Title: Introduction to Computer Organization
1Introduction to Computer Organization
- Computer Hardware Software
2Administrative Issues
- About me
- Perelman Valeria
- Working tel. 04-829-2226, Cooper 427
- I am a PhD Candidate in the faculty of Industrial
Engineering Management, Technion - Have a single daughter and a husband ?
3Administrative Issues cont.
- The goal of the course
- Promo to my wonderful profession ?
- An overall overview on the IT (Information
Technology) field - Some needed background for the MBA program,
- and the most important Enjoying learning about
the amazing IT world!
4Administrative Issues cont.
- The course requirements are
- To be nice and open minded ?
- To submit your solutions to at least 95 of the
assignments (there will be 3) - To pass the exam (there is a boolean result)
5The Major Topics (Syllabus)
- Computer Organization (HWSW)
- Programming with Java
- Algorithms Data Structures
- Databases Management (SQL, ERD)
- Complex Systems Design at the Conceptual Level
with OPM - Web Based Applications, Service Oriented
Architecture (SOA)
- Computer Architecture
- What is all about?
- A brief architectural history
- Computing Systems
- A typical computer system
- Hardware (HW) Software - terminology, layered
organization) - Operating Systems
- Data in the Computer
7Computer Architecture What is it?
- Computer architecture is the computer as seen by
the user - - Amdhal et al, (64)
- ...by architecture, we mean the structure of
the modules as they are organized in a computer
system... - - Stone, H. (1987)
- The architecture of a computer is the
interface between the machine and the
software - - Andris Padges
- IBM 360/370 Architect
8Architecture the building blocks
- Structure -static arrangement of the parts (plan)
- Organization - dynamic interaction of these parts
and their management (design) - Implementation - the design of specific building
blocks (construction) - Performance evaluation - the behavior study of
the system (decorative treatment)
9Computer Architecture Disciplines
- Hardware/software structure
- Algorithms and their implementation
- Language Issues and programming models
10A Brief Architectural History of the Computer
- Can we define the date of the computer
11A Brief Architectural History of the Computer
- The Abacus - 500 B. C. (Greeks and Romans
Modern Abacus
The Roman Abacus Copy
12A Brief Architectural History of the Computer
- Blaice Pascal, a noted French mathematician,
invented a calculating machine (without
constructing it) by 1642 (at the age of 19)
13A Brief Architectural History of the Computer
- In 1801, Joseph Marie Jacquard invented a loom
that used punched cards
14A Brief Architectural History of the Computer
- In early 1800s, Charles Babbage and Augusta Ada
Byron (the first computer programmer)
mechanical calculating machine, called
analytical engine. -
15A Brief Architectural History of the Computer
- In the same time George Boole developed the
binary theory (Boolean Logic). - Relation of binary arithmetic with this logic
made it possible implementing the modern
electronic computers
16A Brief Architectural History of the Computer
- In the later 1930, 1940 Mark I was built by
Howard H. Aiken (IBM) and another computer by
Conrad Zuse (both with decimal numbers) - In 1939 ABC (Atanasoff Berry Computer) a
binary-based machine with vacuum tubes for
switching - Finally, between 1943-1946 the first
all-electronic digital computer was developed
(named ENIAC) by Mauchly Eckert
18A Typical Computer System
Hard disk
19The Building Blocks CPU
- CPU Central Processing Unit consists of
- ALU Arithmetic and Logic Unit
- Set of registers (including program counter
keeping the address of the next instruction to be
performed) - Control Unit decoding instructions and
controlling internal data movement among
different CPU parts - Interface Unit moves data between CPU and other
hardware components - And more
20 The Building Blocks Memory
- The main memory primary storage or RAM Random
Access Memory - Holds data or a piece of a program code
(instructions) - Consists of a large number of cells, each
individually addressable. - Cell is called byte and consists of 8 bits
(binary elements holding 0 or 1) - Usually a word consists of 4 bytes.
- In most cases volatile memory
- The multilevel cash - an intermediate stage
between ultra-fast registers (inside CPU) and
much slower main memory. - Most actively used information in the main memory
is duplicated in the cache, which is faster, but
of much lesser capacity.
21CPU Memory Organization
22Levels of Representation
temp vk vk vk1 vk1 temp
High Level Language Program (e.g., C)
lw to, 0(2) lw t1, 4(2) sw t1, 0(2) sw t0,
Assembly Language Program
0000 1001 1100 0110 1010 1111 0101 1000 1010 1111
0101 1000 0000 1001 1100 0110 1100 0110 1010
1111 0101 1000 0000 1001 0101 1000 0000 1001
1100 0110 1010 1111
Machine Language Program
Machine Interpretation
Control Signal Specification
23The Datapath example
24HW Design Principles
- Instructions directly executed by hardware
- Maximize instruction issue rate (ILP)
- Simple instructions (easy to decode)
- Access to memory only via load/store
- Plenty of registers
- Pipelining
25Computing System
Application (Netscape)
System (Windows 98)
Instruction Set Architecture
I/O system
Datapath Control
Digital Design
Circuit Design
- Coordination of many levels of abstraction
26Operating System (OS)
User Interface (UI)
Application UI
File System
Network Modules
I/O drivers
27Operating System
- OS is a broker among the computer hw and the
user applications - OS itself is a software
- OS is usually stored on a hard disk
- the bootstrap or IPL (Initial Program Load) is
stored within the non-volatile computer memory
28Operating System - Multiprogramming
- A multiprogramming OS allows running many
programs - each running program is referred as a
process. - The kernel creates a process by allocating
- some memory,
- loading program code from a peripheral storage
into the newly allocated space, - and starting its execution.
29Operating System Multiprogramming
- Each process is identified by its
- PID,
- memory space allocated to it by the OS,
- location of the program code,
- last values of all the registers, a program
counter, a stack - A process may split itself into multiple
'daughter' sub-processes or threads that execute
in parallel, running different instructions on
much of the same resources and data. This is
often done for GUIs (Graphical User Interfaces)
30Operating System Multitasking
- Multitasking parallel tasks executing
- Control - the program access to the CPU and
memory - OS scheduler decides when to pass the control
from one task to another - Context-switch control is passed to a process
by the kernel - Cooperative multitasking each program that gets
the CPU, runs until it decides to return the
control to the kernel - Preemptive multitasking - all programs are given
regular time on the CPU - A process may be blocked by referring to a
peripheral device, then the control is taken from
it by the kernel
- Interrupts are central to operating systems as
they allow the OS to deal with the unexpected
activities of running programs and the world
outside the computer (what also?) - When an interrupt is received, the HW suspends a
currently running program by pushing the current
state (including registers) on a process stack. - Interrupts may come from either the computer's
HW, or from the running program. The OS kernel
deals with each interrupt.
32Operating System Virtual Memory
- If a program tries to access memory that isn't in
its current range of accessible memory, but has
been allocated to it, the kernel will receive an
33Operating System Virtual Memory
- Under UNIX this kind of interrupt is referred to
as a page fault. - Then using a special table (yellow pages), the
OS finds from where to load the needed pages - Less recently used pages inside the memory then
are thrown, and the needed pages are loaded
instead of them this process is called swapping - Frequently used pages in the same memory are
raised to the cash (the same process is repeated
for the multilevel cash)
34Operating System Other Features
- Protected and supervisor modes of tasks executing
- File system management
- Networking
- I/O Drivers
- Users Administration
35Data Representation in the Computer
- Binary representation (characters integers we
will see) - Image Data Representation
- Audio Data Representation
- Data Safety (examples parity code)
- Data Compression
36Counting in Different Bases
- Counting in base 10 (digits 1-9)
- Counting in base 5 (digits 1-4)
37Representing Characters
- ASCII encoding (American Standard Code for
Information Interchange) - Each character is represented by a byte
- Other representations possible too (Unicode,
38Representing Integers
- Computers represent integers using a base-2
positional notation. - So the number 101011 means
- 1?25 0?24 1?23 0?22 1?21 1?20
- 1?32 0?16 1?8 0?4 1?2 1?1
- 43
39Operating System Virtual Memory
- Virtual memory addressing - means that the kernel
can choose which memory each program may use at
any given time. - This implies that the OS may allocate the same
space for multiple tasks.
40Arithmetic (binary basis) similar to the decimal
41Representing Integers
- The first few binary numbers are 0000.........
...........0 0001....................1 0010...
.................2 0011....................3 0
100....................4 0101...................
.5 0110....................6 0111.............
.......7 1000....................8 1001.......
.............9 1010....................10 1011
....................11 1100....................1
2 1101....................13
42Converting decimal to binary
- 123 1111011
- 2
- 61 ? remainder 1
- 2
- 30 ? remainder 1
- 2
- 15 ? remainder 0
- 2
- 7 ? remainder 1
- 2
- 3 ? remainder 1
- 2
- 1 ? remainder 1
- 2
- 0 ? remainder 1
43Converting decimal to binary
102 1100110 2 51 ? remainder 0
2 25 ? remainder 1 2 12 ? remainder
1 2 6 ? remainder 0
2 3 ? remainder 0 2 1 ? remainder 1
2 0 ? remainder 1
Most significant bit
44Converting decimal to binary
102 1100110 2 51 ? remainder 0
2 25 ? remainder 1 2 12 ? remainder
1 2 6 ? remainder 0
2 3 ? remainder 0 2 1 ? remainder 1
2 0 ? remainder 1
Least significant bit
45Representing Signed Integers
- To handle negative integers, we need to use one
of the bits to store the sign. - The rest of the bits store the absolute value of
the number. - Hence this is known as "signed magnitude"
46Representing Signed Integers
- If we use the first ("top") bit for the
sign 0000....................0 0001........
............1 0010....................2 0011
....................3 0100....................
4 0101....................5 0110.............
.......6 0111....................7 1000.....
...............0 1001....................1 1
47Adding binary numbers
- The previously seen adding op. works only for
unsigned numbers. - For signed numbers it's much more complicated.
- Try and work out a scheme yourself (hint you
need to consider four cases).
48Two's complement representation
- Another representation scheme makes addition and
subtraction easy, regardless of the signs of the
operands. - Rather than using the first bit as a sign bit, we
give it a negative weight. - In other words, if its the eighth bit, its
positional value is -27, rather than 27
49Two's complement representation
- So now the number 101011 means
- 1?-25 0?24 1?23 0?22 1?21 1?20
- 1?-32 0?16 1?8 0?4 1?2 1?1
- -21
50Two's complement representation
- Now the first few numbers are 0000............
........0 0001....................1 0010....
................2 0011....................3
0100....................4 0101.................
...5 0110....................6 0111.........
...........7 1000....................8 1001.
...................7 1010....................6
51Negation with two's complement
- Even though the top bit indicates the sign, we
can't just flip the bit to negate a number. - To negate a two's complement number, we have to
flip all its bits and then add 1 - 00101010 (-003208020) 42
- 11010101 (-12864016041) -43
- 11010110 (-43 1) -42
52Addition with two's complement
- The mechanics are exactly the same as in the
earlier example (except we only have 8 bits so we
throw away the extra one) - 11100101 ? -27 01011101 ?
93 01000010 ? 66
53Addition with two's complement
- Consider the addition of two large positive
numbers - 01100101 ? 101 01011101 ?
93 11000010 ? -62 - Oops!
- This is known as overflow.
54Subtraction with two's complement
- X Y X (-Y)
- Therefore to subtract two's complement numbers,
negate the second operand and add.
55Limitations of representations
- None of these number representations acts exactly
like the integers. - Infinitely many integers, but only 2N binary
numbers for a specific N-bit representation.
56Limitations of representations
- That means some operations will overflow.
- If the program doesn't crash when that happens,
it will simply produce wrong answers (which is
57References Further Reading
- The Architecture of Computer Hardware and
Systems Software by Irv Englander - Introduction to Computer Organization by Mark
Schmalz - Computer Organization and Design by Morgan
Kaufmann - A lot of Wikipedia ? ( some personal experience)