Title: Wireless Communication By
1Wireless CommunicationBy
- Engr. Muhammad Ashraf Bhutta
2Antennas and Propagation
- An antenna is a transducer that converts radio
frequency electric current to electromagnetic
waves that are radiated into space - In two-way communication, the same antenna can be
used for transmission and reception
3Fundamental Antenna Concepts
- Reciprocity
- Radiation Patterns
- Isotropic Radiator
- Gain
- Polarization
- In general, the various properties of an antenna
apply equally regardless of whether it is used
for transmitting or receiving - Transmission/reception efficiency
- Gain
- Current and voltage distribution
- Impedance
5Radiation Patterns
- Radiation pattern
- Graphical representation of radiation properties
of an antenna - Depicted as a two-dimensional cross section
- Reception pattern
- Receiving antennas equivalent to radiation
6Antenna Gain
- Antenna gain
- Power output, in a particular direction, compared
to that produced in any direction by an isotropic
antenna - Effective area
- Related to physical size and shape of the antenna
7Antenna Gain
- Relationship between antenna gain and effective
area - G ? antenna gain
- Ae ? effective area
- f ? carrier frequency
- c ? speed of light ( 3 x 108 m/s)
- ? ? carrier wavelength
- Defined as the orientation of the electric field
(E-plane) of an electromagnetic wave - Types of polarization
- Linear
- Horizontal
- Vertical
- Circular
- Vertically Polarized Antenna
- Electric field is perpendicular to the Earths
surface - e.g., Broadcast tower for AM radio, whip
antenna on an automobile - Horizontally Polarized Antenna
- Electric field is parallel to the Earths surface
- e.g., Television transmission (U.S.)
- Circular Polarized Antenna
- Wave radiates energy in both the horizontal and
vertical planes and all planes in between
10Types of Antennas
- Isotropic antenna
- Idealized
- Radiates power equally in all directions
- Omnidirectional
- Dipole antennas
- Half-wave dipole antenna
- Hertz antenna
- Quarter-wave vertical antenna
- Marconi antenna
- Parabolic Reflective Antenna
- Smart Antenna
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13RF propagation Coverable distance
- The distance that a wireless link can bridge is
depends on - RF budget
- gain
- Insertion loss
- Receiver sensitivity
- Path loss
- Environmental Conditions (influencing the path
loss) - free space versus non free space
- line of sight
- Reflections / Interference
- Weather
14RF propagationFree space versus non free space
- Non-free space
- Line of sight required
- Objects protrude in the fresnel zone, but do not
block the path - Free Space
- Line of sight
- No objects in the fresnel zone
- Antenna height is significant
- Distance relative short (due to effects of
curvature of the earth)
15RF propagationFirst Fresnel Zone
First Fresnel Zone
Direct Path L
Reflected path L
Food Mart
16RF PropagationBasic loss formula
- Propagation Loss
- d distance between Tx and Rx antenna meter
- PT transmit power mW
- PR receive power mW
- G antennae gain
Pr 1/f2 D2 which means 2X Frequency 1/4
Power 2 X Distance 1/4 Power
17RF propagationRF Budget
- The total amount of signal energy that is
generated by the transmitter and the
active/passive components in the path between the
two radios, in relation to the amount of signal
required by the receiver to be able to interpret
the signal - Lp lt Pt - Pr Gt - It Gr - Ir
- Where
- Pt Power on transmit Pr Power on receive
- Gt Gain of transmitting antenna It
Insertion loss in the transmit part - Gr Gain of receiving antenna Ir Insertion
loss in the receive part - Lp path loss
18RF propagation Simple Path Analysis Concept
19RF propagation RSL and FADE MARGIN
20RF propagation Sample Calculation
21RF PropagationAntenna Height requirements
- Fresnel Zone Clearance 0.6 first Fresnel
distance (Clear Path for Signal at mid point) - 57 feet for 40 Km path
- 30 feet for 10 Km path
- Clearance for Earths Curvature
- 13 feet for 10 Km path
- 200 feet for 40 Km path
Midpoint clearance 0.6F Earth curvature 10'
when K1 First Fresnel Distance (meters) F1
17.3 (d1d2)/(fD)1/2 where Dpath length Km,
ffrequency (GHz) , d1 distance from
Antenna1(Km) , d2 distance from Antenna 2
(Km) Earth Curvature h (d1d2) /2 where h
change in vertical distance from Horizontal line
(meters), d1d2 distance from antennas 12
22RF Propagation Reflections
- Signals arrive 180 out of phase ( 1/2 ?) from
reflective surface - Cancel at antenna - Try moving Antenna to change
geometry of link - 6cm is the difference in-phase
to out of phase
23RF propagationEnvironmental conditions
- Weather
- Snow
- Ice and snow when attached to the antenna has
negative impact - heavy rain on flat panels
- When rain creates a water film it will
negatively impact performance - Rainfall in the path has little impact
- Storm
- Can lead to misalignment
- Lightning
- Surge protector will protect the equipment
against static discharges that result of
lightning. It cannot protect the system against a
direct hit by lightning, but will protect the
building from fire in such a case
24Propagation Characteristics of mobile radio
- In an ideal radio channel, the received signal
would consist of only a single direct path
signal, which would be a perfect reconstruction
of the transmitted signal. - In real the received signal consists of a
combination of attenuated, reflected, refracted,
and diffracted replicas of the transmitted signal - .It can cause a shift in the carrier frequency
if the transmitter, or receiver is moving
(Doppler effect).
- Attenuation is the drop in the signal power when
transmitting from one point to another. - It can be caused by the transmission path
length, obstructions in the signal path, and
multipath effects. - Figure on next slide shows some of the radio
propagation effects that cause attenuation. - Any objects that obstruct the line of sight
signal from the transmitter to the receiver can
cause attenuation.
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27- Shadowing of the signal can occur whenever there
is an obstruction between the transmitter and
receiver. - It is generally caused by buildings and hills,
and is the most important environmental
attenuation factor. - Shadowing is most severe in heavily built up
areas, due to the shadowing from buildings. - Radio signals diffract off the boundaries of
obstructions, thus preventing total shadowing of
the signals behind hills and buildings. - However, the amount of diffraction is dependent
on the radio frequency used, with low frequencies
diffracting more then high frequency signals. - Thus high frequency signals, especially, Ultra
High Frequencies (UHF), and microwave signals
require line of sight for adequate signal
strength. - To over come the problem of shadowing,
transmitters are usually elevated as high as
possible to minimise the number of obstructions
28Multipath Effects
Rayleigh fading
- In a radio link, the RF signal from the
transmitter may be reflected from objects such as
hills, buildings, or vehicles. - This gives rise to multiple transmission paths
at the receiver. Figure in next slide show some
of the possible ways in which multipath signals
can occur.
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30The relative phase of multiple reflected signals
can cause constructive or destructive
interference at the receiver. This is
experienced over very short distances (typically
at half wavelength distances), thus is given the
term fast fading. These variations can vary from
10-30dB over a short distance. Figure 4 shows the
level of attenuation that can occur due to the
31Figure Typical Rayleigh fading while the Mobile
Unit is moving (for at 900 MHz)
32The Rayleigh distribution is commonly used to
describe the statistical time varying nature of
the received signal power. It describes the
probability of the signal level being received
due to fading.
33Frequency Selective Fading
In any radio transmission, the channel spectral
response is not flat. It has dips or fades in
the response due to reflections causing
cancellation of certain frequencies at the
receiver. Reflections off near-by objects (e.g.
ground, buildings, trees, etc) can lead to
multipath signals of similar signal power as the
direct signal. This can result in deep nulls in
the received signal power due to destructive
interference. For narrow bandwidth transmissions
if the null in the frequency response occurs at
the transmission frequency then the entire signal
can be lost. This can be partly overcome in two
34. This can be partly overcome in two ways. By
transmitting a wide bandwidth signal or spread
spectrum as CDMA, any dips in the spectrum only
result in a small loss of signal power, rather
than a complete loss. Another method is to split
the transmission up into many small bandwidth
carriers, as is done in a COFDM/OFDM
transmission. The original signal is spread over
a wide bandwidth and so nulls in the spectrum are
likely to only affect a small number of carriers
rather than the entire signal. The information in
the lost carriers can be recovered by using
forward error correction techniques
35Delay Spread
- The received radio signal from a transmitter
consists of typically a direct signal, plus
reflections off objects such as buildings,
mountings, and other structures. - The reflected signals arrive at a later time then
the direct signal because of the extra path
length, giving rise to a slightly different
arrival times, spreading the received energy in
time. Delay spread is the time spread between the
arrival of the first and last significant
multipath signal seen by the receiver. - In a digital system, the delay spread can lead to
inter-symbol interference. This is due to the
delayed multipath signal overlapping with the
following symbols. This can cause significant
errors in high bit rate systems, especially when
using time division multiplexing (TDMA). Figure 5
shows the effect of inter-symbol interference due
to delay spread on the received signal. As the
transmitted bit rate is increased the amount of
inter-symbol interference also increases. The
effect starts to become very significant when the
delay spread is greater then 50 of the bit time
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37Table shows the typical delay spread for various
environments. The maximum delay spread in an
outdoor environment is approximately 20 us, thus
significant inter-symbol interference can occur
at bit rates as low as 25 kbps.
Delay Spread Maximum Path Length Difference
Indoor (room) 40 nsec - 200 12 m - 60 m
Outdoor 1 m sec - 20 m sec 300 m - 6 km
Environment or cause
Inter-symbol interference can be minimized in
several ways. One method is to reduce the symbol
rate by reducing the data rate for each channel
(i.e. split the bandwidth into more channels
using frequency division multiplexing, or OFDM).
Another is to use a coding scheme that is
tolerant to inter-symbol interference such as
38 Doppler Shift
When a wave source and a receiver are moving
relative to one another the frequency of the
received signal will not be the same as the
source. When they are moving toward each other
the frequency of the received signal is higher
then the source, and when they are approaching
each other the frequency decreases. This is
called the Doppler effect. An example of this is
the change of pitch in a cars horn as it
approaches then passes by. This effect becomes
important when developing mobile radio
systems. The amount the frequency changes due to
the Doppler effect depends on the relative motion
between the source and receiver and on the speed
of propagation of the wave. The Doppler shift in
frequency can be written
39(from 12) fdfo v/c Where fd is the change in
frequency of the source seen at the receiver , fo
is the frequency of the source, v is the speed
difference between the source and transmitter,
and c is the speed of light. For example Let fo
1GHz, and v 60km/hr (16.7m/s) then the Doppler
shift will be This shift of 55Hz in the
carrier will generally not effect the
transmission. However, Doppler shift can cause
significant problems if the transmission
technique is sensitive to carrier frequency
offsets (for example OFDM) or the relative speed
is higher (for example in low earth orbiting
40 What is function of SMH?
What sort of processing is done with SU in
outgoing processor at MTP level 2 ?
What is the function of Sevice indicator (SI)In