Title: What%20Kind%20of%20Electric%20Power%20Plant
1What Kind of Electric Power Plant Do We Want for
Glades County? (Global Warming Sea Level Rise
Issues) John Capece, Ph.D. Agricultural
Engineer December 21, 2006 www.CarbonCapture.US
2Presentation Objective USC or IGCC Coal Power
Florida Power Light (FPL) plans to build a
coal-fired power plant for completion by 2012 in
Glades County, Florida between Hwy 78 and Hwy
27, a few miles northwest of Moore Haven. This
power plant will have an expected operating life
through 2050.
This would be the first U.S. ultra-supercritical
pulverized coal (USC-PC) combustion system. It
is a cleaner, more efficient process than older
pulverized coal technologies.
3Presentation Objective - I.G.C.C.
To facilitate carbon dioxide capture and
sequestration in the coming decades, many people
are advocating using an even more advanced coal
technology IGCC (Integrated Gasification
Combined Cycle). This presentation explains
the rationale for IGCC, while recognizing that an
even better long-term solution to the power needs
of our society is the promotion of renewable,
distributed energy systems (solar, tide, wind,
conservation, etc.).
4Presentation Outline
- Why a Coal-fired Power Plant?
- Greenhouse Effect Sea Level Rise
- Types of Coal-fired Power Plants
- Carbon Sequestration
- Carbon Tax
- Glades County Actions
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6Electric Power Sources in Florida
- Why use Coal?
- To balance sources.
- Natural gas is riskybecause of hurricanes.
- Large domestic coal supply. (some imported)
- No military risk to securefuel supplies.
- Efficient rail transport from Appalachian
Mountains. - Problems with Coal
- Mining impacts in Appalachia
- Mercury other emissions
- Carbon Dioxide emissions
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10Global Warming asserts that temperature is now
following from CO2.
However, during the past 20,000 years, CO2
followed from temperature, This would match a
climate model in which the climate process was
being driven by changes in incident solar
radiation and changes in the earths
reflectance.Probable explanations of CO2
following temperature are out-gassing from
warming oceans, CO2 from warming soils, etc. This
demonstrates a feedback loop between temperature
and CO2/methane that should cause even greater
concern today as a magnifier of the current trend.
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14 180 historic low (ice age) 280
historic high (10001800 AD) 380
current 480 coming soon (2030
AD ???)
15Operating period of new FPL Power Plant
16Most CO2 Dissolves into the Oceanseventually
17CO2 Acidifies the Ocean Changes its Life Forms
1820 ft
6 ft
19Ice Age Florida at 180 ppm CO2
Modern Florida at 280 ppm CO2
Future Florida from 450 ppm CO2 ?
Future Florida from 650 ppm CO2 ? (Can we avoid
this future?)
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22The Major Global Re-insurance Companies See it
(Lloyds, Swiss Re, Zurich Re, Munich Re, etc.)
Swiss Re In a carbon constrained imminent
future, greenhouse gas emissions will become
financial liabilities on many companies balance
sheets. The Swiss Re report projected a likely
worldwide doubling of losses from weather related
causes within ten years to 150 billion dollars
US annually. (It is and will continue to affect
insurance rates in Florida.) The Climate Change
Performance Index, introduced by Germanwatch and
Climate Action Network Europe (CAN Europe),
compares the climate protection efforts of 56
industrialized and rapidly industrializing
countries, that together make up more than 90 of
global carbon dioxide emissions. Sweden is the
leader, and the USA ranks among the bottom five.
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25- FPL emits 20 less CO2 than the industry average.
This partially reflects the fact that other U.S.
regions companies use more coal, while FPL uses
more natural gas.
26Soot Global Dimming
- Particulate Matter Other Emissions (including
coal soot) - Estimated to have reduced Global Warming by half,
so far. - Reduced incident solar radiation by 5 10
- Is clean coal actually better coalfrom a
global warming perspective? - High CO2 emissions.
- No more soot emissions to offset the CO2 effect.
27Pulverized Coal vs. Coal Gasification
- Pulverized Coal Ultra Super Critical
- Burn coal dust to heat water and make steam.
- Use steam to drive a turbine.
- Steam turbine generates electricity.
- Gasification IGCC (Integrated Gasification
Combined Cycle) - Integrated Gasification and Combined Cycle.
- Cook coal to make coal gas.
- Burn coal gas in a turbine to make electricity
(like a jet engine). - Use the hot coal gas combustion exhaust to heat
water and make steam. - Use steam to drive turbine.
- Steam turbine generates additional electricity.
28The most advanced pulverized coal plant (Ultra
Super-Critical) is more efficient.
USC has 44 Efficiency
29Ultra-Supercritical Pulverized Coal Efficiency
Type of Coal Combustion Coal to Electricity Efficiency Ultra-Supercritical enhanced efficiency over older Pulverized Coal technologies Ultra-Supercritical enhanced efficiency over older Pulverized Coal technologies Ultra-Supercritical enhanced efficiency over older Pulverized Coal technologies
Type of Coal Combustion Coal to Electricity Efficiency Sub-critical Super-critical Advanced Supercritical
Subcritical 35
Supercritical 37
Advanced Supercritical 42
Ultra-Supercritical 44 26 19 5
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34Pulverized Coal vs. Coal Gasification
- Gasification IGCC
- Provides easier opportunity to capture CO2.
- Cheaper than pulverized coal if CO2 capture is
- Pulverized Coal USC (without CO2 Capture)
- Plants are cheaper to build.
- Plant operations are simpler, cheaper, and more
reliable. - Plants are smaller and require less land.
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37The Carbon Cycle
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40Many New IGCC Power Plants are Planned
If so many other companies can justify and plan
to build IGCC power plants, why cant/wont FPL?
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42German Chancellor Merkel takes a look at a model
of the world's first CO2-free coal plant
- 35 efficiency (vs. 45)
- Sequestration costs 30-50 / ton
- completion by 2015
- commercially viable by 2020
- Intended for export
California and Wyoming Sign Partnership on IGCC
An IGCC plant with carbon sequestration, as
called for by the MOU, would result in no
greenhouse gas emissions. The MOU also calls on
the federal government to provide financial
support for the development of IGCC plants.
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44HR-5049 (in 109th Congress)a CARBON TAX will be
imposed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
How much will the tax be? (16/ton, phased)
0.50 per gallon of gasoline 200 per tonne
C The amount of a C-tax affects coal natural
gas. The tax has little or no effect on nuclear,
solar, wind and other renewable energy sources.
45Passage of carbon tax frameworklegislation is
likely in the next (110th) Congress.Then new
chairs of the environment energy committees
sent President Bush a letter immediately after
the election.
46Effects of Carbon Taxes to Achieve CO2 Reduction
47Other Nations Take Action on Carbon Dioxide
48U.K. Government Official Policy Statements
Climate change is the greatest market failure
the world has ever seen. The investment that
takes place in the next 10-20 years will have a
profound effect on the climate change that
happens in the second half of this century and in
the next. Extensive carbon capture and storage
will be necessary to allow the continued use of
fossil fuels without damage to the
atmosphere. If we take no action to control
emissions, each tonne of CO2 that we emit now is
causing damage worth at least 85. Action on
climate change will create significant business
opportunities, as new markets are created in the
low-carbon energy technologies and other
low-carbon goods and services.
49Glades CountyEconomic Development Council
- EDC was asked to endorse the FPL coal project.
- I requested amendments to the resolution
- Make the power plant CARBON CAPTURE READY(IGCC
or modified Ultra Supercritical design) - Fund a non-profit organization to inform the
public about coal-fired power plants and carbon
capture. - EDC voted against my amendments.
- EDC voted for the FPL project endorsement.(see
50Glades County Economic Development Council
- Motion to Amend by John Capece, Second by Patty
Register - Voting For Amendment
- John Capece, Southern DataStream, Inc.
- Voting Against Amendment
- Cheryl Eby, Rawls Real Estate
- Kevin Thomas, CHL Holdings, Inc.
- Russell Echols, Glades County
- Bill Redmon, The Glades
- Patty Register, Gatorama
- Rhoda Planty, Joyner Development
- John Ahern, City of Moore Haven
- David Danenhauer, Mickey's Bait Tackle
- Tommy Perry, Johnson-Prewitt Associates, Inc.
- Danielle Toms, Glades Electric Co-Op
- Abstained From Vote
- - Mark Morton, Lykes Brothers, Inc.
- Note the FPL engineer responded, yes, when
asked if the new FPL USC-PC power plant would be
economically viable in a high (200/ton) carbon
tax environment.
51Glades County Economic Development Council
- Motion to Endorse FPL Power Park Project, on Oct.
9, 2006 - Voting Against the Motion
- Patty Register, Gatorama
- Voting For the Motion
- Russell Echols, Glades County
- Kevin Thomas, CHL Holdings, Inc.
- Bill Redmon, The Glades
- Rhoda Planty, Joyner Development
- John Ahern, City of Moore Haven
- David Danenhauer, Mickey's Bait Tackle
- Tommy Perry, Johnson-Prewitt Associates, Inc.
- Danielle Toms, Glades Electric Co-Op
- Cheryl Eby-Gutjahr, Rawls Real Estate
- Abstained From Vote
- Mark Morton, Lykes Brothers, Inc.
- John Capece, Southern DataStream
- FPL Presentation by
- Grover Whiddon
- Rachel Scott
- David Hicks
Why not an IGCC project in Glades?