Title: Neutrino Oscillations and the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory
1Solar Neutrinos
Art McDonald SNO Institute Queens University,
Kingston, Canada
3Solar Neutrinos
- Experimental Results
- Flux 0.58 SSM
- Homestake
- Flux 0.33 SSM
- Kamiokande Superkamiokande
- Flux 0.46 SSM
Neutrino Flavor Change ?
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9Beyond the Standard Model - n mass mixing
Vacuum Oscillations
Matter Enhanced Oscillations (MSW)
ns in matter can acquire an effective mass
through scattering (analogous to index of
refraction for light in transparent media)
Normal Matter contains many electrons, but no
muons or taus, so ne can undergo both CC and NC
scattering. Have QM two-state level crossing and
flavor change.
MSW Oscillations are dependent on the n energy
and the density of the material, hence one can
observe spectral energy distortions.
10Matter Enhanced n Oscillations
MSW gives a dramatic extension of oscillation
sensitivity to potential regions in Dm2
Solar n data are consistent with the MSW
- But only circumstantial evidence
- Need definitive proof
- Appearance measurement
- Independent of SSM
11Solar Model Independent Measurements
SuperKamiokande, SNO (Using 8B Solar Neutrinos)
SuperKamiokande, SNO
- MSW Effects
- - Distortion of the spectrum
- - Regeneration in the Earth (Day/Night Effects)
- Other Time Dependent Effects
- - Seasonal effects (Earth-Sun Distance,
Neutrino Magnetic Moments ..) - - Long Term Solar cycle (Neutrino Magnetic
Moments )
- Charged Current to Neutral Current comparisons
- - Electron Neutrino flux compared to Total
Active Neutrino flux
12- Spectral Distortion From MSW
Charged Current (SNO)
Elastic Scattering (SK, SNO)
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Also Limit on Anti-electron neutrinos few of
Standard Solar Model
16Including SK Day and Night Spectra
Fogli et al. hep-ph/0106247
Active Neutrinos
17Solar Model Independent Measurements
SuperKamiokande, SNO (Using 8B Solar Neutrinos)
SuperKamiokande, SNO
- MSW Effects
- - Distortion of the spectrum
- - Regeneration in the Earth (Day/Night Effects)
- Other Time Dependent Effects
- - Seasonal effects (Earth-Sun Distance,
Neutrino Magnetic Moments ..) - - Long Term Solar cycle (Neutrino Magnetic
Moments )
- Charged Current to Neutral Current comparisons
- - Electron Neutrino flux compared to Total
Active Neutrino flux
18Sudbury Neutrino Observatory
1000 tonnes D2O
Support Structure for 9500 PMTs, 60 coverage
12 m Diameter Acrylic Vessel
1700 tonnes Inner Shielding H2O
5300 tonnes Outer Shield H2O
Urylon Liner and Radon Seal
19n Reactions in SK, SNO
- Both SK, SNO
- Mainly sensitive to ne,, less to n? and n?
- Strong directional sensitivity
- Good measurement of ne energy spectrum
- Weak directional sensitivity ? 1-1/3cos(q)
- ne only.
- Measure total 8B n flux from the sun.
- Equal cross section for all n types
20Solar Neutrino Physics From SNO
Flavor change/oscillations
June 2001
ne 0.154(nm nt)
April 2002
ne nm nt
April 2002
Total 8B Solar Neutrino Flux
June 2001
April 2002
21SNO Run Sequence
- Neutron Detection Method
- Capture on D
- Capture on Cl
- Capture on 3He
- Event by event separation of CC and NC events
The Three Phases
- Pure D2O
- Good CC sensitivity
- Added Salt in D2O
- Enhanced NC sensitivity
- Neutral Current Detectors
- 3He proportional counters in the D2O
Nov. 1999- May 2001
n ? d ? t ? g ? e? (Eg 6.3 MeV)
Counting Since June 2001
n ? 35Cl ? 36Cl ? ?g ? e? (E?g 8.6 MeV)
n ? 3He ? p ? t
22Signals in SNO (Monte Carlo, Renormalized)
Pure D2O
X 0.45
X 1/3
23SNO Energy Calibrations
6.13 MeV
19.8 MeV
252Cf neutrons
bs from 8Li gs from 16N and t(p,g)4He
24Cuts to remove Instrumental Background
Contamination measured with independent cuts
Signal loss measured with calibration sources
Low Energy Threshold
- High Energy Rock Gammas
- Uranium Chain
- Thorium Chain
- Muon spallation products
- PMT b-g
- Instrumental Backgrounds
Fiducial Volume Cut
26Measuring U/Th Content
- Ex-situ
- Ion exchange (224Ra, 226Ra)
- Membrane Degassing (222Rn)
- count daughter product decays
- In-situ
- Low energy data analysis
- Separate 208Tl 214Bi
- Using Event isotropy
27The data set is used for a hypothesis test of no
neutrino oscillations by assuming no MSW
distortion and comparing NC and CC. rates
28Signal Information
n ? d ? t ? g ? e? (Eg 6.25 MeV)
29Shape Constrained Signal Extraction Results
30Shape Constrained Neutrino Fluxes
- Signal Extraction in FCC, FNC, FES.
ETheshold gt 5 MeV
Signal Extraction in Fe, Fmt.
Fmt is 5.3 s from zero ! Clear evidence for
Flavour Change !
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32Solar Neutrino Flux
F(nx) 5.05 x106 cm-2s-1
- 8B SSM Flux First SNO Result (SNO SK)
- Signal extraction in R3, cosqSun, Energy
Signal extraction in R3, cosqSun only
F(nx) 6.42 (stat.) (syst.) x106
33Charged Current Energy Spectrum
CC spectrum normalized to predicted 8B spectrum.
? no evidence for shape distortion.
CC spectrum derived from fit without constraint
on shape of 8B spectrum above 6.75 MeV
34SNO Separate Spectra For Day and Night
Difference Spectrum
35Day - Night
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?? n? -gt ne
Particle Data Group 2000
n? -gt n?
ne -gt nactive
38Holanda and Smirnov hep-ph/0205241
Less than Maximal Mixing at 3 s
39Holanda and Smirnov hep-ph/0205241
Non-maximal mixing Robust under change of other
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424 Neutrino Models
B. Kayser Neutrino 2002
Bahcall, Gonzales-Garcia, Pena-Garay hep-ph/020419
4 Uncertainty on solar Sterile component can be
Reduced to 12 By comparison of SNO and Kamland
43Other Possible Interpretations
- Flavor-Changing Neutral Currents are still a
possibility. - Resonant Spin-Flavor Precession in the Sun is
possible, - but external restrictions on neutrino magnetic
moments and - Solar magnetic fields make it improbable.
Future comparisons of Kamland with solar data
will restrict the remaining possibilities
substantially. Note that Kamland uses
anti-electron neutrinos so that a comparison
with solar electron neutrinos is a broader test.
44Future Solar Neutrino Measurements
- SuperKamiokande will be back on line in
December, 2002 - Ga experiments will continue to define low
energy fluxes. - SNO will pursue Solar Model Independent
measurements - to define oscillation parameters and neutrino
properties - CC-NC comparisons with much improved
accuracy - Improved spectral shape and Zenith angle
information - Anti-electron neutrino detection
- Kamland and Borexino will measure 7Be and LOW
region. - Many experiments are in development for pp
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46Signals in SNO (Monte Carlo, Renormalized)
Pure D2O
Plus Salt
X 0.45
X 1/3
47Pure D2O
Signals in SNO (Monte Carlo, Renormalized)
Plus 3He Detectors for NC
- Phase 3
- Independent
- Signals for NC
- Capture in 3He
- Suppresses
- 6.25 MeV
- Gammas from
- Capture on D
NHIT will be lower by 15
48Restriction of Parameter Space
Holanda and Smirnov hep-ph/0205241
- SNO shows 5.3 s evidence for neutrino flavor
change to active neutrinos. - Result is consistent with previous SNO-SK
comparison that gave - 3.3 s evidence.
- MSW analysis of all experiments strongly favors
LMA solution. - Transformation solely to sterile neutrinos ruled
out at more than 5 s. - Possible Sterile component strongly restricted
by comparison with - Atmospheric n.
- No evidence of regeneration in Earth.
- No evidence for anti-electron neutrinos.
- Time dependence shows only geometric effects.
- Future measurements of solar, reactor neutrinos
can restrict parameters - further.
50New International Underground Science Facility At
the Sudbury site
Proposal ( 30M) submitted to Canada Foundation
for Innovation
Approved June 19, 2002 !!!
- To build on the success of the underground
science being done - by SNO and pursue further measurements of
- Neutrinos from Astrophysical sources
- The next generation SNO experiment (Wavelength
Shifter ?) - Lower Energy Solar Neutrinos
- Other Forms of Dark Matter (WIMPS)
- PICASSO (Bubble Detectors)
- Double Beta Decay
- Low Background Counting Test Facility
5114m x 14m x 60m, Clean Area