Title: Chapter 13: Earth
1 Chapter 13 Earths Atmosphere and Climate
- Big Question
- Global Warming Is Happening What Part Do We Play?
2Is the Global Temperature Rising?
- Yes, and it is rising globally.
- Has the temperature risen steadily?
3What Causes Climate Change and What Is Making It
Get Warmer?
- Studies of ice cores show Earths surface
temperature has varied over time.
4- The answer lies in the Earths energy balance
between the amount of energy coming in from the
sun and the amount of energy radiated out by the
- Albedo the percentage of light received by a
surface that is reflected and scattered
6Variation in the Suns Energy May Be A Reason for
Climate Changes
- The suns energy seems to have varied over the
ages. - The Little Ice Age lasted from about 1450 to 1850.
7Milankovich Cycles Another Possible Explanation
- Some temperature cycles stem from Earths wobble
in an elliptical orbit.
8Volcanoes Can Alter Climate
- Volcanic eruptions cool the climate in two ways
- - Atmospheric dust reflects sunlight back
into - space
- - Smaller dust particles provide water
condensing - surfaces, forming clouds
9Dust from Our Own Activities Also Cools the
- Aerosol pollution particles reduce amount of
sunlight reaching Earth. Emissions have reduced
global warming.
10Variations in Ocean Currents May Affect the
- Ocean currents and prevailing winds warm or cool
our planet. - The Gulf Stream a major ocean circulation
affecting climate.
11El Niño A Climate Phenomenon Linked to Ocean
Source Available at http/envisat.esa.int/live/en
12The Greenhouse Effect, and How It Warms Earths
13Greenhouse Gases Are Increasing
- We are part of the reason.
- Carbon dioxide has been increasing in the
atmosphere for some time.
14Would It Really Be So SeriousIf Earth Warmed Up
a Bit?
15- Computer models are the major scientific tool in
step one. Model results global warming will
increase Earths surface temperature by 1.5 to
4.5C from 1990 to 2100.
16The Effects of a Rising Sea Level
- Risen naturally since last ice age.
- Increases damage from major storms.
17Global Warming Affects on World Climate
- Glaciers are melting while Antarcticas central
ice cap is growing. - Change frequency and intensity of storms.
- Other climate changes include wetter winters,
hotter and drier summers, and increased droughts.
- Global warming may seriously affect worlds food
supply. - The best agricultural areas may no longer be in
North America. - Winter snowpacks will store less water.
19Lowering of Water Tables and Reservoirs
- Could cause serious water supply shortages.
- Water use in some regions is already
20Biological and Ecological Changes
21Endangered Species
- What will happen to species that can not migrate
nor adapt? - Case Study Kirtlands warbler an
endangered-species success story -
22- Kirtlands warblers require a very specific
habitat. They nest only in young jack-pine
woodlands. To save these birds, 38,000 acres were
set aside in Michigan.
23Slowing the Temperature Rise
- Reduce production and release of greenhouse
gases. - Find ways to sequester (store) greenhouse gases.
- Actively cool the climate.
24 Chapter 13 Earths Atmosphere and Climate
- Questions? E-mail your TA.