Title: Energy 2002
1Development ofEnergy Surety Microgrids
Dave Menicucci Energy Surety Program
OfficeSandia National Laboratories
2Outline of Talk
- Background
- Define energy surety
- Discuss energy reliability
- Developing energy surety microgrids
- Discuss issues including interconnection
- Summary
3Energy System with High Levels of Energy Surety
Energy System is
If it
Safe Secure Reliable Sustainable Efficient
Safely supplies energy to end user Uses
diversified energy sources Maintains power when
and where needed It can be maintained
indefinitely Produces energy at the lowest cost
4 Our Present Energy Surety Focus
- Power reliability and security
- Military basesthey recognize the threat and are
willing to pay for correction - Communitiessecondary concern they are slower to
see the threat and less willing to invest - Technical issues inside the microgridthey are
critical, significant, and need resolution - Technical issues outside the microgridi.e.,
interconnection being addressed through IEEE
5Traditional Grid Expectations
Historic Norm
1 every10 yrs
1 every100 yr
6 min
1 hr
36 sec
10 hr
100 hr
Derived from IEEE Telcom Energy Conf, 1998
6Impact of Terrorism onGrid Expectations
Historic Norm
Terror norm
1 every10 yrs
1 every100 yr
6 min
1 hr
36 sec
10 hr
100 hr
Derived from IEEE Telcom Energy Conf, 1998
7Examples of Outage Costs
- 2,500kW, mid size industrial complex
- 3hr down time
- 105,000-975,000
- 400kW, mid size office bldg
- 3hr down time
- 12,600-244,800
Courtesy Digital Power Group
8Grid Failures are Inevitable
- Engineering Axiom Complexity begets failure
- Grid complexity begets grid failure
- Attempts to harden the grid increase complexity
- More complexity begets more failure
Fairley, Peter, The unruly power grid Advanced
mathematical modeling suggests that big blackouts
are inevitable, IEEE Spectrum, August, 2004
9Saboteurs may be at Work on our Grid
- Attempt to topple 345kV line poles in Nevada
- Six poles unbolted at base cascading damage to
40 poles - Discovery on Dec 27, 2004 reported by DHS
- One of two redundant lines affected coordinated
attack on its twin could have been significant
10How to Improve Energy Surety
- Disperse the generation reduce single points of
failure - Run generators full time
- Use proven technologies
- Secure the fuel supply
- Include on-site fuel/energy storage
11Distributed Generation Technologies
- IC Engines ( 1 10,000 kW )
- Combustion Turbines (300 10,000 kW )
- Combined heat and power (300 10,000 kW)
- Energy storage (1 10,000 kW)
- Wind (0.2 5,000 kW )
- Photovoltaics (.01 1000 kW )
- Fuel cells (5 250 kW )
- Microturbines (30 250 kW )
- Diesel (1 100 kW )
12 Traditional Energy Surety Approach
Backup diesel
Primary power
13 Energy Surety Microgrid
Energy Surety Microgrid
Backup power
Primary power
14Theoretical Energy Surety Assessment
- Surety Levels Outside Energy Surety Zone
- Buildings without backup 99.95 (5.3 hrs
out/year) - Buildings with backup 99.99 (53 minutes
out/year) - Surety Levels Inside Energy Surety Zone
- Determined by
- Generator type
- Fuel type and its vulnerabilities
- Amount of storage
15Tasks to Realize Surety Microgrids
- Develop surety requirements--facilities to
protect--level of protection--type of on-site
generators - Optimize the amount of fuel/energy store
- Properly control the surety microgrid (agent
based) - Model microgrids effectiveness (consequence
model) - Insure proper interconnection to grid
16 Developing Surety Requirements
- Review existing vulnerability analysis
- Identify surety zones and reliability needs
- Rank order zones
- Determine load profile in each zone
- Examine/select generators for zones
- Select appropriate financing options
17Storage Improves the Surety Value of Distributed
Generators on Microgrid
- Improves capacity factor of renewable generators
- Improves probability of continuous operation
- Provides stability during islanding sequence
18On-site Fossil Generation Characteristics
- High capacity factor
- Generators proven and understood
- Fuel storage relatively inexpensive
- Fuel supplies can be interrupted
- Fuel stores are dangerous and favored targets
19On-site Renewable Generation Characteristics
- No conventional fuel required
- Fuel supply invulnerable to human interruption
- Intermittent operation
- Low capacity factors
- Associated energy storage is relatively expensive
20Considerations for Storage in a Microgrid
- Batteries are sensitive
- Fuel storage has liabilities
- Must be charged continuously
- Can be dangerous (produce H2)
- Cannot be too hot or cold
- Use toxic chemicals
- Have a relatively short life (decade?)
- Must be supplied by transport or pipeline
- Explosion hazard (good target)
- Environmental impact
- Toxic materials
21 Electrical Storage Role in Islanding
Energy Surety Microgrid
Backup power
- Islanding Sequence Within Microgrid
- Detect grid loss
- Assess loads and shed if needed
- Prioritize loads
- Bring on idle/spare generation capacity
- Share power to loads
- Begin islanded operation
- Complete within 50 milliseconds
- Storage provides stabilization
22Optimizing Storage on a Surety Microgrid
- Characterize distributed generators
- Develop basic probability model function of
- Characterize storage technologies
- Develop optimization strategy for specified
reliability level and cost - Test using Monte Carlo simulation or equivalent
--fuel availability and vulnerability--generator
reliability and vulnerability--costs
23 Microgrid Agent Based Control
Energy Surety Microgrid
Environmental and Resource Monitor
Computerized Control agent
24Consequence ModelingNaval Magazine Indian Island
Examined effects of infrastructure disruptions on
25Islanding Issues
- Use CBEMA or equivalent to initiate disconnection
- Open static switch on customer side
- Provide visible disconnect on utility side
- Sync to frequency and voltage
- Close static switch on customer side
- Close visible disconnect on utility side, if
IEEE 1547.4 Standard Covers Islanding
26Electrician Warnings
27Sandias Microgrid Development Team
Force Protection Systems
Advanced Info Systems
Energy Systems Analysis
Energy Infrastructure Surety for Military
Civilian Applications
Technical Lead Energy Surety Office
Security Analysis
Distributed EnergyTechnologies Lab
National InfrastructureSimulation and Analysis
Sandia Business Develop.
Project is funded!
28When done, we can
- Review current energy infrastructure weaknesses
- Design correction strategies (e.g., surety
microgrids) - Model the effectiveness of the corrections
without installing hardware - Manage the hardware installation
- Measure the surety microgrids effectiveness
- Apply the methodology nationally
29Why Energy Surety is an Issue to the Military
- Energy is critical to the mission
- Energy loss affects mission readiness
- Some energy infrastructure is vulnerable
30Project Schedule
- Oct. 1, 2005 -- Project start
- Sept. 30, 2006 -- Microgrid concept complete
- Jan. 31, 2007 -- Begin pilot test on a DOD base
- Jun. 1, 2007 -- Widespread DOD implementation
- Mar. 1, 2007 -- Adapt to civilian applications
31Why Energy Surety is an Issue to Civilian
- Energy is critical to economic development
- Energy loss affects business profits
- Health and safety are dependent on reliable power
- Reduce chaos from power disruptions, saves lives
- Energy reliability and security concerns are real
- Military mission readiness depends on reliable
energy - Civilian applications are developing
- A number of technical issues need to be addressed
to realize surety microgrids