Title: High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager HESSI
1High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager HESSI
2HESSI Science Objective
To explore the basic physics of particle
acceleration and explosive energy release in
solar flares
- Impulsive Energy Release in the Corona
- Acceleration of Electrons, Protons, and Ions
- Plasma Heating to Tens of Millions of degrees
- Energy and Particle Transport and Dissipation
3What is a Solar Flare ?
- A solar flare occurs when magnetic energy that
has built up in the solar atmosphere (Corona) is
suddenly released. - Radiation is emitted across virtually the entire
electromagnetic spectrum (radio, optical, (E)UV,
X- and gamma Ray). - The amount of energy released is very large
1027-1032 ergs - 3 Stage
- Precursor trigger of magnetic energy release
(soft-xray) - Impulsive protons, ions and electrons are
accelerated, - Heating of plasma to Millions of degree in time
scale minutes to hours - Many models exist, but impulsive energy release
is poorly understood - Solar flare activities are correlated with the 11
year solar cycle
4The Sun at Solar Minimum and Maximum
EUV Images Telescope (EIT)
5How are Flares seen in the EUV (171A) by the
TRACE Satellite?
M. Aschwanden et al, Lockheed Martin Advanced
6Example of a SMM Observation
7Composite Flare Energy Spectrum
8Problems to be solved with HESSI
- Needed
- Large energy range (3kev to 15MeV), good energy
resolution (better than 1) - Good spatial resolution (up to 2 arcsec), Images
- Good time resolution (2 sec for an image)
- Low energy threshold (3keV)
- How can a large fraction of magnetically stored
energy (30) to be converted into kinetic energy
in such a very short time? - Are loops in a quasi-steady hydrodynamic
equilibrium? - Where does the heating and acceleration occur?
- How are such high electron and ion energy
possible? - Why are the electrons and ions quasi
simultaneously accelerated? - Is the Corona heated by micro flares? (yes if
NE-a and agt2 and nano flares exist)
9HESSI Non-Solar Science Objectives
- The Crab Nebula
- Imaging spectroscopy with 2 resolution
- Gamma Ray Bursts and Cosmic Transient Sources
- Detected over a large fraction of the sky
- High resolution spectroscopy
- Search for cyclotron line features
- Steady X-ray and gamma-ray sources (point and
diffuse) - Detect by Earth occultation or through the rear
grids - Obtain high resolution spectra
- Search for line features
10HESSI Prime Responsibilities
- UC Berkeley Germanium detectors, cryostat,
electronics - I T
- Ground station, MOC/SOC
- Data Analysis
- GSFC Grid characterization testing
- Cryocooler
- Data analysis, distribution, and archiving
- PSI (Switzerland) Telescope
- Aspect system
- Twist Monitoring System
- Spectrum Astro Spacecraft
- ETH-Zurich European Data Center
- Data Analysis and archiving
11PSI Involvement
- Instrument
- Fritz Burri Technician
- Reinhold Henneck RAS, SAS
- Martin Fivan PhD Student, Simulation, Aspect
System S/W - Aliko Mchedlshishvili Electronic, Aspect Data
Processor - Peter Ming Manager
- Knud Thomsen Mechanical Design, Qualification
- Joerg Welte Designer
- Alex Zehnder Co-I, TMS
- Science
- Kaspar Arzner
- Manuel Guedel
- PSI Infrastructure
- total about 30 well motivated collaborators
12HESSI Imaging Technique Rotation Grid
Collimators (RMC)
13Imaging Simulation
Box 1 is a map of the sky near the assumed
point-like X-ray source.
Box 2 represents what the detectorr see as a
function of time as X-ray photons from the
off-axis point source indicated in Box 1 pass
through the grids.
Box 3 shows the number of X-ray photons that pass
through both grids and reach the detector as a
function of time while the instrument rotates.
Box 4 and 5 show how the image can be
reconstructed from the probability distributions
shown in Box 1 and the counting rate in the
detector shown in Boxes 2 and 3. The point source
can be clearly seen in the bottom left corner. A
second "ghost" source appears in the upper right
corner and faint rings, referred to as
"side-lobes" appear around both "source"
locations. These artifacts can be removed.
Animation made by Ed Schmahl, GSFC
14(No Transcript)
15Example Yohko Flare
Countrate in the 9 HESSI grids
16HESSI Imaging
- Requirement
- Mechanical twist stability to be better than 20
arcsec. (achieved 5 arcsec) - Solar aspect (pointing) to be better than 0.4
arcsec for each photon (Solar Aspect System SAS) - Roll Angle (RAS) to be better than 1 armin
1arcsec at limb
17HESSI FM Imager at Contraves
18End-to-End Test
19Solar Aspect System
- Operation Principle
- The Sun is imaged on 3 linear CCD 120o spaced.
- The CCD are readout at 128Hz
- Onboard processing of limb position, download
needed data. - On-ground aspect reconstruction.
- Calibration on ground. Result
20Roll Aspect System (RAS)
22PSI Twist Monitor System
23Results TMS
24HESSI at JPL 2nd Vibration Tests
25HESSI at VAFB (April 01)
26Launch Date 1. June 01 !?
273D Model of HESSI
28HESSI Firsts
- Hard X-Ray Imaging Spectroscopy
- High Resolution Spectroscopy of Solar Gamma-Ray
Lines - Hard X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Imaging above 100 keV
- Imaging of Narrow Gamma-Ray Lines
- High Resolution X-ray and Gamma-Ray Spectra of
Cosmic Sources - Hard X-Ray Images of the Crab Nebula with
2-arcsecond Resolution
29HESSI Observational Characteristics
- Energy Range 3 keV to 15 MeV
- Energy Resolution (FWHM) lt1 keV FWHM at 3 keV
- increasing to 5 keV at 15 MeV
- Angular Resolution 2 arcseconds to 100 keV
- 7 arcseconds to 400 keV
- 36 arcseconds to 15 MeV
- Temporal Resolution Tens of ms for basic image
- 2 s for detailed image
- Field of View Full Sun
- Effective Area - cm2 10-3 at 3 keV, 50 at 10 keV
- (with attenuators out) 60 at 100 keV, 20 at
10 MeV - Numbers of flares 1000 imaged to gt100 keV.
- 100 with spectroscopy to 10 MeV
30Instrument Sensitivity
31Angular Coverage vs. Photon Energy
32Relative Modulation Amplitudevs. Photon Energy
33Composite Flare Spectrum
34Energy Resolution vs. Photon Energy
35Prelaunch Twist Monitoring System (TMS)