Title: PFI Audit and Accounting
1PFI Audit and Accounting
- Martin Barnes FCCA, Audit and Engagement
ManagerAudit Commission
2About me
- Audit Commission
- Private sector accountant
- Public sector auditor
- 1 of 3 NHS Audit Managers in the North East
- 1 of 1 Specialist PFI auditors, since 1999
- Transforming the Newcastle Hospitals
- University Hospital of North Durham
- National PFI Network
3Some thoughts on PPP Schemes
- Its an NHS thing, isnt it?
- Its a bad thing isnt it?
- Its about whether something is on or off Balance
Sheet - Its too complex for mere mortals
- Auditors say Yes or No (usually no!)
4Project phases (to contract award)
VFM strategic fitAccounting treatment
Fraud and legality risks
Affordability VFM assessment (PSC) Accounting
Strategic fit (VFM) Performance
management Contract Management
5The changing environment NHS context
- Primary care trusts (PCTs)
- Foundation trusts (FTs)
- Mergers and restructures
- Paymnt by Rsults
- Diversity and sustainability
6PPP Audit General issues
- Audit Commission approach
- The rules vacuum
- What is proportionate?
- assurance from external auditors
- Other interested parties.
7Project risk assessment
8Example Project risk assessment
9Links to audit responsibilities
10Audit risk assessment Use of Resources
- Value for Money
- Better VFM than public sector
- Robust option appraisal
- Strategic fit with service developments
- Financial Standing
- Affordability
- Costs replaced
- Impact of PbR in NHS
11Audit Risk Assessment - Accounts
- Disclosure in accounts
- Treatment of unitary payment, deferred assets,
residual interest - Internal control
- Statement on Internal Control
- Appointment of advisors
- Fraud and corruption
- Appointment of advisors
- Letting of large contracts
- Legality
- Compliance with procurement legislation
12Example audit risk assessment
13Developing the audit programme
- Tailored to local risks
- Joint planning with internal audit
- Longer timescale
- Those charged with Governance
14Example joint work programme
15Audit output
- Letters from appointed auditor
- Limitations
- Caveats
- Conclusion
- Reports and action plans
- Audience
- High profile
- Ad hoc reporting
- Innovations
- Phased projects
16PPP Accounting issues
- Accounting for PPP Scheme
- International Financial Reporting Standards
- On or Off Balance Sheet?
- Preparatory works
- Residual interest
- Other issues
- Deferred assets/transfer of property
- Refinancing deals
17If you only remember 3 things.
- Its just a form of procurement
- It must be about services, not buildings and
infrastructure and - A structured, logical approach beats the
18Thanks for listening