Title: Principles%20of%20Plant%20Disease%20Diagnosis
1Principles of Plant Disease Diagnosis
- Significance of disease diagnoses
- Do-it-yourself requirements
- Basic procedures
- Basic tools
- Where to get help
3Starving Irish people emigrating to N. America
following potato famine caused by
Phytophthora infestans in 1840s
4Stand of young, pole-sized chestnut trees
devastated by Cryphonectria parasitica in West
Virginia during the chestnut blight epidemic of
5Bacillus anthracis
- Significance of disease diagnoses
- Do-it-yourself requirements
- Basic procedures
- Basic tools
- Where to get help
7Do-it-yourself Requirements
- Types of plant diseases
- Significance of individual diseases
- Your goal of disease diagnosis
8Type of Plant Diseases I
- Blights
- Leaf spots
- Mildews
- Root rots
- Rusts
- Wilts
10(No Transcript)
11(No Transcript)
12Type of Plant Diseases II
- Infectious diseases
- Non-infectious diseases
13Type of Plant Diseases III
- Non-infectious diseases
- Weather related (frost, hail,)
- Chemical injuries (fertilizers, herbicides,
fungicides, ) - Water related (to wet or dry)
- Excess or deficiency of micronutrients
- ..
14Type of Plant Diseases IV
- Infectious diseases
- Bacterial diseases (1600/100)
- Fungal diseases (1.5 m/10 000)
- Nematode diseases
- Virus diseases
15Morphology and Multiplication of Some of Groups
of Plant Pathogens
Fungi Bacteria Mollicutes Parasitic higher
plants Viruses Nematodes
16The Shapes and Sizes of Certain Plant Pathogens
in Relation to a Plant Cell
17Scheme of Disease Diagnosis
18Do-it-yourself Requirements
- Types of plant diseases
- Significance of individual diseases
- Your goal of disease diagnosis
19Source Plant Disease Clinic Annual Report
20Source Plant Disease Clinic Annual Report
21Source Plant Disease Clinic Annual Report
22Do-it-yourself Requirements
- Types of plant diseases
- Significance of individual diseases
- Your goal of disease diagnosis
23Objective of Disease Diagnosis
- Become a plant pathologist ?
- Become a practitioner
- Help making recommendations on disease control in
home gardens, specifically on fungicide/biocide
24Limited Biocide Options
- Ferti-lome
- Halt systemic
- Monterey
- Aliette
- Ortho
- Daconil