Title: Split-Plane Shadow Volumes
1Split-Plane Shadow Volumes
Helsinki University of Technology Hybrid
Graphics, Ltd.
2Shadow Volumes
- Shadow volume Closed volume that is in shadow
- Constructed by extruding silhouette edges
- Rendering a shadow volume Identifying the
pixels that are inside it - After this, we have shadow information in stencil
buffer - Rendering shadow volumes is slow
- Our goal is to make it faster
3Z-Pass Algorithm
- Count enter/exit events along a ray from the eye
- Update stencil when SV primitive is in front of
pixel - Problems with near plane clipping fixed recently
ZP algorithm Hornus et al. 2005
4Z-Fail Algorithm
- Count enter/exit events along a ray from infinity
- Update stencil when SV primitive is behind pixel
5Lets Render a 2D Shadow Volume
- 2D analog for a volume is a polygon
- Easier to illustrate, since I only have 2D slides
Eye at Infinity
Stencil buffer
Contents of the depth buffer
6Z-Pass Algorithm Example
- Render 4-sided 2D shadow volume one side at a time
Eye at Infinity
Stencil buffer
Contents of the depth buffer
7Z-Fail Algorithm Example
Eye at Infinity
Stencil buffer
Contents of the depth buffer
8When is Z-Pass Good?
- No stencil updates where SV primitives are behind
Redundant update region
Eye at Infinity
Not good
Stencil buffer
Contents of the depth buffer
9When is Z-Fail Good?
- No stencil updates where SV primitives are in
front of geometry
Redundant update region
Not good
Eye at Infinity
Stencil buffer
Contents of the depth buffer
10Meanwhile in 3D ...
11Previous Solution Depth Bounds
- The depth bounds hardware extension NVIDIA
bounds the update regions - Application specifies min and max depth values
for the update regions for each shadow volume - If pixels are outside these bounds, no updates
performed - Problem bounds are often quite conservative
12Depth Bounds Example 1
- Best case no updates are needed
Eye at Infinity
Stencil buffer
Contents of the depth buffer
13Depth Bounds Example 2
- Unfortunately, it doesnt always work that well
- This is a commoncase in 3D
Eye at Infinity
Stencil buffer
Contents of the depth buffer
14Introducing the Split Plane
- Count enter/exit events either from eye or from
infinity, depending on which side of plane pixel
is - ? Combination of Z-Pass and Z-Fail
Split plane
15Mathematically Speaking
- The formula for stencil buffer updates
- Test between zfrag and zpixel is the depth test
- Test between zpixel and zsplit is the new split
test - Split test chooses between Z-Pass and Z-Fail
16Why Is This A Good Idea?
- The update region is limited between SV primitive
and the split plane
Eye at Infinity
Split plane
17Split Line Example
- Works well with the problematic shadow volume
- Assuming that we have chosen the split plane
Eye at Infinity
Stencil buffer
Contents of the depth buffer
18Z-Pass Updates
Z-Fail Updates
Split Plane Shown
SPSV Updates
19Computing the Split Test
- How should we actually perform the split test?
- Naive Compute zsplit and compare against zpixel
- Better Construct the point representing the
pixel and classify against plane equation P of
the split plane
20Constructing the Split Plane
- The choice of the split plane is important
- Goal is to have the split depth inside the shadow
volume - Two heuristic methods presented in the paper
- Method 1 Point-Camera-Light
- Method 2 Point-Point-Light
21Method 1 Point-Camera-Light
- Span the split plane according to
- Pre-selected point p inside the object
- Position of the light source l
- Orient the plane so that it is maximally
orthogonal to the ray from camera position c to
light source l
22Method 1 Example
23Method 2 Point-Point-Light
- Span the split plane according to
- Two pre-selected points p1 and p2 inside the
object - Position of the light source l
- Camera position not taken into account
24Method 2 Example
Method 1 Point-Camera-Light
Method 2 Point-Point-Light
25Shadow Caster Decomposition
- Optimization that is useful in conjunction with
the split-plane shadow volume algorithm - Decompose shadow-casting object into a number of
sub-objects - Assign individual split plane for each sub-object
- Can give a significant reduction in number of
stencil updates - Actually, it also helps a bit with depth bounds
26Shadow Caster Decomposition, part 2
- Example a tree decomposed into 49 sub-objects
- 71 avg. reduction in pixel processing counts
Scene with shadows
Single object
27Per-Tile Split Test
- As such, we can only avoid stencil updates
- Still the same number of pixels processed ?
- Solution low-res split test in e.g. 88 pixel
tiles - Safe, since we are just choosing between Z-Pass
and Z-Fail - Then use either zmin or zmax from low-resolution
Z buffer for early Z culling - Instead of (zpixel vs. zsplit) we thus have
(ztile vs. zsplit)
28Hardware Modifications
- What do we need?
- Compute the result of the split test for each
rasterized tile - 3 MULs and 3 ADDs per tile
- Low precision is OK
- We are just choosing between Z-Pass and Z-Fail
- Both work, so the image will always be correct
29Hardware Modifications, part 2
- Low-res rasterizer needs to have the split plane
- Proposition split plane is given to the low-res
rasterizer by the vertex shader - Thus, split plane would not be a part of the
rendering state (unlike depth bounds) - No state changes would be required when changing
the split plane - Split planes could be fed to GPU via auxiliary
vertex streams
- Split-plane shadow volumes compared against
Z-Pass and Z-Fail, both with depth bounds - Statistics gathered from animation sequences,
1024768 resolution - Per-tile split test and early culling done in 88
pixel tiles
Ratios between comparison algorithms and
split-plane shadow volumes
Z-Pass vs. SPSV Z-Fail vs. SPSV
Non-culled tiles 2.87 2.70
Pixels processed 3.00 2.88
Pixels updated 3.51 3.42
Ratios between comparison algorithms and
split-plane shadow volumes
Z-Pass vs. SPSV Z-Fail vs. SPSV
Non-culled tiles 2.49 2.18
Pixels processed 2.93 2.35
Pixels updated 3.43 2.35
Ratios between comparison algorithms and
split-plane shadow volumes
Z-Pass vs. SPSV Z-Fail vs. SPSV
Non-culled tiles 2.44 1.83
Pixels processed 2.76 1.87
Pixels updated 3.27 2.07
Ratios between comparison algorithms and
split-plane shadow volumes
Z-Pass vs. SPSV Z-Fail vs. SPSV
Non-culled tiles 03.78 03.73
Pixels processed 05.26 04.79
Pixels updated 14.09 12.30
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36Per-Frame Pixel Processing Counts
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38Per-Frame Pixel Processing Counts
- The method can be applied whenever we need to
identify pixels inside a polyhedral volume - Shadow volumes being the most prominent
application - Only small hardware modifications required
- Two-stage implementation might also be feasible
- 1. render the split test results into 1-bit
low-res buffer - 2. render shadow volume, fetching the results
from buffer - Could use any kind of split surface or other
40Future Work
- Better understanding of how the split planes
should be constructed new algorithms for that! - The two methods in the paper are just a starting
point - Automatic shadow caster decomposition
- Trade-off between better split planes vs. more
silhouettes - Perhaps even dynamic on-the-fly decomposition
based on light and camera positions?
41Thank You!
- Questions
- Thanks go to
- 3Dr group at HUT, especially Timo Aila, for
discussions - National Technology Agency of Finland, Bitboys,
Hybrid Graphics, Nokia and Remedy Entertainment
for the cash