Title: Technical report for ISOLDE
1Technical report for ISOLDE
- Mats Lindroos on behalf of the ISOLDE team
- Shutdown work
- RD priority list from upgrade group
- RD work at ISOLDE
- Start-up with new control system
- REX integration, RD and operation
- Technical support for ISOLDE experimental area
- Towards the future
- Smooth shutdown with repair (and re-installation)
of GPS front-end completed - Major un-scheduled power cut during start-up
phase - ISOLDE facility survived
- Major additional work for ISOLTRAP
- Broken computers
- New emergency power-cut procedures in the process
of being established
4RD priority list
- ISOLDE upgrade group has established a priority
list for ISOLDE RD - http//isolde-upgrade.web.cern.ch/isolde-upgrade/
5Priority 1
- P-induced shock waves recorded on Ta, Pb (10 mm
diameter cylinders) and CNGS shape Graphite
targets. Perpendicular velocity measured every
200 ns, total movement 30 microns. (Analysis
on-going). - Laser induced cavitations in Water jet were
measured, (Analysis on-going). - Systematic off-line target tests were extended to
emittance measurements and stable mass-scan
analysis (test results available on the web). - To ease stable beam exercise of surface
ion-sources a mass-marker will be systematically
added. - Off-line test of a solid state laser RILIS under
way, emittance and absolute ionisation
efficiency. (Kim, Thomas, Klaus ATB-IF) - Front-end 6 being assembled (completion end of
June) extended stable beam tests are foreseen
(sept). - Pre-study of target vessels, ion-sources feed
trough and connectors for 10 micro A beam
started. - The emitance of a standard LaB6 negative surface
ion-source was measured as a fuction of the
electron suppression
- ECR source modified and commissioned for 2004 run
- RF generator fault prevented Ar tests in April
- RFQ cooler design completed
- Fabrication of main vacuum vessel in Mainz
- Discussion with LMU for fabrication of remianing
pieces - Off-line source from MISTRAL mounted in building
275 (with faraday cage) for tests - Grant application in UK (Manchester) for power
suuplies, RF generator and Vacuum system
8Shutdown 2003-2004 RILIS Development
1. Laser Beam Control
On-line control of laser beam positioning using
CCD cameras Laser Imager program is available
in the new Linux-based control system
Image of UV beam at the CCD camera
9Shutdown 2003-2004 RILIS Development
2. New ionization schemes
Optimal ionization schemes
- Dysprosium
- Step 1 l1 606 - 677 nm scanned
- Step 2 l2 606 - 677 nm scanned
- Step 3 l3510.6 578.21 nm (CVL) - fixed
Ei5.94 eV
510.6 nm 578.2 nm
607.5 nm
625.9 nm
RILIS efficiency 20
b. Yttrium Step 1 l1 407 - 414 nm (2w)
scanned Step 2 l2 565 - 677 nm
scanned Step 3 l3 510.55 nm (CVL) - fixed
510.6 nm
Ei6.22 eV
662.4 nm
414.3 nm
RILIS efficiency 80 x surface ion source
- All REX posts allocated
- Work package plan for Operation, maintenance and
RD established - Working group (AB management) to follow full
implementation of REX as a CERN facility - Migration of FEC from W95 to XP
- Agreement made for CO post
- Shutdown work completed
- RD on molecular beams, good results for SeCO and
AlF RD on cooling in REX trap - Hardware upgrade of EBIS (baking system,
realignment, interlocks etc) - Mass separator - new beam diagnostic boxes
- Commissioning of 9 gap IH structure
- New ideas for further upgrade being discussed
11Beam preparation with REX-TRAP
Cooling by buffer gas collisions 10-4 mbar Ne
P. Delahaye
Sideband cooling (actual method)
Rotating Wall cooling (Investigated method)
buffer gas buffer gas ?c
Dipolar Excitation
Quadrupolar excitation
quadrupolar rf field in the transversal plane ?c
q/m B
Lorentz force is compressing the ion cloud
12Sideband excitation
Cooling by buffer gas collisions 10-4 mbar Ne
130Xe ions
40Ar ions
78Kr ions
Of interest for the ion catcher devices
- Molecule cooling for contaminants free beams
- SeCO, and AlF molecular beams tested
- SnS to be tested
P. Delahaye
14New control system
- New LINUX/JAVA based control system commissioned
for ISOLDE - Scanners and wire grids still running under
windows on dedicated consoles - W95-gtWXP
- Please check USERS applications for XP
compatibility - For introduction and feed-back please contact
Tim Giles
15New controls
16Technical support at ISOLDE
- Re-organization of technical support for ISOLDE
in progress - Experimental area section in ATB group and new OP
EIC post - Work package plan for all technical support for
operation, maintenance and RD in the
experimental area established - More at next meeting
17Towards the future
- Tendering in progress for hall extension
- Building start July 2004
- Work on hall partition (with dust barrier) from 1
January to 15 March 2005 - Class A lab under construction
- Work on partition 15 November to 15 February 2005