Title: Status and results from the IceCube neutrino observatory
1Status and results from the IceCube neutrino
- Georges Kohnen
- Université de Mons-Hainaut, Belgium
- for the IceCube collaboration
- XLIV. Rencontres de Moriond La Thuile, Italy,
Feb. 1-8, 2009
2The IceCube Collaboration
Germany DESY-Zeuthen Universität Mainz
Universität Dortmund Universität Wuppertal
Humboldt Universität MPI Heidelberg RWTH Aachen
Sweden Uppsala Universitet Stockholm
USA Bartol Research Institute, Delaware
University of California, Berkeley University of
California, Irvine Pennsylvania State
University Clark-Atlanta University Ohio State
University Georgia Tech University of Maryland
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa University of
Wisconsin-Madison University of Wisconsin-River
Falls Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.
University of Kansas Southern University and
AM College, Baton Rouge University of
Alaska, Anchorage
UK Oxford University
Netherlands Utrecht University
Belgium Université Libre de Bruxelles Vrije
Universiteit Brussel Universiteit Gent
Université de Mons-Hainaut
Japan Chiba University
Switzerland EPFL
New Zealand University of Canterbury
33 institutions, 250 members
3The IceCube Detector
1 km3 of antarctic ice instrumented to detect
extraterrestrial neutrinos
- IceTop
- Surface air shower array
- Shower threshold 300 TeV
- 320 DOMs in 160 ice-filled
- tanks
- 2 tanks per IceCube string
- Cosmic ray detection
- Veto for IceCube
- InIce
- Up to 4800 Digital Optical Modules (DOM) on 80
strings arranged in a hexagonal grid - 1450 2450m deep
- 17m vertical distance between DOMs
- 125m horizontal distance between strings
- proof-of-concept detector
- active 1996-2009
- 677 optical modules on 19 strings
- denser array, string spacing 40m
4The IceCube Detector Aerial view
5The IceCube Detector current state
- 19 strings/stations installed during the
2008-2009 austral summer, commissioning ongoing - Total of 59 strings and 118 IceTop tanks ? over
two thirds complete! - Integrated exposure reaching 1 km3.year
2004-2005 1 string
2005-2006 8 strings
2006-2007 13 strings
2007-2008 18 strings
2008-2009 19 strings
6Construction Drilling
7Construction Drill site
Drill camp (5 MW hot water heater)
Hose Reel
Hot water hoses
IceTop Tanks (with sun shields)
Drill speeds 2 m/minute 40 hours to drill a
hole 12 hours to deploy a string
8Construction Drilling and Deployment
2 days per hole
10 Hamamatsu Photomultiplier tubes (PMT) 3.5 W
Power Internal digitization and timestamping
ATWD 300 MHz (400 ns) fADC 40 MHz (6400
ns) Dynamic range from one to thousands of
photo-electrons Transmit digital data to surface
10Data Acquisition
11IceCube Datasets
Strings Year CR µ rate ? rate
1 2005 5 Hz 0.01 / day
9 2006 80 Hz 1.5 / day
22 2007 550 Hz 20 / day
40 2008 1000 Hz
59 2009
? 2010
80 2011 1650 Hz 200 / day
After triggering, noise cleaning, first guess
reconstruction and online filter 32 GB/day of
satellite data transfer (2008)
12Neutrino detection
- Detection of neutrinos of all flavors from 1011
to 1020 eV - Neutrinos interact
- with a nucleon and
- produce a charged lepton
- Lepton emits Cherenkov light cone (41) as it
travels through the ice (plus Bremsstrahlung,
ee- pairs,) - Cherenkov radiation is detected by DOMs
13Neutrino flavour identification
Muon neutrino Straight track, points to
neutrino source, angular resolution lt1 -
Cosmic ray muon background
Electron neutrino - Cascade, must be in
detector - Poor angular resolution Good energy
Tau neutrino Double bang signature, low
background Pointing capability
14Ice Properties
- Analyses sensitive to the optical properties of
ice - South Pole Ice extremely pure but presence of
non-planar dust layers - Determine optical properties using LED and LASER
sources - Average optical parameters at 400 nm
- ?abs 110 m, ?sca 20 m above the dust layer
- ?abs 220 m, ?sca 40 m below the dust layer
- No bioluminescence
15Multi-messenger astronomy
- At the earth, most of the cosmic rays are
protons deflected by intergalactic magnetic
fields (lt10EeV, do not point back to source) or
GZK suppression (gt50EeV) - Gamma rays (photons) propagate in a straight
line but may be absorbed - Neutrinos propagate in a straight line, not
absorbed but difficult to detect ? large detector
volume needed to compensate for small cross
16Cosmic Ray spectrum
17Neutrino sources
Active Galactic Nuclei, proton accelerators
Gamma Ray Bursts
Diffuse and Point Sources Dark Matter Exotics
Atmospheric ?
Solar WIMPs
Cosmic Rays
18IceCube Physics prospects
- Astronomy/Astrophysics
- Point source search GRB, AGN,
- Diffuse searches
- Supernova detection
- ?t detection
- Cosmic Rays Physics (IceTop)
- Composition
- Energy spectrum
- Particle Physics
- Neutrino oscillations
- Cross sections
- New Physics
- Magnetic monopoles
- SUSY (staus,)
19Cosmic Ray
Signal and Background
Atmospheric ?
MC simulations
Atmospheric muons (background)
Muons induced by ?? (atmos or astroph)
Reconstructed Zenith angle
Atmospheric ?
Most analyses remove CR muon background using a
cut on the angle. Other background coincident CR
Astrophysical ?
Cosmic Ray
20Neutrino energy
Astrophysical neutrino energy spectra are
expected to be harder than the atmospheric
neutrino spectrum IceCube effective area
increases with energy
21Angular Energy resolution
Angular resolution also obtained by a moon
shadow analysis
22Point Source Search
AMANDA/IC9/IC22 E-2 sensitivity
23Point Source Search (IC22)
- One of the main goals of IceCube
- Search for excess of astrophysical neutrinos from
known directions over the background of
atmospheric neutrinos (looking through the
earth at northern hemisphere) - Two methods binned and unbinned (likelihood)
- 22 strings, 276 days (2007) 20 ?µ/day, 1.5
angular resolution - 5 times as sensitive as IC9, better than AMANDA 5
24Diffuse Neutrino Flux
- Sources for diffuse neutrinos flux
- Atmospheric neutrinos (conventional and prompt)
- Astrophysical neutrinos
- Cosmogenic neutrinos
- Use energy based variables to separate
astrophysical and atmospheric neutrinos
Harder energy spectrum
25Neutrinos from GRBs
- Search for events correlated in time an direction
with observed GRBs - Small time and space window reduces background
rate - 93 SWIFT bursts during IC22 runs
- IceCube will be able to set limits below the
Waxman-Bahcall bound or similar GRB fluxes within
the next few years
GRB Neutrino flux predictions
26Indirect search for WIMPs
- Search for neutrino flux from objects with large
dark matter density - Rate depends on MSSM and astrophysical parameters
- Neutralino
- popular dark matter candidate
- stable, weakly interacting and massive
- Majorana particle ? self-annihilation to SM
particles that produce neutrinos (E? O(GeV-TeV))
27Indirect search for WIMPs
No significant excess found (Solar or Earth WIMPs)
Green area MSSM models not yet excluded by
direct searches
28Indirect search for WIMPs
Expected sensitivity after 10 (5) years of
Blue area MSSM models not yet excluded by direct
29Magnetic Monopoles
- Extremely bright events (more than 8000 times
more Cherenkov radiation than muons - Speed 0.75c 0.99c
B. Christy et al., ICRC 2007
- Signature simultaneous increase in noise rate in
all DOMs - IceCube (80 strings) can see out to the Large
Magellanic Cloud - IceCube participates in SNEWS
- 6 new planned DeepCore strings
- 60 DOMs per string
- lower energy threshold to 100 GeV
(WIMPs and atmospheric neutrinos) - Smaller spacing
- In the clearest ice layers
- High quantum efficiency
photomultipliers - veto with the rest of IceCube
- First DeepCore string installed during 2008-2009
31Future detection methods
- A high-energy ?N has three signatures in ice
- Optical (Cherenkov) lepton
- Radio hadronic and electromagnetic cascades
- Acoustic hadronic cascade
- Towards a 100 km2 hybrid detector
- Goal detect 100 GZK neutrinos in a few years
(increase sensitivity at higher energies) - Better background rejection through coincident
detection - Control systematic uncertainties (no calibration
32Acoustic detection
- South Pole Acoustic Test Setup (SPATS) ?
determine acoustic properties of Ice in the 0
100 kHz range - 28 Acoustic modules (sensors and pingers)
deployed in 4 IceCube holes - Fast thermal energy causes local expansion giving
rise to a pressure wave - Ring-shaped shock front that expands
perpendicularly to the cascade direction - Stable noise in ice
- Attenuation length 8 km in ice ? sensors can be
placed far apart
33Radio detection
- Askaryan Underice Radio Array (AURA)
- 5 digital radio modules on IceCube strings (plus
1 transmitter only module) - 4 broadband dipole antennas (highest sensitivity
400 MHz) - 1 antenna calibration unit
- In-ice digitization
- IceCube deployment is more than two thirds
complete, largest running neutrino telescope! - IceCube is actively taking data and shows a good
long-term hardware reliability (over 98 of DOMs
fully functional, over 96 uptime) - Many analyses with the 22-string detector
published, but no evidence for a source of
extraterrestrial neutrinos yet - Analyses with the 40-string detector underway
- DeepCore (low-energy extension) funded
- Exciting prospects!
- Future plans
- High- and Low-Energy extensions
- Acoustic and Radio detection
- Correlations with ROTSE, AGILE, MAGIC, LIGO
35Thank you! Questions?