Title: HERA Machine Developement
1HERA Machine Developement
- January-February 2003
- F. Willleke, MHE
2 Preliminary HERA Schedule 2003 Preliminary HERA Schedule 2003 Preliminary HERA Schedule 2003 Preliminary HERA Schedule 2003 Preliminary HERA Schedule 2003 Preliminary HERA Schedule 2003
Status of 1/16/2003 1302 Â Â Â Â
  Begin  Days  End
Startup 2003 Â 2-Jan-03 Â 6 Â 8-Jan-03
Luminosity Operation  8-Jan-03  29  6-Feb-03
Maintenance day  6-Feb-03  1  7-Feb-03
Luminosity Operation  7-Feb-03  10  17-Feb-03
Polarisation Studies  17-Feb-03  14  3-Mar-03
Shut Down  3-Mar-03  126  7-Jul-03
Start-up  7-Jul-03  7  13-Jul-03
Machine Studies  13-Jul-03  14  27-Jul-03
Polarization Studies  27-Jul-03  11  7-Aug-03
Maintenance day  7-Aug-03  1  8-Aug-03
Luminosity Operation  8-Aug-03  27  4-Sep-03
Maintenance day  4-Sep-03  1  5-Sep-03
Luminosity Operation  5-Sep-03  27  2-Oct-03
Maintenance day  2-Oct-03  1  3-Oct-03
Luminosity Operation  3-Oct-03  34  6-Nov-03
Maintenance day  6-Nov-03  1  7-Nov-03
Luminosity Operation  7-Nov-03  27  4-Dec-03
Maintenance day  4-Dec-03  1  5-Dec-03
Luminosity Operation  5-Dec-03  10  15-Dec-03
Machine Studies  15-Dec-03  7  22-Dec-03
Shut Down  22-Dec-03  14  5-Jan-04
3HERA Goals in January/February 2003 last update
January 13, 2003-01-13
- High Priority Items
- Demonstrate, that the IR vacuum and proton
background conditions is improving by continuous
running - Demonstrate safe running with 50mA of Positrons
- Demonstrate a luminosity of at least 4 x 1031
cm-2 s-1 - Turn on rotators North and South and store and
accelerate high intensity positron beam - Demonstrate polarized beams with 3 rotators
4Plan for HERA Machine Studies (update
- check consistency optics optimization ?operation
- bunch-to-bunch Q_s spread check whether 47kHz
amplit. mod. of on 208MHz system damps
longitudinal multibunch instabilities (done) - test lumi optimization autopilot (looks good)
- test F.Brinkers program for viewing the e orbit
at IPs - Test new version of Auto OrbCorr which
incorporates other than IR-coils - practice e-ramp lumi procedure with increasing
current (progress delayed by a least 1 week) - machine file service (regularly)
- Injection optimization (regularly)
- condition p-ring towards I_p gt 100mA
- BB-beta-beat minimize BB-beta-beat with phase
trombone prepare an optics with fixed phase
shift in the west - measure BB tune shift and L_spec vs. proton bunch
current with collisions at only one IP at time - Miscellaneous
- RF-calibration 208MHz 52MHz
- Analyse the 28Hz line that comes from 52MHz
system 2 - IR-magnet alignment vs. positron current at
27.5GeV - understand the -1.5mm horizontal orbit shift at
H1 - dynamical aperture HERA e/p
- beam based alignment / straight N S
- try to understand phase jumps at QP33 S / QP35 S
then ORM - Test improved phase loop-I
- (N,O,S) (w/o solenoids at first...)
- Re-establish polarization tunes
- measure the dispersion
- scan Qs and Qx for synchrotron sidebands
- phase advance between cavity section
- prepare an optics with fixed phase shift in the
west - dispersion e emittance vs. lumi-bump-H4A (H1
ZEUS) use the wire-scanner measure dispersion - Vary dispersion in cavities
- rotator pair OL/OR only
- tunes, orbit, E-scan, harmonic bumps, etc.
- all three pairs tunes, orbit, Energy-scan,
harmonic bumps, etc.
- long positron-only run with high initial current
- Vary (up/down) f0 to increase/decrease bunch
length watching vacuum pressure and H1 beam-pipe
temperature first tests already
done in December
8HERA Operational Efficiency
- HERA I had two difficult problems
- Dust problem for electron operation,
mitigated by replacing the intergrate ion pumps
by NEG pumps - Availability of the Accelerator Complex
Operational Efficiency
improved by a major upgrade in SD97/98
addional RF station, new 8kA PS for protons, new
coils for p low-b quads, DC-bias a sc couplers,
improvemens in p-Inj line, Improvements in e-Inj,
9(No Transcript)
10Lessons learnedagrees with Tevatron, SLC, LEP
- Dont do regular machine study which interupts
routineoperations - Dont do frequent regular maintenance
- Dont do long shudowns
- Dont cange operational procedures and
operational parameters - Push smoothly and continuously for better
performance - Do long runs
- all this was violated for most of
2002 running
11- Frequent changes of Operation mode (p, e
only, different bunch patters, high/low
intensity, with/without collision, scubbing) - Machine studies severval topics not
satisfactorily explored in 2001 coupling,
beam optics verification, beam based alignment,
e-beam stability, investigation of beam-beam
effect, e/p injection efficiency
12Injection times improved
Scheduled downtime plus long time vacuum
Background studies, single beam runs, etc