Title: EESSI European Electronic Signature Standardisation Initiative
1EESSIEuropean Electronic Signature
Standardisation Initiative Implementing
Electronic Signature
2EESSI Charter
- Electronic Signature Directive is providing a
common EU framework for electronic signatures
(1993/93/EC) - Industry, with the assistance of European
Standards Bodies, to provide an agreed framework
for an open, market-oriented implementation
of the Directive - EESSI put in place to co-ordinate this task
(ICT-SB Dec. 98)
3EESSI Objectives
- Analyse needs for standards in support of
minimum essential legal requirements as stated
by the Directive - Assess available standards and current
initiatives at national, European and
international levels - Set up and implement a Programme of Work, built
on international co-operation
4Directive highlights
- Legal recognition of electronic signatures
- Technology neutral
- Free flow of Products and Services
- Excludes prior authorisation or licensing scheme
for Certification Service Providers - Mandates supervision scheme for CSPs
- Calls for monitoring of Voluntary Accreditation
5Annexes of the Directive
- Annex I Requirements for qualified
certificates - Annex II Requirements for certification-service
-providers issuing qualified certificates - Annex III Requirements for secure
devices - Annex IV Recommendations for secure signature
6Proposed Classes of Electronic Signatures
7Framework for implementation
Security/Quality level
Signature Creation Device
Certificate Policy
Electronic Signature Syntax
Trustworthy System
Signature with long validity
Qualified Electronic Signature
Signature for limited value transactions
8EESSI Organisation
- Steering Committee
- Standard Bodies and Consensus Bodies involved in
standardisation CEN, ETSI, ISO, ECBS, EEMA,
EURESCOM - Market Players Bull, Globalsign, iD2, BT, ACE
- Public Authorities and Consumers Reps BSI (D),
ANEC - Commission as observer DG Enterprise, DG
Information Society, DG Internal Market - Expertise activity as required
9EESSI Structure
European Telecommunications Standards Institute
Industry and business, assisted by European
standard bodies
10Base Line for Action
- Capitalise on European International activities
- UNCITRAL Model of Law, AGB
- European Projects IST and ISIS programmes
- National activities in Germany (BSI, INDI),
Nordic Countries (SEIS, SAT, FDS), Italy
(AIPA), Austria, Spain (FESTE), Netherlands
(TTP.NL), UK (tScheme), ...
11EESSI Programme Implementation
- Standardization work programme
- Phase 1 (work programme definition) completed
3Q1999 - Phase 2 (essential requirements for the
Directive) completed - 2Q2002
- Phase 3 (requirements for different classes of
electronic - signature) to be completed by the end of 2002
- Phase 4 (additional requirements) to be
performed in - 2002-2003
12EESSI Programme Implementation
- Use of the existing standardization technical
groups - CEN/ISSS E-SIGN Workshop
- 30 participants, funded Expert Teams
- Deliverables CEN Workshop Agreements (CWA)
- ETSI ESI Technical Committee
- 20 Participants, funded Specialist Task Force
- Deliverables ETSI Technical Specifications
(ETSI TS) - and ETSI Technical Reports (ETSI TR)
- Creation of the ALGO group
- Expert group providing guidance on cryptographic
- algorithms and parameters in EESSI standards
13Roadmap of Phase 2 EESSI Standards
Certification Service Provider
Trustworthy system- A.II.f
Requirements for CSPs - A.II
Time Stamp
Qualified certificate - A.I
Signature valida-tion process and environment -
Signature creation process environment
Signature format and syntax (Advanced ES)
Creationdevice A.III
Relying party/verifier
14Phase 2 Deliverables
- Target Directive Annexes I-IV requirements and
interoperability - Published in 4Q2000
- Policies for Certification Service Providers,
- ETSI TS 101 456 (updated 2Q2002)
- Profile for Qualified Certificates, ETSI TS 101
862, - (updated 2Q2001)
- Electronic Signature Formats, ETSI TS 101 733,
- (also published as 2 IETF RFC) (updated 1Q2002)
- Published in 3Q2001
- Security Requirements for SSCDs (EAL4), CWA
14168 - Signature Creation Process and Environment,
CWA 14170 - Signature Verification Process and Environment,
CWA 14171 - Conformity Assessment Guidance,
- CWA 14172 Parts 1-2
- Time Stamping Profile, ETSI TS 101 861 (based
on IETF RFC) (updated 1Q2002)
- Published in 4Q2001
- Security Requirements for Trustworthy Systems,
CWA 14167-1 - Conformity Assessment Guidance,
- CWA 14172 Parts 3-5
- Published in 1Q2002
- Cryptographic Modules for CSP (MCSO-PP),
- CWA 14167-2
- Security Requirements for SSCDs (EAL4), CWA
17Roadmap of Phase 3 Activities (2001)
Certification Service Provider
Time Stamping Authority
Requirements for TSAs
Alternative Requirements for CSPs
Trustworthy Systems
Time Stamping FormatProtocol
CA status and validation by RP
Qualified certificate
Signature valida-tion process and environment
Signature format and syntax in XML
Signature creation process and environment
Signature Creationdevice
Phase 3
Relying Party/Verifier
18Phase 3 Deliverables
- Published in 1Q2002
- Guidelines for the implementation of SSCDs,
- CWA 14355
- XML Advanced Electronic Signatures,
- ETSI TS 101 903
- International harmonization of Policy
Requirements for CAs - issuing Certificates, ETSI TR 102 040
- Signature Policies Report,
- ETSI TR 102 041
- Published in 2Q2002
- Policy Requirements for Time Stamping
Authorities, - ETSI TS 102 023
- Provision of harmonized Trust Service Provider
status - information, ETSI TR 102 030
- XML Format for Signature Policies,
- ETSI TR 102 038
- Policy Requirements for Certification
authorities issuing - Public Key Certificates, ETSI TS 102 042
- Ongoing work
- Guide on the Use of Electronic Signatures,
- draft CWA 14365
- Cryptographic Module for CSP Key Generation
Services, - (CMCKG-PP), draft CWA 14167-3
- Application Interface for Smart cards used as
SSCDs, - draft CWA
- Signature Policy for Extended Business Model
- draft ETSI TR 102 045
- Maintenance of ETSI Standards from EESSI phase 2
and 3, - draft ETSI TR 102 046
- International harmonization and globalization
activities, - draft ETSI TR 102 047
- Publication is foreseen in the second half of 2002
21Phase 4 Activities
- New activities are planned in 2002-2003 on the
following subjects - Maintenance of the published specifications
- Harmonised provision of TSP status information
- Internationalisation of Certificate Policies
- Technical Standards for Signature Policies
- Policy Requirements for CSPs issuing Attribute
Certificates - Technical properties of Advanced Electronic
Signatures - Interoperability requirements of smart Cards
used as SSCDs - Conformity assessment of SSCDs supporting non
Qualified - Electronic Signatures
- Provision of Certificates status information to
Relying Parties
22European perspectives
- The evaluation of the EESSI specifications of
the EESSI phase 2 deliverables, as answering the
requirements set by the Directive has been
performed by the Commission - The recognition as Generally Recognized Standards
under the Directive of the EESSI phase 2
deliverables answering the requirements set in
the annexes, is proposed in a draft Decision
prepared by the Commission. The proposal was
discussed in the meeting of the Directive Member
States committee in July 2002, and generally
supported - The publication in the EU OJ of the references
to the deliverables produced by EESSI, as
providing a proper technical framework for the
implementation of the Directive should follow.
It will give a positive signal to the market
players for the development of products and
services complying with the EESSI specifications
23International Perspectives
- Recognition of conformance to SSCD requirements
CC MRA Arrangement on the Mutual Recognition of
CC Certificates in the Field of IT Security
Similar ambition with Trustworthy Systems - Cross-recognition of certification policy
Assessment of policy mapping between US Federal
PKI and ETSI-EESSI requirements - Harmonization of interoperability standards
Use of existing standards (ISO, IETF), liaisons
under development (W3C, WAP Forum, EDI/XML)
and submissions to IETF
24EESSI on the Web
- http//www.ictsb.org/EESSI_home.htm
- More useful references
- ETSI http//www.etsi.org/esi/el-sign.htm Sign
up from Web-site to open El Sign mailing list - CEN http//www.cenorm.be/isss/workshop/e-sign