Title: By%20what%20kind%20of%20person%20they%20are:
1Unit 3c What was Jesus like?
How do we describe what someone is like?
By how they look
Brown hair
Red jumper
By what kind of person they are
2Unit 3c What was Jesus like?
Why do you think the pictures vary? What are the
artists trying to show us in each picture?
Look at these pictures. Do you recognise the
person in the pictures?
3Unit 3c What was Jesus like?
Although there are lots of pictures of Jesus,
none of them were made during his lifetime.
The artists who painted pictures of Jesus didnt
know what he looked like.
Usually, paintings of Jesus tell us what he was
like as a person, not what he looked like.
The paintings also tell us what the artist
thought or felt about Jesus.
4Unit 3c What was Jesus like?
Which of these statements would be made by
friends of Jesus, and which by enemies of Jesus?
Mixes with the wrong people
Heals the sick
Big headed, says he is a king
A kind and generous man
Works on the Sabbath when he should be resting
Helps those who come to him with problems
5Unit 3c What was Jesus like?
These are symbols which Jesus used to describe
I am the bread of life
I am the light of the world
I am the good shepherd
6Unit 3c What was Jesus like?
Why do you think Jesus described himself as
The light of the world The bread of life The
good shepherd
What do you think these symbols mean?
Look at John 1125, John 146 and John 155
Can you find other symbols which Jesus used to
describe himself?
7Unit 3c What was Jesus like?
Use a writing frame to present the evidence of
what Jesus was like
Write down the evidence from
His friends His enemies Jesus himself Your own
Add a picture of Jesus as a centrepiece, or draw
your own