - a standard candle has a calibrated luminosity
- a measured flux gives the distance hence the
lookback time - the lights redshift gives the universes
expansion - use many candles, many redshifts get cosmic
history of the expansion - Weak gravitational lensing ltltSNAP
- matter has mass, hence gravity
- over cosmic history, matter aggregates through
gravitation - mass aggregation w.r.t. redshift is determined by
expansion history - mapping lensing vs. redshift can constrain
expansion models - Other methods
- Baryon oscillations use individual galaxy
redshifts as tracers - Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect probe cluster masses
11What would it take for a major advance?
- Huge amount of observing time!
- Dedicated facility
- Large survey speed sensitivity
AreaSolidAngle - Lots of pixels running in parallel
- revisit every field every few days
- moon, weather must not interfere with schedule of
reobservation - gtgtgt space observatory
- Need to go beyond the atmospheric NIR cutoff to
get our redshift range - gtgtgt space observatory
- Must eliminate telluric features that would
corrupt key classification lines CaII, SiII, H,
as we chase them out into the near infrared - gtgtgt space observatory
- Need extremely dark sky free of varying
emission/absorption lines - gtgtgt space observatory
- Must have rock steady seeing 24/7 to do precision
weak lensing - gtgtgt space observatory
12From Science Goals to Project Design
- Measure ?M and ?
- Measure w and w (z)
Systematics Requirements
Statistical Requirements
- Identified and proposed systematics
- Measurements to eliminate / bound each one to
/0.02 mag
- Sufficient (2000) numbers of SNe Ia
- distributed in redshift
- out to z lt 1.7
Data Set Requirements
- Discoveries 3.8 mag before max
- Spectroscopy with l/dl100
- Near-IR spectroscopy to 1.7 ?m
Satellite / Instrumentation Requirements
- 2-meter mirror Derived requirements
- 1-degree imager L2 orbit
- Low resolution spectrograph 150 Mb/s downlink
(0.4 ?m to 1.7 ?m)
13SNAP Observatory Cross Section
14Payload Features
- 90 deg Symmetric Focal Plane allows continuous
year round science data taking - one side always sunward, allowing fixed solar
panels hence a rigid spacecraft (resonances gt
10Hz) - other side always dark, allowing fixed passive
thermal radiator serving sensor array - Telescope assembly is thermally and structurally
separate from surrounding outer baffle and from
spacecraft - maneuvers do not compromise PSF stability
- Innovative telescope design does IR imaging with
room temperature optics - three mirror anastigmat has accessible exit pupil
and complete cold stop baffling - Built in end-to-end optical test capability
simplifies integration and testing - The fixed telemetry antenna eliminates major
mission risks and costs - no gimbals, no flex waveguide
- rigid spacecraft eases ACS task
- No onboard data analysis all images are
downlinked to Earth 21 Rice compression assumed
15DoE NASA other
Evolution of SNAP/JDEM
Nov 1999 Original SNAP proposal submitted to DOE
Mar 2000 DOE/NSF SAGENAP committee recommends
SNAP RD Sep 2000 NASA Structure and Evolution of
the Universe (SEU) Dec 2000 National Academy of
Sciences Committee on Astro. Astrophysics Jan
2001 DOE-HEP Review RD (SNAP is uniquely
able...) Mar 2001 DOE High Energy Physics
Advisory Panel (HEPAP) Jun 2001 NASA Integrated
Mission Design Center (determines
feasibility) July 2001 National Academy of
Sciences, Committee on Physics of the
Universe Dec 2001 NASA/SEU Strategic Planning
Panel Dec 2001 NASA Instrument Synthesis
Analysis Lab Jan 2002 DOE subpanel report High
Energy Physics Long Range Planning Mar
2002 DOE/NSF SAGENAP committee update Apr
2002 National Academy of Sciences Physics of the
Universe report July 2002 DOE Office of Science
RD Review (Lehman) Dec 2002 JPL Team-X Study
(studies potential NASA cost) Jan 2003 NASA
releases SEU roadmap Beyond Einstein Feb
2003 DOE High Energy Physics Facilities
Prioritization Panel Feb 2003 SNAP RD in the
DOE budget Mar 2003 DOE High Energy Physics
panel releases Facilities 20 Year Roadmap Nov
2003 JDEM Announcement DOE NASA Nov 2003
Secretary of Energys 20-year Facilities
Plan May 2004 OSTP Strategic Plan (JDEM top
recommendation) Mar 2005 NASA GSFC IMDC study of
mission implementation top marks! Aug 2006 JDEM
Advanced Concept Study awarded to SNAP, Destiny,
1998 Discovery of the acceleration of the
universe and dark energy using supernovae.
2000 Confirmation of dark energy using cosmic
microwave background measured from balloons.
2003 Confirmation of dark energy using cosmic
microwave background measured from space (WMAP).
16Ready for Construction Start?
- Highly optimized and detailed mission concept
- With 5 years of work and 3 years of funded RD,
much progress has been made on retiring
programmatic risks - Major studies completed at ITT and Ball Aerospace
on telescope - Spacecraft well studied, reference design is now
being detailed - Highly refined instrument concept
- NIR detectors have two competitive sources
Rockwell Raytheon - Our rad-tolerant CCDs meet specs, ready for mass
production - Spectrograph demonstration unit in development
- Calibration hardware and flow-down finally
understood - Cold, low-power, focal plane electronics past
proof-of-principle - Well developed operations data flow concept
- Broad community and international involvement
- Must now address long-lead procurement items
- Ready to launch in 2012-13 (5-6 year construction
17Select Recent Highlights
- Mission
- NASA/GSFC IMDC (Mar 2005) studied attitude
control, payload accommodation, telemetry, IT
helped identify solutions that minimize cost,
mission risk - Telescope
- Study contracts with industry for feasibility
cost are complete (Mar 2006) - Focal plane
- SNAP v2 CCD design and fabrication meets spec
- CCD analog processing ASIC
- Delivery, operation, and measurement of NIR
detectors - Two NIR vendor parts meet or close to spec
- Calibration
- Established path from NIST-traceable standard to
standard star network to SNAP science targets
will be within 2 budget for color. - Computing and Simulation
- Delivery of computing framework
- Light curve, spectrograph, and grism simulations
- End-to-end SNe mission simulation to cosmology
analysis - Technical papers/ conference papers
- gt35 scientific papers
- gt17 detector/instrument papers
- 40 controlled docs and 75 tech notes, publicly
available at ww.snap.lbl.gov/docindex.html
18SNAP has 5 teams at work
- Science
- Continuing groundbased HST observing
- Supernova Cosmology Project (Perlmutter)
- Supernova Factory (Aldering)
- Requirements
- Simulation team
- Theory modelling
- Calibration Team
- Instruments
- Silicon CCD group
- HgCdTe NIR groups
- Spectrometer
- Electronics
- Telescope
- Design, tolerances, optical performance
- Stray light
- Fabrication, Integration Test
- Science ops, especially software pipeline
- works closely with the simulation team
19Focal plane effort
20Focal plane structure
Cold plate
21(No Transcript)
22Instrument Control Unit and Image Cache
- Instrument control unit (SLAC)
- Overall coordination and monitoring of instrument
- Leverage SLAC experience
- Readout Slice/Image Cache (FNAL)
- 2 terabits of flash memory storage required for
one day of exposures (total). - FNAL doing radiation tolerance experiments
23Computing Simulation Activities
- Computing
- Simulation Framework LBNL, UCB
- Collaborative infrastructure U. Michigan, FNAL,
LBNL, UCB - Mission Simulation Software
- Design U. Pennsylvania, LBNL
- Mission definition U. Pennsylvania, LBNL
- Photometric Channels
- Parametric LBNL, U. Pennsylvania
- Pixel-level FNAL, U. Michigan, CPPM, LBNL
- Spectroscopic Channels
- Parametric LBNL
- SNAP Spectrometer CPPM/LAM, UCB
- Grism U. Michigan, CPPM, UCB
- Calibration Simulation FNAL, LBNL, Indiana U.
- Data Analysis Software
- SN light-curve fitting LBNL, CPPM
- Spectroscopy CPPM/IPNL, U. Michigan, LBNL
- SN Hubble Diagram Cosmology LBNL
- Mission Studies (Requirements, trades,
optimization) - Ground SN missions LBNL, U. Pennsylvania
- Baryon Oscillation U. Michigan, CPPM, LBNL
- Galaxy Clusters FNAL
- Gravitational lensing U. Pennsylvania
24A Possible 6-year Timeline
25Telescope Requirements
- Light Gathering Power
- SNR on faint targets with limited time-on-target
- photometry magnitude reach, accuracy, SN harvest
rate - spectroscopy magnitude reach, accuracy, SN
harvest rate - weak lensing magnitude reach, survey speed
- requires geometric aperture diameter 1.8 to 2.0
meters - Angular resolution and PSF stability over time
- drives SNR hence survey speed
- drives WL shear accuracy, hence survey speed
- goal is nearly diffraction limited at one
micron wavelength - Strehl gt 80 at one micron WFE lt 70 nm RMS
- Rate of change of PSF lt 2 milli arcseconds /
hour TBC - Field of View
- driven by required supernova discovery rate
- driven by required WL survey speed
- 1.3 sq deg optical, 0.7 sq deg instrumented field
- Wavelength Coverage
- 0.4 to 1.7 microns to span SN and WL redshift
range - requires all-reflector optical train
26Three-mirror anastigmat D.Korsch,
Applied Optics v.16 2074 1977.
- Prolate ellipsoid concave primary mirror
- Hyperbolic convex secondary mirror
- Flat folding mirror with central hole
- Prolate ellipsoid concave tertiary mirror
- Delivers lt 0.07 arcsecond FWHM geometrical blur
over annular field 1.37 sqdeg - Flat focal surface
- EFL adapts 15 to gt30meters
- baseline currently 22m
- Side-mounted detector
- Telephoto advantage 6
27Telescope within outer baffle
28The Metering Structure
29Stray light Cassegrain Baffle
- Developing stray light budget
- Operate in full sun light
- Operate in presence of bright stars
- Modeling for
- Mirror roughness
- Mirror particulate contamination
- Ghosting (filters)
- Baffle reflectance
- Test Plan
- Cassegrain stray light baffle effectively shadows
inactive areas of focal plane. - Baffle is warm, but not visible to detector
pixels - Baffle includes a four-blade shutter
30Cassegrain shutter
31Image Quality (schematic!)
32Image Quality continued
MCT pixel
silicon pixel
detector diffusion
attitude control jitter
33Image Quality modulation transfer function
Principle 2 pixels/cycle at f(10) f(10) is 52
cycles/mm gt 9.5um compare our 10.5 um pixels
34Geometric Aberrations, TMA72
detector pattern 46.2mm grid
detector pattern 44mm grid
central vignetted zone
pixel population with 44mm grid
35Mechanical Tolerances
- Initial alignment to surveying levels
- Secondary mirror used for final alignment
- Interferometer (terrestrial)
- Starfield (on orbit)
- Allowable mechanical tolerances are determined as
follows - Generate WFE budget line items corresponding to
misalignment - Misalign/SM correct until corrected WFE
approaches budget allocation - Initial mechanical misalignment becomes tolerance
- Tolerances are well within capability of
surveying equipment - Leica TM5100A theodolite (3 units) 10µm linear,
2.5µrad angular - Leica Laser tracker 25µm linear (10ppm), µrad
36SNAP-TECH-06008 Primary Mirror Dwg
37Flat fold mirror
- Optical design of TMA requires tight packaging
between FM and passive cold stop while avoiding
vignetting - ULE, Zerodur, Be, SiC are OK
- Not a development driver
Zerodur SEVIRI mirror, Zeiss, 53x83cm, 16kg
SiC S. Roberts, DAO 2001 ASTRIUM 50 x 80cm
381-G testing vertical vs horizontal
- Full end to end test planned
- Vertical vs Horizontal axis were traded
- vendor facilities experience
- 1-G deformations 100 nm rms
- lt 15 nm rms FEM uncertainty
- 12 to 15 offloaders on PM if vertical axis
- None on PM if horizontal axis
- No need to offload SM, FM, TM
PM horizontal axis, no offloaders 78nm RMS
Mirror Figure error Allowed figure error
Primary 10 nm rms lt 15 nm rms
Secondary 7.5 nm rms lt 10 nm rms
Fold 6 nm rms lt 10 nm rms
Tertiary 7.5 nm rms lt 10 nm rms
PM vertical axis, no offloaders 1500nm RMS
39Integration Test
- The SNAP observatory was designed to be simple to
test, calibrate, and verify - Built-in optical test equipment
- Interface ring between payload and spacecraft
(spacecraft bolts on) - Direct insertion and removal of science package
from telescope without telescope deintegration - Semi-kinematic mount for focal plane assembly and
spectrograph - Comprehensive test plan developed
40Integration Test Buyoff
- Mechanical integrity
- mirrors, bipods etc under compression and
tension - satisfied with horizontal axis testing, various
roll angles - test is regarded as easy to conduct
- Image quality
- mirrors, struts, structure under zero stress,
zero strain - similar to what will be seen on orbit
- requires flotation for PM
- requires precision flat or collimated star
simulator - requires interferometer for pupil wavefront
display - accommodates point source reflex test
- Stray light
- requires specialized test fixtures e.g. pulsed
laser - Define the facilities needed during IT flats,
towers, ....
41PSF Stability
- Weak Lensing requires lt 2 milli-arcseconds / hour
PSF change - Expect chief thermal effect is daily attitude
maneuver plan - target selection
- data downlink
- Mitigators
- L2 orbit w/o shadows
- Low CTE materials in mirrors and structure
- Telescope is thermally mechanically decoupled
from outer barrel - active thermal control system
- Predict daily effect 0.12 milli-arcseconds
change, 24h time scale
42Telescope Activities
- Optics design -- detailed clearances, tolerances,
fabrication budgets - Stray light baffles, struts, shield, detectors
- Passive cold stop design, clearances,
accommodation - Flat field illuminator integral with passive cold
stop - Cassegrain baffle reject stray light from focal
plane - Shutter at Cassegrain focus speed, accuracy,
reliability - Test plan component level, telescope level,
observatory level - Integration plan facilities, staff,
verification matrix - Observatory design has begun based on this
telescope concept
43Telescope summary
- Accomplishments
- Mature design prescription, materials,
fabrication test methods, are all within
current state-of-art - Extensive baffling design and simulation for
stray light control - Built-in test equipment may provide added
assurance while reducing cost schedule impact
of optical reverification - Integration and test flow plan has been baselined
- Cassegrain shutter location ends operational
concerns - Flat field illuminator has been adopted and
appears workable - Long-lead procurement has begun!
- Future
- Update stray light, FEM, and integration plan
studies - Integrate industry recommendations into telescope
test plan - Pursue partnerships with industry to refine cost,
schedule, test plans - Proceed with the Zerodur primary mirror option
- Proceed into observatory mission design
modelling, system engineering, spacecraft bus
definition, data flow processing pipeline....
44Simulated SNAP data
Each SNAP point represents 50-supernovae per bin
45Further Information
M. Lampton et al, SNAP Telescope Proc. SPIE
4854, 2002. M. Lampton et al, SNAP Telescope
Progress Proc. SPIE 5166, 2003. M. Sholl et al,
Proc. SNAP Telescope Image Quality SPIE 5487,
2004. M.Sholl et al SNAP Point Spread Function
SPIE v. 5899, 2005.
...and many more public documents at
http//snap.lbl.gov SNAP-TECH-06008 Primary
Mirror Dwg SNAP-TECH-06009 1-G Strain SNAP-TECH-06
010 Telescope Summary