Title: Chapter 11 : Modeling with Abstraction
1Chapter 11 Modeling with Abstraction
2Review of Player interface
- Interface Player implemented by several classes
- classes are identical except for implementation
of takeTurn. - classes contain considerable amount of duplicate
3Abstract classes
- AbstractPlayer can contain implementations of
methods common to all Player variants, - name
- sticksTaken
- Player subclasses inherit these methods.
4Abstract classes
- An abstract class is a class that
- can contain abstract methods,
- cannot be instantiated.
- used as basis on which to build classes by
5Abstract classes
- An abstract class is a class
- Defines a type.
- Occupies a position in the class hierarchy.
- Can be the parent of other classes, abstract or
not. - Has a unique parent which may or may not be
abstract. - Has one or more constructors.
- It can define nonabstract methods.
- Has instance variables.
- Concrete class a non-abstract class.
6Abstract classes
- An abstract method must be labeled abstract.
public abstract void takeTurn (Pile pile, int
- An abstract class can inherit abstract methods
- From an interface, or
- From a class.
7Interfaces, abstract classes andconcrete classes
- An interface
- used to specify functionality required by a
client. - An abstract class
- provides a basis on which to build concrete
servers. - A concrete class
- completes server implementation specified by an
interface - furnish run-time objects
- not generally suited to serve as a basis for
8Nim game, Interfaces, abstract classes
andconcrete classes
- In the nim game,
- Interface Player defines functionality required
by a player for the Game and user interface. - Abstract class AbstractPlayer contain
implementation of methods common to all Player
variants. - TimidPlayer, GreedyPlayer, ClerverPlayer,
subclasses of AbstractPlayer, are concrete
classes which complete implementation of Player
9Nim game, Interfaces, abstract classes
andconcrete classes
- In the nim game,
- Class Game is programmed using Player interface.
- During execution, Game is provided with concrete
instances of TimidPlayer, GreedyPlayer, or
10Abstract class use
- An abstract class factors out implementation of
its concrete subclasses. - Used to exploit polymorphism.
- Functionality specified in parent class can be
given implementations appropriate to each
concrete subclass. - Abstract class must be stable.
- any change in an abstract class propagates to
subclasses and their clients. - A concrete class can only extend one (abstract)
11Interface use
- Interfaces are by definition abstract.
- separate an objects implementation from its
specification. - they do not fix any aspect of an implementation.
- A class can implement more than one interface.
- Interfaces allow a more generalized use of
polymorphism instances of relatively unrelated
classes can be treated as identical for some
specific purpose.
12Interfaces, abstract classes, concrete classes
public boolean isIn (Location point, Depictable
figure) Location l figure.location() Dimens
ion d figure.dimension()
- Can pass instances of WordBalloon to isIn.
13Specifying a class for extension
- Two class uses
- A class can be a client to another class and use
it as a server. - A class can also extend another class, using the
other class as a basis for its implementation.
14Specifying a class for extension
- Clients and subclasses have different views of a
Needs to know only specification of SomeClass
Needs to know specification and implementation of
15abstract class AbstractPlayer implements Player
private String name private int sticksTaken
//subclasses update it. public AbstractPlayer
(String name) this.name name this.sticksT
aken 0 public String name () return
this.name public int sticksTaken ()
return this.sticksTaken public String
toString () return "Player " name ",
took " sticksTaken
16TimidPlayer definition via inheritance
class TimidPlayer extends AbstractPlayer
public TimidPlayer (String name) super(name)
public void takeTurn (Pile pile, int
maxOnATurn) pile.remove(1) this.sticksTaken
1 // updates of AbstractPlayer //
instance variable.
- Will not compile.TimidPlayer has no access to
AbstractPlayer instance variable sticksTaken.
17Protected instance variables
abstract class AbstractPlayer implements Player
private String name protected int
- Now TimidPlayer has access to AbstractPlayer
instance variable sticksTaken.
18Specifying a class for extension
- Root of problem between AbstractPlayer and
TimidPlayer - subclass has a different, stronger relation to
parent class than a client. - TimidPlayer needs to be able to tell
AbstractPlayer store this sticksTaken value. - Subclasses needs a different contract with its
parent than a client needs. - Use protected features to specify subclass
19Planning for extension
- A subclass depends on the Parent implementation.
- subclass often requires access to parents
underlying implementation structure. - correctness of a subclass can depend on the
algorithms used to implement parent methods.
20Planning for extension
public class ThreeDigitLock A combination lock
with a three digit combination. public void
enterDigit (int digit) Enter a digit of the
combination lock unlocks if the three
digits of the combination are entered in
order. require 0 lt digit digit lt
9 public void enterCombination (int
combination) Enter the three digit combination
specified lock unlocks if the three
digits of the combination are entered in order.
require 0 lt combination combination lt 999
21Planning for extension
- Build lock that keeps track of total number of
digits entered.
public class InstrumentedLock extends
ThreeDigitLock private int digitCount publ
ic void enterDigit (int digit) digitCount
digitCount 1 super.enterDigit(digit) pub
lic void enterCombination (int combination)
digitCount digitCount 3 super.enterComb
22Planning for extension
public class ThreeDigitLock public void
enterCombination (int combination) int
remainder combination int position
100 while (position gt 0) ยน enterDigit(remai
nder / position) remainder remainder
position position position / 10
- Problem ThreeDigitLocks enterCombination method
is implementing by invoking enterDigit three
23Planning for extension
- Due to implementation of enterCombination in
ThreeDigitClass class, InstrumentedLock should
not increment digitCount. - InstrumentedLock subclass design depends on
ThreeDigitClasss algorithm used in
enterCombination. - ThreeDigitLock must document method
24Planning for extension
public void enterCombination (int
combination) Enter the three digit combination
specified lock unlocks if the three digits of
the combination are entered in order. This
implementation invokes enterDigit three times,
once for each digit in the specified
combination. require 0 lt combination
combination lt 999
25Planning for extension
- General rules to design classes for extension
- Document any internal use of classs overridable
methods. - Constructors should not invoke classs
overridable methods .
26Planning for extension
- Prevent class extension by declaring a class
public final class ThreeDigitLock
- Prevent method overriding by declaring method
public final void enterCombination (int
27Planning for extension
- Prevent extension of a class by declaring its
constructor private. - private constructor lets us control the
conditions under which an instance will be
public class Singleton private static
Singleton instance null // constructor can
be invoked only //from inside
class. private Singleton () public static
Singleton getInstance () // if one
doesnt already exist, create it. if
(instance null) instance new
Singleton() return instance
28Composition revisited
- Uses of composition
- a component is an intrinsic part of an object.
- a class formed as an aggregation of components,
where components exist independently of
aggregation. - to wrap an existing class in order to alter its
29Class extension OR class composition?
30Class extension v.s. class composition
Reused class Resulting class
Extension superclass subclass
Composition core class composed class
31Class extension v.s. class composition
- Two advantages of class extension
- code reuse
- polymorphism.
- Disadvantages of class extension
- Changes to a superclass specification propagate
to clients and subclasses - classes are not always designed and documented
for extension. - a subclass is committed to maintain
specifications inherited from its superclass.
32Class extension v.s. class composition
- Advantages of composition
- Existing classes can be used in composed classes.
- Can change objects behavior dynamically.
- Supports stronger encapsulation than does
inheritance. - Can change specification of composed class
without changing core. - Composed class depends only on specification of
core class, not on its implementation. - Implementation changes in core class do not
propagate to composed class.
33Class extension v.s. class composition
- InstrumentedLock does not depend on
implementation of ThreeDigitLock.
34Class extension v.s. class composition
- Composition can add functionality to an object.
35Class extension v.s. class composition
- Conclusion
- reuse through composition produces more flexible
code. - must not ignore advantages of polymorphism via
inheritance. - lose polymorphism with composition.
- But can gain it back by composing with interfaces
and defining core classes that implement them.
36Extension, composition, and modifying
- Poor use of extension to model roles objects
play. - Results in awkward constructions in which
detailed knowledge of an objects possible roles
is spread throughout the application.
37Extension, composition, and modifying
- Poor use of extension model roles objects may
play. - Example model card player, and card dealer.
- Solution
- specify Player
- use extension to specify Dealer.
- Problem change Player role to Dealer role (and
vice-versa). - Solution (Ackward) Make any Player an instance
of Dealer. Switch roles via Dealer state
38Extension, composition, and modifying
- Good use of composition to model roles objects
may play. - Example model card player, and card dealer.
- Solution
- specify Player
- specify Dealer having a Player as a component.
- Problem change Player role to Dealer role (and
vice-versa). - Solution Dealer can be assigned Player at
39Extension, composition, and modifying
- Poor use of extension provide alternate
implementations of functionality. - can lead to a combinatorial explosion in class
40Extension, composition, and modifying
- Good use of composition provide alternate
implementations of functionality. - Bridge pattern Separate abstraction hierarchy
from implementation hierarchy.
has implementation
41Extension and object state
- Kind of thing object models and object state
are related. - Model several categories of students junior
division students, undergraduates, graduate
students, etc.
public class Student // Student
classifications public static final int
JUNIOR_DIVISION 0 public static final int
UNDERGRADUATE 1 public static final int
GRADUATE 2 private int classification pub
lic int classification () public void
setClassification (int class)
42Extension and object state
- Some of the functionality of a Student is state
dependent. - Code depending on students classification via
case analysis.
int classification someStudent.classification()
if (classification Student.JUNIOR_DIVISION)
handle JUNIOR_DIVISION case else if
(classification Student.UNDERGRADUATE)
handle UNDERGRADUATE case else if
(classification Student.GRADUATE)
43Extension and object state
- Problem with structure
- method containing this code is dependent on
student classifications. - such structured conditionals scattered throughout
implementation. - maintenance complication adding new
classification requires modifications in a number
of places,. - long conditionals handling many cases are hard to
understand and difficult to modify or extend. - Such structures are generally undesirable in an
object-oriented system.
44Extension and object state
- Better structure subclass Student to model
different classifications. - Classification-dependent behavior handled by
providing different implementations in subclass
methods. - New classification is handled by defining a new
subclass. - Clients depend on polymorphism for appropriate
45State as an object
- Difficulty with subclassing classification.
- Class of an object is fixed when the object is
created. - Subclassing (static) does not support (dynamic)
type transfer from one subclass to another.
46State as an object
- Better structuring of Student with classification
that changes dynamically - Define interface isolating state-dependent
behavior. - Equip object with a state-defining component that
implements interface. - Different behaviors achieved by providing
different subclasses for component. - State-dependent requests forwarded to state
47State as an object