Title: B Cell Activation and Antibody Production
1B Cell Activation and Antibody Production
2Overview of B Cell Development,
Activation, Antibody Production
3B Cell Antigens
4B Cell Responses to Thymus-Dependent Antigens (T
Cell-Dependent Antibody Responses)
5Primary and Secondary Antibody Responses
6Phases of the Humoral Immune Response
7A T-Dependent Antigen Must Contain Both B and T
Cell Epitopes
T Cell Epitope
B Cell Epitope
(B Cells)
(T Cells)
9Activation of B Cells by Antigen and Complement
1. Biochemical Signals 2. Endocytosis of Antigen
10Antigen Recognition Phase of T-Dependent
Antibody Response
11Interactions of B Cells with Helper T Cells
TEM Picture
B Cell
B Cell
T Cell
Initial Contact
T-B Conjugate
Note the broad area of membrane contact between
B and T Cells.
12Helper T Cell-Dependent Activation Of B
13B-Cell Activation by Thymus-Dependent Antigens
Linked Recognition
14Activated B Cells (Following Interaction with TH
Extra-follicular Site
Germinal Center
Antibody Secreting Cells
15Late Events in T Cell-Dependent Antibody
Responses-Germinal Center Reaction
- Affinity Maturation
- Somatic Hypermutation
- Generation of Memory B Cells
16Somatic Hypermutation and Affinity Maturation of
Affinity maturation is the process that leads to
increased affinity of antibodies for a particular
antigen as a result of somatic mutation in the Ig
genes followed by selective survival of B cells
producing the antibodies with the highest affinity
17Affinity Maturation in Antibody Responses
18Selection of High Affinity B Cells in Germinal
19Phases of the Humoral Immune Response
to T-Dependent Antigen
20Anatomy of Humoral Immune Responses
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22Antibody Isotype Switching
23Isotype Switching Under the Influence of Helper T
Cell-Derived Cytokines
24Mechanism of Ig Isotype Switching
25CD4 T Cell-Dependent Effects in Antibody
- Memory B Cell Development
- Isotype Switching
- Affinity Maturation
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27Thymus-Independent Antigens
28B-Cell Activation by Thymus-Independent and
Dependent Antigens
Most TI antigens are polyvalent and induce
maximal Crosslinking of membrane Ig on B cells,
without a Need for T cell help.
29Features of Antibody Responses to T-Dependent and
T-Independent Antigens
30Antibody Response to T-Dependent Antigens
- Role of Helper T Cells
- Cytokines
- CD40/CD40L interactions
- Isotype Switching
- Switch Recombination
- Cytokines and Isotypes
- Affinity Maturation
- Somatic hypermutation
- Selection for B cells which produce High Affinity
Antibodies - Memory B Cells
31Antibody Effector Functions
32Effector Functions of Antibodies
33Neutralization of Microbes by Antibodies
34Neutralization of Toxins by Antibodies
35Opsonization of Microbes by Antibodies
36Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity (ADCC)
37Functions of Complement
38Complement-Mediated Lysis of E. coli
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40Cellular Interactions in Immune Responses
41The Immune Response A Summary
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