Title: Neutrino%20Oscillation
1Neutrino Oscillation
- Hitoshi Murayama (Berkeley)
- PRC-US Meeting _at_ IHEP
- June 12, 2006
- Past Why Neutrinos?
- Present Era of Revolution
- Future
- Conclusion
4Interest in Neutrino Mass
- So much activity on neutrino mass already.
- Why am I interested in this?
- Window to (way) high energy scales beyond the
Standard Model! - Two ways
- Go to high energies
- Study rare, tiny effects
5Rare Effects from High-Energies
- Effects of physics beyond the SM as effective
operators - Can be classified systematically (Weinberg)
6Unique Role of Neutrino Mass
- Lowest order effect of physics at short distances
- Tiny effect (mn/En)2(0.1eV/GeV)21020!
- Interferometry (i.e., Michaelson-Morley)
- Need coherent source
- Need interference (i.e., large mixing angles)
- Need long baseline
- Nature was kind to provide all of them!
- neutrino interferometry (a.k.a. neutrino
oscillation) a unique tool to study physics at
very high scales
7Ubiquitous Neutrinos
They must have played some important role in the
9 The Data
- Evidence for oscillation
- Indisputable
- Atmospheric
- Solar
- Reactor
- strong
- Accelerator (K2K)
- And we shouldnt forget
- unconfirmed
- Accelerator (LSND)
10SuperKamiokande Atmospheric ? disappear
Downwards ??s dont disappear
1/2 of upwards ??s do disappear
11SNOSolar ? transform in flavor
2/3 of ?es ? ????
12KamLANDReactor neutrinos do oscillate!
?Proper time ?
L0180 km
13What we learned
- Lepton Flavor is not conserved
- Neutrinos have tiny mass, not very hierarchical
- Neutrinos mix a lot
- the first evidence for
- demise of the Minimal Standard Model
- Very different from quarks
14Typical Theorists View ca. 1990
- Solar neutrino solution must be small angle MSW
solution because its cute - Natural scale for Dm223 10100 eV2 because it
is cosmologically interesting - Angle q23 must be q23 Vcb 0.04
- Atmospheric neutrino anomaly must go away because
it needs a large angle
15The Big Questions
- What is the origin of neutrino mass?
- Did neutrinos play a role in our existence?
- Did neutrinos play a role in forming galaxies?
- Did neutrinos play a role in birth of the
universe? - Are neutrinos telling us something about
unification of matter and/or forces? - Will neutrinos give us more surprises?
- Big questions ? tough questions to answer
16Immediate Questions
- Dirac or Majorana?
- Absolute mass scale?
- How small is q13?
- CP Violation?
- Mass hierarchy?
- Is q23 maximal?
- LSND? Sterile neutrino(s)? CPT violation?
18Immediate Questions
- Dirac or Majorana?
- Absolute mass scale?
- How small is q13?
- CP Violation?
- Mass hierarchy?
- Is q23 maximal?
- LSND? Sterile neutrino(s)? CPT violation?
19Immediate Questions
- Dirac or Majorana?
- Absolute mass scale?
- How small is q13?
- CP Violation?
- Mass hierarchy?
- Is q23 maximal?
- LSND? Sterile neutrino(s)? CPT violation?
20LSND doesnt fit into the picture
- Sterile neutrino (31) barely consistent with
short-baseline data - Sterile neutrinos are strongly constrained by
WMAPSDSS mlt0.26 eV (95CL) (Seljak, Slosar,
McDonald) - CPT violation without sterile neutrino excluded
HM, Pierce
21The hell breaks loose
- Mini-BooNE will open the box this summer
- If Mini-BooNE confirms LSND, it is hard to
understand what is going on, because there is
currently no simple way to accommodate LSND
result with other neutrino data - Multiple sterile neutrinos? 32?
- Sterile neutrino and CPT violation?
- Mass varying neutrinos?
- Something even more wild and wacky?
22What it would take
- We will need neutrino oscillation experiments
with multiple baselines, multiple modes - E10 GeV, L10km, looking for ? appearance
- Redo CDHSW (?? disappearance experiment with
L130 885m, E19.2GeV) - E1 GeV, L1 km, looking for oscillatory behavior
and CP violation in ?e???, or better, ????e - Some in the air, some in the earth
- Probably more
- Muon source would help greatly
23Immediate Questions
- Dirac or Majorana?
- Absolute mass scale?
- How small is q13?
- CP Violation?
- Mass hierarchy?
- Is q23 maximal?
- LSND? Sterile neutrino(s)? CPT violation?
24T2K (Tokai to Kamioka)
25Immediate Questions
- Dirac or Majorana?
- Absolute mass scale?
- How small is q13?
- CP Violation?
- Mass hierarchy?
- Is q23 maximal?
- LSND? Sterile neutrino(s)? CPT violation?
26LMA confirmed by KamLAND
- Dream case for neutrino oscillation physics!
- Dm2solar within reach of long-baseline expts
- Even CP violation may be probable
- Possible only if
- Dm122, s12 large enough (LMA)
- q13 large enough
27q13 decides the future
- The value of q13 crucial for the future of
neutrino oscillation physics - Determines the required facility/parameters/baseli
ne/energy - sin22q13gt0.01 ? conventional neutrino beam
- sin22q13lt0.01 ? ? storage ring, ? beam
- Two paths to determine q13
- Long-baseline accelerator T2K, NO?A
- Reactor neutrino experiment 2?CHOOZ, Daya Bay
28NO?AFermilab to Minnesota
29Daya Bay
Empty detectors moved to underground halls
through access tunnel. Filled detectors swapped
between underground halls via horizontal tunnels.
Ling Ao Near 500 m from Ling Ao Overburden 98 m
Ling Ao-ll NPP (under const.)
Ling Ao NPP
Entrance portal
Daya Bay NPP
Total tunnel length 2700 m
303? sensitivity on sin2 2?13
31T2K vs NO?A
- LBL ????e appearance
- Combination of
- sin22?13
- Matter effect
- CP phase ?
95CL resolutionof mass hierarchy
32Accelerator vs Reactor
Reactor w 100t (3 yrs) T2K T2K (5yr,n-only)
Reactor w 10t (3 yrs) T2K
90 CL
90 CL
Reactor experiments can help in Resolving the
?23 degeneracy (Example sin22?23 0.95
Reactor w 100t (3 yrs) Nova Nova only (3yr
3yr) Reactor w 10t (3yrs) Nova
90 CL
McConnel Shaevitz, hep-ex/0409028
33My prejudice
- Lets not write a complicated theory
- The only natural measure for mixing angles is the
group-theoretical invariant Haar measure - KolmogorovSmirnov test 64
- sin2 2q13gt0.04 (2s)
- sin2 2q13gt0.01 (99CL)
34Immediate Questions
- Dirac or Majorana?
- Absolute mass scale?
- How small is q13?
- CP Violation?
- Mass hierarchy?
- Is q23 maximal?
- LSND? Sterile neutrino(s)? CPT violation?
35What about the Big Questions?
- What is the origin of neutrino mass?
- Did neutrinos play a role in our existence?
- Did neutrinos play a role in forming galaxies?
- Did neutrinos play a role in birth of the
universe? - Are neutrinos telling us something about
unification of matter and/or forces? - Will neutrinos give us more surprises?
- Big questions ? tough questions to answer
36Seesaw Mechanism
- Why is neutrino mass so small?
- Need right-handed neutrinos to generate neutrino
, but nR SM neutral
To obtain m3(Dm2atm)1/2, mDmt, M310141014GeV
- You generate Lepton Asymmetry first. (Fukugita,
Yanagida) - Generate L from the direct CP violation in
right-handed neutrino decay - L gets converted to B via EW anomaly
- ? More matter than anti-matter
- ? We have survived The Great Annihilation
- Despite detailed information on neutrino masses,
it still works (e.g., Bari, Buchmüller, Plümacher)
38Origin of Universe
- Maybe an even bigger role inflation
- Need a spinless field that
- slowly rolls down the potential
- oscillates around it minimum
- decays to produce a thermal bath
- The superpartner of right-handed neutrino fits
the bill - When it decays, it produces the lepton asymmetry
at the same time - (HM, Suzuki, Yanagida, Yokoyama)
- Decay products supersymmetry and hence dark
matter - Neutrino is mother of the Universe?
size of the universe
39LHC/ILC may help
- LHC finds SUSY
- ILC measures masses precisely
- If both gaugino and sfermion masses unify, there
cant be new particles lt 1014GeV except for
40Plausible scenario
- 0??? found
- LHC discovers SUSY
- ILC shows unification of gaugino and scalar
masses - Dark matter concordance between collider,
cosmology, direct detection - CP in ?-oscillation found
- Lepton flavor violation limits (??e?, ??e
conversion, ???? etc) improve - Tevatron and EDM (e and n) exclude Electroweak
Baryogenesis - CMB B-mode polarization gives tensor mode r0.16
If this happens, we will be led to
believe seesawleptogenesis (Buckley, HM)
- Neutrino oscillation a unique tool to probe
(very) high-energy world - Era of revolution
- sin2 2?13 decides the future
- My prejudice ?13 is large
- Reactor accelerator LBL expts complementary
- To understand big questions we need a diverse
set of experiments
42The I?visibles
43(No Transcript)