Title: Management and Coordination of the Philippine Statistical System
1Management and Coordination of the Philippine
Statistical System
- Director
- Bureau of Agricultural Statistics
- Philippines
2- PSS is highly decentralized.....
- organizations involved in statistics were born
out of the needs for - -- evidence-based planning and decision-making
across various administrative units in the
government bureaucracy at national and
sub-national levels
3- PSS is highly decentralized .....
- organizations with different goals and
sub-goals - National Statistics Office
- Bureau of Agricultural Statistics
- Bureau of Labor and Employment Statistics
- Government Departments
- Statistical Research and Training Center
- Academe
4- PSS is highly decentralized .....
- And thus . . .
- need for coordination to
- -- minimize duplication
- -- promote coherence efficiency
- in the conduct of statistical activities
5- The National Statistical Coordination Board
(NSCB).... - EO 121 tasked the NCSB as the agency responsible
for horizontal coordination with the various
statistical organizations within the national
governments administrative hierarchy, and - EO 135 mandated the NSCB to be responsible for
vertical coordination within the local
statistical systems.
6Powers and Functions of NSCB
- Prescribe uniform standards and classification
systems in government statistics
- Promote and maintain an efficient statistical
system in the government
- Formulate policies on all matters relating to
government statistical operations
- Recommend executive and legislative measures to
enhance the development and efficiency of the
system, including the internal structure of
statistical agencies
- Establish appropriate mechanisms for statistical
coordination at the regional, provincial and city
- Approve the Philippine Statistical Development
7- Allocate statistical responsibilities among
government agencies by designating the statistics
to be collected by them, including their
periodicity and content
- Review budgetary proposals involving statistical
operations and submit an integrated budget for
the PSS to the Department of Budget and
Management (DBM)
- Review and clear, prior to release, all funds for
statistical operations
- Develop, prescribe, and maintain appropriate
frameworks for the improvement of statistical
coordination and
- Prescribe uniform standards and classification
systems in government statistics.
8Structure of the NSCB (Board)....
- Composed of undersecretaries of 20 different
Departments, heads of National Statistics Office
and Statistical Research and Training Centers and
Secretary General of NSCB Technical Staff
- With Representatives from private sector and
Local Government Units (
thru their organizations)
- Chaired by the Director-General of NEDA
- Vice Chaired by Undersecretary of DBM
- The NSCB meets every quarter.
9Under EO 121, NSCB Technical Staff is tasked to
. . . - provide technical and secretariat
support to the NSCB - serve as the
statistical clearing house and liaison for
international statistical matters -
perform other functions as may be assigned by the
NSCB and as may be necessary to carry out the
purposes of Executive Order 121 The NSCB
Technical Staff . . . - headed by a
Secretary-General who is an ex- officio member of
the NSCB
10Mechanisms for statistical coordination.....
- The Standards and Classification Systems
- e.g.,
- Philippine Standard Occupation Classification
(PSOC) Philippine Standard Commodity
Classification (PSCC) Philippine Standard
Industrial Classification (PSIC) and Philippine
Standard Geographic Code (PSGC) -
- The Statistical Survey Review and Clearance
System (SSRCS) a process thru which all surveys
and censuses to be conducted are reviewed and
approved before they can be conducted.
11Mechanisms for statistical coordination.....
- The Policy Resolutions of the NSCB a
compilation of policy issuances of the NSCB as
the highest policy-making body on statistical
- The Philippine Statistical Development Program
a five-year rolling blueprint of statistical
activities to be undertaken by the PSS that
articulates the data requirements of the
Philippine Medium-Term Development Plan
- The System of Designated Statistics (SDS) a
mechanism laid out thru EO 352 that lists the
most critical and essential statistical
activities and statistics that should be
generated by the PSS
12Mechanisms for statistical coordination.....
- The Interagency Committees and Technical Working
Groups to address specific/sectoral statistical
issues with representation from concerned groups,
including the academe and the private sector
- The Statistical Frameworks frameworks and
indicator systems such as the System of National
Accounts (SNA), Statistical Indicators on
Philippine Development (StatDev)
- The Subnational Statistical Coordination
Committees multi-sectoral committees formed at
the subnational level to provide direction in the
development of subnational statistical systems
with guidance from policy issuances of the NSCB
13Mechanisms for statistical coordination.....
- The Government Statistics Accessibility Program
(GSAP) to promote best practices in information
dissemination - -- dissemination of Advance Release Calendars,
- -- development and maintenance of metadata on
PSS products
- The conduct of statistical advocacy activities
- e.g.
- -- National Statistics Month (every
October) and - -- National Convention on Statistics
(held every three years)
14As a coordination tool..... - the NSCB
Technical Staff is engaged in the
compilation of the national accounts - the
NSCB Technical Staff is also undertaking the
estimation of poverty statistics and - both
the national accounts and poverty statistics are
designated statistics.
15Issues regarding coordination of the PSS
- representation and participation in the
- presence of NSCB Technical Staff only in 10
out of 16 regions
- lack of clear guidelines in managing the
processes and outputs of IACs, TCs, TFs
16Recent developments..... - the NSCB created
a Special Committee to review the PSS -
the Special Committee has submitted its
recommendations in the form of draft statistics
legislation and - draft bills are being
debated in the Senate and Lower House of
Congress. Reorganization with creation of a
Statistical Advisory Council.