Title: Holiday Gift Card Program
1Holiday Gift Card Program
2½ off Gift Cards
- Provide gift certificates in exchange for online
and TV exposure, while offering consumers great
Provide Republic Media with gift cards that will
be promoted on azcentral.com and sold at a 50
discount to shoppers. azcentral.com and KPNX
Ch.12 provide you with online space and/or air
time in exchange for the cards.
3Win Win Win Program
- Benefits for you
- Zero cash outlay
- Online exposure and/or TV exposure
- Drive new business
- Benefits for your customer
- 50 discount from area retailers and restaurants
- Easy to use and easy to find deals
- Benefits for Republic Media
- Retains revenue from gift cards
- Site visitors are happy!
- Partner retailers are happy!
4Gift Card Promotion and Product Appearance
Shoppers will find an ad or promo spot on
azcentral.com leading them to a list of ½ off
deals Once they choose you, a page describing
your business and offer will present them with
the ability to BUY the gift card redeemable at
your store!
5Sample Gift Card Available
We have gift cards available if you need them!
6Packages Online only
- 1,000 in gift certificates
- 100,000 ROS impressions on azcentral.com to
promote product or business - Presence on the promotional space on
deals.azcentral.com as well as Lets Shop page. - 2,000 in gift certificates
- 225,000 ROS impressions on azcentral.com to
promote product or business - Presence on the promotional space on
deals.azcentral.com as wells as Lets Shop page - 4,000 in gift certificates (advertiser trade)
- 475,000 ROS impressions on azcentral.com to
promote product or business - Presence on the promotional space on
deals.azcentral.com as well as Lets Shop page. - 6,000 in gift certificates (advertiser trade)
- 700,000 ROS impressions on azcentral.com to
promote product or business - Presence on the promotional space on
deals.azcentral.com as well as Lets Shop page. - 8,000 in gift certificates (advertiser trade)
- 1,000,000 ROS impressions on azcentral.com to
promote product or business - Presence on the promotion space on
deals.azcentral.com as well as Lets Shop page.
7Packages Online and TV
- 5,000 in gift certificates
- 4 minute segment on Midday (1 X) plus additional
in-show promotion - 100,000 impressions on azcentral.com to promote
product or business - Presence on the promotional space on
deals.azcentral.com as well as Lets Shop page. - House time on KPNX if time permits may include
10-second promo spot, and run a minimum of 10
spots beginning the week before the Discount Deal
offer runs on the show - 10,000 in gift certificates
- 4 minute segment on Midday (2 X) plus additional
in-show promotion - 200,000 impressions on azcentral.com to promote
product or business - Presence on the promotion space on
deals.azcentral.com as well as Lets Shop page. - House time on KPNX if time permits may include
10-second promo spot, and run a minimum of 10
spots beginning the week before the Discount Deal
offer runs on the show