Title: High Resolution Carbonate Reef Interpretation Using Cross Well Data
1High Resolution Carbonate Reef Interpretation
Using Cross Well Data
- Thomas Morgan, Ph.D., Schlumberger
- Mike Raines, Whiting Petroleum
- formerly with Sandridge Energy
2- Sites
- Michigan
- West Texas
- Focus
- Gross Structure
- Internal Structure
- Depositional Environments
3- Geological Information
- Well Logs
- Geophysical Data
- Geological Interpretation
4Michigan Silurian Reef
- Single profile
- Isolated pinnacle reef
- Only one additional well
- No surface seismic available
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7Tomographic Velocity Inversion
- Picked Direct Arrivals
- 3D Thin Layer Model
- 3D Ray Tracing
- Model Interfaces and Layer Parameters Described
by Chebyshev Polynomials
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- Kirchhoff Integral
- Prestack Reflection Imaging
- Depth
- Dip Oriented and Aperture Limited
- Ray Trace Travel Times from Tomographic
Velocities - Angle Gather Output
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1145 degrees
30 degrees
70 degrees
12Interpretation Approach
- Profile is in Depth
- Exact depth tie at the wells
- no time to depth
conversion needed - Resolution at the outcrop level human scale
geology - Geological Interpretation versus Geophysical
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Reef Zone
Grey Niagaran
Burnt Bluff Carbonate
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17Organic Reef
18Organic Reef
19Organic Reef
Reef Rubble
20Supratidal Island
Organic Reef
21Tidal Flats
Supratidal Island
Organic Reef
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23West Texas Permian Reef
- Multiple profiles
- More complicated structure
- Better well control
- Surface seismic available
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26 Reef Top
Marker Near OWC
27Stacked Mounds
Shaley Lag Deposit
Reef Top (Erosional)
On Lap
Inter-Mound CO3 Debris
Marker Near OWC
28Stacked Mounds
Reef Top
Inter-Mound CO3 Debris
29Shaley Lag Deposit
Reef Top
- Depth profiles provide unambiguous well ties
- Resolution allows a truer look at the geology
- Geophysical effects pushed down to smaller scale
- Reservoir level geologic Interpretation is
31High Resolution Interpretation of a Permian
Reef Michael A. Raines, Sandridge Tertiary,
LLC, Thomas R. Morgan, Ph.D., Schlumberger
Poster PDC P2, Station D1 Tuesday, October 27 at
1140 a.m.
32Acknowledgments We would like to thank
Sandridge Energy and Michigan Technological
University for the use of the data.
References Bube, K., and R. Langan, 1999, On
a continuation approach to regularization for
crosswell tomography 69th Annual International
Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts,
1295-1298. Liao, Q., and G. A. McMechan, 1997,
Tomographic imaging of velocity and Q, with
application to crosswell seismic data from the
Gypsy Pilot Site, Oklahoma Geophysics, 62,
1804-1811. Quan, Y., and J.M. Harris, 1997,
Seismic attenuation tomography using the
frequency shift method Geophysics, 62,
895-905. Huh, M.H., L.I. Briggs, and D. Gill,
1977, Depositional Environments of Pinnacle
Reefs, Niagaran and Salina Groups, Northern
Shelf, Michigan Basin, in Studies in Geology No.
5, Reefs and Evaporites Concepts and
Depositional Models, AAPG, J.H. Fisher ed.