Title: Workpackage 4 Functional requirements
1Workpackage 4 Functional requirements
- to identify the functional requirements for the
management of Geographic Information and for
geographical representation and analysis in
protected areas
G.I.S !? Nature
2Task 4.1 Functional and system needs
It is the preliminary identification of
functional needs, of system interactions and of
standard requirements
- Analysis about WEB-GIS functionality
- Integration of the different contributions about
the types of functionality - Preparation of a synthesis catalogue about the
WEB-GIS functionalities
3Task 4.1 Functional and system needs
It is the preliminary identification of
functional needs, of system interactions and of
standard requirements
- Analysis about WEB-GIS functionality
- Integration of the different contributions about
the types of functionality - Preparation of a synthesis catalogue about the
WEB-GIS functionalities
4Task 4.1 Functional and system needs
It is the preliminary identification of
functional needs, of system interactions and of
standard requirements
- Analysis about WEB-GIS functionality
- Integration of the different contributions about
the types of functionality - Preparation of a synthesis catalogue about the
WEB-GIS functionalities
5Functional requirements main list
Access 1) Multilingual access 2)
Registration (login, password) Access controller
(counter, etc..)
Identification of user profile 1)
Administrator 2) Data provider and
user 3) Data user
6Functional requirements main list
Data and metadata upload (only for
Administrators and data providers) 1) User
permission 2) Format standardisation a.
Geographic data
ii. SHP
iv. Other .. b.
Alphanumeric data
ii. MDB
iv. Other .. 3)
Data management operations a. Add
data b. Delete data c. Modify
data 4) Access statistics control
7Functional requirements main list
Kind of data 1) Original format 2)
Standardized and filtered format 3)
Applications ( maps, graphs, reports) 4)
Projects ( thematic) 5) Links
Choice of data 1) Thematic index 2)
Alphabetic index 3) Geographic
position 4) Keywords 5) Query
builder 6) Producer 7)
Date/update 8) Data availability 9)
Data preview 10) Other .
8Functional requirements main list
Display and interrogation 1)
Thematic a. Predefined b. User
defined 2) Symbol and optimised
representation a. Predefined b. User
defined 3) Visualization tools (pan, zoom,
coordinate , legend visualization, ) a.
Predefined b. User defined 4)
Interrogation a. Linked data b. Query
9Functional requirements main list
Elaborations 1) Selection (geometric, by
theme, by buffer) 2) Overlay 3)
Geoprocessing (dissolve, clip, intersect, merge,
union, identity, ) 4) Geocoding (address
.) 5) Buffering 6) Spatial analysis
a. Digital Terrain and Surface
modelling b. Geospatial interpolation c.
3D Volume modelling d. Other
7) Network analysis 8) Editing
(point, line, area, attributes) 9) Calculate
area/length 10) Alphanumeric operations (logic
operators, algebra operators, join, link) 11)
Print 1) On line print a.
Predefined b. Customized 2) Download of
graphic files a. RTL b. PDF c.
EPS d. Other
10Functional requirements main list
Data and metadata download 1) Way for
download a. FTP b. Automatic
mailing c. Other 2) Data
format a. E00 b. SHP c.
DXF d. Other .. 3) Server
access control and statistics 4)
Preview/samples of data 5) Summary of
Access and integration with other data
servers 1) Link 2) Embedding Other
11Task 4.2 Design and preparation of the survey
On the preliminary assessment of task 4.1, it
creates and validates the part of the
questionnaire on functional and system needs.
- Identification of the stakeholder typology
- Identification of the stakeholders to be involved
- Formulation and test of the draft questionnaire
- Integration and circulation of the comprehensive
questionnaire draft - Draft of the final questionnaire
12Task 4.2 Design and preparation of the survey
On the preliminary assessment of task 4.1, it
creates and validates the part of the
questionnaire on functional and system needs.
- Identification of the stakeholder typology
- Identification of the stakeholders to be involved
- Formulation and test of the draft questionnaire
- Integration and circulation of the comprehensive
questionnaire draft - Draft of the final questionnaire
13Stakeholders tipology
14Task 4.2 Design and preparation of the survey
On the preliminary assessment of task 4.1, it
creates and validates the part of the
questionnaire on functional and system needs.
- Identification of the stakeholder typology
- Identification of the stakeholders to be involved
- Formulation and test of the draft questionnaire
- Integration and circulation of the comprehensive
questionnaire draft - Draft of the final questionnaire
15Task 4.2 Design and preparation of the survey
On the preliminary assessment of task 4.1, it
creates and validates the part of the
questionnaire on functional and system needs.
- Identification of the stakeholder typology
- Identification of the stakeholders to be involved
- Formulation and test of the draft questionnaire
- Integration and circulation of the comprehensive
questionnaire draft - Draft of the final questionnaire
16Task 4.2 Design and preparation of the survey
On the preliminary assessment of task 4.1, it
creates and validates the part of the
questionnaire on functional and system needs.
- Identification of the stakeholder typology
- Identification of the stakeholders to be involved
- Formulation and test of the draft questionnaire
- Integration and circulation of the comprehensive
questionnaire draft - Draft of the final questionnaire
17Task 4.2 Design and preparation of the survey
On the preliminary assessment of task 4.1, it
creates and validates the part of the
questionnaire on functional and system needs.
- Identification of the stakeholder typology
- Identification of the stakeholders to be involved
- Formulation and test of the draft questionnaire
- Integration and circulation of the comprehensive
questionnaire draft - Draft of the final questionnaire
18Task 4.3 Assessment
The questionnaire is circulated.
- Identification of final stakeholders
- Questionnaire translation
- Questionnaire diffusion
- Transmission of the filled in questionnaire
- Preliminary evaluation of the results
19Task 4.3 Assessment
The questionnaire is circulated.
- Identification of final stakeholders
- Questionnaire translation
- Questionnaire diffusion
- Transmission of the filled in questionnaire
- Preliminary evaluation of the results
20Task 4.3 Assessment
The questionnaire is circulated.
- Identification of final stakeholders
- Questionnaire translation
- Questionnaire diffusion
- Transmission of the filled in questionnaire
- Preliminary evaluation of the results
21Task 4.3 Assessment
The questionnaire is circulated.
- Identification of final stakeholders
- Questionnaire translation
- Questionnaire diffusion
- Transmission of the filled in questionnaire
- Preliminary evaluation of the results
22Task 4.3 Assessment
The questionnaire is circulated.
- Identification of final stakeholders
- Questionnaire translation
- Questionnaire diffusion
- Transmission of the filled in questionnaire
- Preliminary evaluation of the results
23Task 4.3 Assessment
The questionnaire is circulated.
- Identification of final stakeholders
- Questionnaire translation
- Questionnaire diffusion
- Transmission of the filled in questionnaire
- Preliminary evaluation of the results
24Task 4.4 Validation and reporting
Analyse the requirements to be considered when
assuming a perspective of Protected Areas
Information System integrated towards the overall
territorial context in which these protected
areas are framed.
- Definition of the criteria for the results
elaboration - Results elaboration of the survey
- Draft and circulation of the preliminary report
- Draft of the final report
- Validation