Title: CPR
1Chemicals Trends Report Top Indicators Dr Moncef
Hadhri Chief Economist mha_at_cefic.be Andrea
Weigel Economist awe_at_cefic.be Survey date
February 2007
2Top messages Executive summary-1-
- 2006 production growth in chemicals above 2005
and above long- term average With a production
growth of 1.9 for chemicals excluding
pharmaceuticals, 2006 can be seen as an excellent
year for the chemical industry with growth rates
over the long term average. Pharmaceuticals,
consumer chemicals and specialties are the top
performers. - Producer prices decrease slightly at the end of
2006 In 2006, chemicals producer prices
(excluding pharmaceuticals) increased by 4.9,
rising continuously over the whole year with a
slight decrease in the last month. Only at the
very end of the year the producer price indexes,
especially for petrochemicals and basic
inorganics actually reflect the easing of the oil
price pressure. - All main chemicals sub sectors with sales
increase of around 5 or moreChemicals excluding
pharmaceuticals grow at 6.6 in the period
January till November 2006, compared with the
same period last year. Growth pace of overall
chemicals is slowing down slightly towards the
end of the year although some sub sectors, such
as consumer chemicals, specialties and
pharmaceuticals have rising sales figures. - EU external trade surplus in chemicals has been
increasing by 11 In 2006 the EU trade surplus
in chemicals rose by 11, back to levels of 2003,
comparing the period January to September 2006 to
the same period last year. The increase in the
trade surplus is spread over almost all the
chemical sub sectors
3Top messages Executive summary-2-
- The EU chemical industry is uncertain about the
year 2007 Business confidence for the chemical
industry decreased sharply in January 2007,
reflecting the uncertainty on future
developments of the chemical industry after an
excellent year 2006. However, the outlook is
still optimistic. Manufacturing confidence is
declining slightly but remains well above
chemicals confidence. - European economic sentiment indicator is at
record level After a very successful year in
which the EU economy grew even faster than the
USA, the global perception of the EU economy is
not surprisingly at record levels. Even consumers
seem to be confident about their economic
situation, as the EU confidence indicator shows
in 2006. The services sector reaches a record
level and seems to look into a bright future.
4Indicator 1 Chemicals Production
5Production trend Last update (December 2006)
6Chemicals (Jan-Dec 06 1.9)
excluding pharmaceuticals
7Pharmaceuticals (Jan-Dec 06 7.1)
8Petrochemicals (Jan-Dec 06 1.0)
9Polymers (Jan-Dec 06 -0.2)
10Basic inorganics (Jan-Dec 06 1.7)
11Specialty chemicals (Jan-Dec 06 3.2)
12Consumer chemicals (Jan - Dec 06 4.1)
13Overall chemicals (Jan - Dec 06 3.7)
including pharmaceuticals
14Indicator 2 Chemicals Prices
15Price trend Last update (December 2006)
16Chemicals (Jan-Dec06 4.9)
excluding pharmaceuticals
17Oil price
18Harmonised consumer index Energy prices
19Indicator 3 Chemicals sales
20Sales trend Last update (November 2006)
21Indicator 4 Chemicals Trade Development
22Extra-EU chemicals trade flows and balance
23Sectoral breakdown of EU chemicals trade balance
2005 Jan-Sep versus 2006 Jan-Sep
Data Source Eurostat (Comext) and Cefic
24Competitive position of the EU chemical industry
within the EU and on external markets
25Indicator 5 Chemicals Confidence
26EU confidence Indicator Chemicals versus total
27EU manufacturing Comparing the current situation
with the expectations
28Indicator 6 Business and Consumer Climate
29Global perception of the economic situation in
the EU
30Perception of the economic situation in the EU,
broken down by sector
31Cefic classification versus Eurostat Nomenclature
321. Eurostat Classification NACE
332. Cefic Classification