Title: A1257278527eFHcs
1Location aware computing is a field of computer
science where a lot of research is taking place.
There are a lot of different ways to find
location but one of the best ways in an urban
area is by use of WIFI. WIFI can be used very
accurately to get location detail of a very small
area while functioning equally well inside a
building as outside in the street. WIFI also does
not suffer in so called urban canyons as GPS
does. Place lab is software which
implements a large number of functions which
facilitates the creation of applications that
use WIFI locating. Place lab allows hardware
clients such as laptops and PDA devices to locate
them selves using radio beacons such as 802.11
access points, mobile phone towers and fixed
Bluetooth devices.
The aim of our project is to take the placelab
software and create a real world useable
application. This will be a location aware to-do
list, whereby users can set reminders according
to location and time.
Project undertaken by 3rd Year Students Chris
Grant, John Bennington and Paul Harris Further
details available from Nick Ryan