Title: Chapter 5 : Programming By Contract
1Chapter 5 Programming By Contract
- After studying this chapter you should understand
the following - programming by contract, defensive programming,
and difference between the two - consequences of a clients lack of adherence to a
contract - purpose and use of the assert statement.
- Also, you should be able to
- express the responsibilities of client and server
as a contract - use assert statements to verify a clients
preconditions - use contract to reason about a programs
3Method specifications
- Specification of Explorers constructor allows
for any int value for strength and tolerance
public Explorer (String name, Room location,
int strength, int tolerance)
- Client could give negative values.
4Documenting requirements
- /
- Create a new Explorer with the specified name,
- initial location, strength, and tolerance.
- _at_require strength gt 0
- tolerance gt 0
- /
- public Explorer (String name, Room location,
int strength, int tolerance)
5Programming by contract
- Programming style in which invocation of a method
is viewed as a contract between client and
server, with each having explicitly stated
6Programming by contract
- Preconditions requirements on client of a
method. - Labeled require
- Postconditions requirements on server of a
method. - labeled ensure
- Preconditions and postconditions are part of the
7Programming by contract
- For method invocation to be correct
- client must make sure that preconditions are
satisfied at time of call. - If preconditions are satisfied, server guarantees
that postconditions will be satisfied when method
completes otherwise server promises nothing at
8Programming by contract
- Consequence test for every possible error
condition only once. - Program efficiency.
- Reduction of implementation complexity.
9Programming by contract
- Complete specification of Explorers constructor
/ Create a new Explorer with the specified
name, initial location, strength, and
tolerance. _at_require strength gt 0
tolerance gt 0 _at_ensure this.name().equals
(name) this.location() location
this.strength() strength this.tolerance()
tolerance / public Explorer (String name,
Room location, int strength, int tolerance)
10Implicit preconditions and postconditions
- Implicit Preconditions
- Object arguments must be not null.
- Type arguments imply a range of legal values.
- Implicit postconditions
- Object result will be not null.
- Type result implies a range of value of possible
11Verifying preconditions
- Javas assert statement can be used in
verifying preconditions.
assert booleanExpression
- The boolean expression is evaluated
- if true, statement has no effect.
- If false, statement raises an error condition
stopping execution of program displaying cause of
12Verifying preconditions
- public Explorer (String name, Room
location, int strength, int tolerance) - assert strength gt 0
- assert tolerance gt 0
- this.name name
- this.location location
- this.strength strength
- this.tolerance tolerance
13Verifying preconditions (v.2)
- public Explorer (String name, Room
location, int strength, int tolerance) - assert strength gt 0 "precondition strength
(" strength ") gt 0" - assert tolerance gt 0 "precondition tolerance
(" tolerance ") gt
0" - this.name name
- this.location location
- this.strength strength
- this.tolerance tolerance
14Pile specification
- Pile instance models a pile of sticks from which
players in turn removed 1, 2, or 3 sticks. - Command remove
- public void remove (int number)
- Reduce the number of sticks by the specified
15Pile specification
- Questions
- what if number is negative? Is legal? If so, what
does this mean? - what if number is greater than the number of
sticks remaining the pile? - what if number is not 1, 2, or 3?
16Pile specification
- Not meaningful for a client to remove a negative
number of sticks. - Removing more sticks than there are in pile also
seems likely to be a client error. - Number of sticks than can legally be removed by a
player is determined by rules of the game. - Not Piles responsibility.
17Pile complete specifications
- public void remove (int number)
- Reduce the number of sticks by the specified
amount. - require number gt 0 number lt this.sticks()
- ensure this.sticks() old.sticks() - number
18Preconditions summary
- Preconditions must be satisfied by client when
invoking method. - Occasionally, preconditions constrain order in
which methods can be invoked or require that an
object be in a certain state before invocation. - It might be necessary that a door be unlocked
before it can be opened, or that an automobile be
started before it can be moved. - Most often preconditions constrain values that
client can provide as arguments when invoking
method. - Remember if an argument is not constrained by a
precondition, method must be prepared to accept
any value of the specified type.
19Query postconditions summary
- Query postconditions say something about value
20Command postconditions summary
- Commands result in a change of state.
- Command postconditions describe new state of the
object after execution of command. - New state is often compared to the previous
state, the state of the object before command was
invoked. - We use old to refer to state before call
21Constructor postconditions summary
- Constructor postconditions describe the initial
state of the newly created object.
22Preconditions, postconditions part of the
- They should never mention private implementation
public void reset () Reset the count to
0. ensure count 0 This is not correct!
count is private.
23Preconditions, postconditions part of the
- The method currentCount is part of the public
specification of the class.
public void reset () Reset the count to
0. ensure this.currentCount() 0
- Introduced a programming style called programming
by contract. - Basic idea is to make explicit responsibilities
of client and server in a method invocation. - Invocation of a server method by client is viewed
as a contract between the client and the server. - Server promises to perform action specified by
method and to ensure that methods postconditions
are satisfied, but only if - Client meets the preconditions.
- Preconditions are clients responsibility
- Postconditions are the servers.
- If the client fails to meet the preconditions,
the contract is void the server is not obligated
to behave in any specific way.
- Preconditions can be verified using Javas assert
statement. - If the boolean expression in the assert statement
is true, the statement has no effect. - If it is false, an error exception occurs and the
program terminates.
- Preconditions constrain values a client can
provide as argument. - Postconditions for a query generally say
something about the value returned. - Postconditions for a command describe state of
the object after command is completed in terms of
state before the command was begun.